How to prevent sun allergy

prevent sun allergy

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You go out in the sun and your skin goes crazy? We tell you how you can prevent sun allergies!

Just chill. Lie in the sun. Or switch to the outdoors for sports - summer has so many advantages.

But also a disadvantage. Those who are sensitive to the sun's rays know that the skin can react with itching and rashes. It itches, tightens and is blotchy.

Anything but pretty to look at and the constant itching drives you crazy.

First the good news: You are not alone with pustules and itching after sunbathing! An estimated 10 to 20 percent of Germans suffer from it.

But you can prevent sun allergies. And we'll tell you how.

How you can prevent sun allergy

There are three different forms of sun allergy. Depending on which one you have, different remedies can help prevent sun allergy.

  1. Slowly accustom the skin to the sun
  2. Use the right sunscreen
  3. Set on additional UV protection
  4. Avoid the midday sun
  5. Do not use additives in cosmetics
  6. Calcium, vitamins and beta carotene
  7. Prevent sun allergy with the solarium and phototherapy

Prevent sun allergy

1. slowly accustom the skin to the sun

You sit in the office all summer and then you go to the sea for a fortnight? Full sun all day long. A dream! Isn't it?

You'll be rewarded with red spots on your skin and itchy rashes. And already the vacation mood is clouded.

However, this does not have to be the case.

If you want to prevent sun allergy, then you need to slowly accustom your skin to UV rays.

Start going out into the sun every now and then, starting in spring. Even 5 minutes per day is enough. You can extend the time window from day to day.

Tip: Use sunscreens that moisturize without being greasy.

Especially when you're on the mountain, walking around town, or don't want to smear sunscreen all over your clothes.

All this I can learn from the Suntribe sunscreen* claim. I recently started using it myself because it is organic, free from additives such as preservatives, alcohol or perfume and is made without synthetics.

This benefits everyone who has sensitive skin and who has no desire for chemicals in creams. With the Suntribe discount code* "wegowild" you can save 10% on your order.

Mineral Organic Sunscreen
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And you're also doing nature a favor. Because conventional sunscreen produces a lot of plastic. But Suntribe packs the cream in sugar tubes.

The sun protection factor is 30. Only a cream with a sun protection factor can prevent his skin from getting damaged while lying in the sun. At the beginning of the season, it's best to use a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor.

The more your skin has become accustomed to the sun, the lower the sun protection factor can be.

2. use the right sunscreen

If you suffer from sun allergies, use a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor. This way, not so many UV rays reach your skin.

There are special sunscreens for allergic and sensitive skin. They are oil-free, absorb faster and do not clog pores.

For example, I can not use normal sunscreen on the face. The next day I have guaranteed lots of pimples. Since I use the Face Sunscreen Gel from Ultrasun, I no longer have this problem. You can use this Order sunscreen for the face at Amazon.

3. set on additional UV protection

You know your skin is sensitive, so you shouldn't take any chances and prevent sun allergy before it can break out.

Cover the sensitive skin areas with clothing. Wear a sun hat and always use a parasol.

4. avoid the midday sun

Sizzling like a chicken on the grill in the outdoor pool at 30° and full sunshine? Not a good idea. Neither for people with sensitive skin nor for anyone else.

After all, this can lead not only to sun allergy, but also to heat exhaustion, headaches and much more.

Don't lie in the sun between 11 am and 3 pm. If you are outdoors, make yourself comfortable in the shade.

5. refrain from using additives in cosmetics

Many sunscreens and cosmetics can trigger itchy skin, pustules and pimples.

But it doesn't always have to be sunscreens. Your normal skin cream can also be responsible.

If you want to prevent your sun allergy, you need to reach for cosmetics and creams that do not contain synthetic fragrances, dyes or preservatives.

Indeed, in combination with the sun, these additives can cause allergic reactions of the skin.

It's best to reach for natural cosmetics that are free of everything.

Tip: If you get it despite all precautions, the Repair Sensitive Cream from Vitabay can help. It soothes the skin and is effective against all kinds of overreactions. You can order the Repair Cream from Amazon.

6. calcium, vitamins and beta carotene

Very often calcium, vitamins and beta carotene are mentioned as aids to prevent sun allergy.

There is no scientific proof that they help. However, many sufferers report in forums that calcium in particular has helped them.

Let's put it this way: It's worth a try. But do not overdo it! An overdose is harmful!

Discuss with your doctor which preparations are useful. You should start taking the capsules and powders a few weeks before your vacation.

7. the solarium and phototherapy can prevent sun allergy

If you are prone to sun allergies, tanning beds can help you prepare the skin a bit for the sun.

But be careful: The skin must be very slowly accustomed to the UV rays. 5 minutes at the beginning is enough!

Always discuss this measure with your dermatologist first!

By the way, phototherapy has the same effect as solarium. This is performed by a dermatologist. The process lasts 4-6 weeks and is suitable especially for those who have a strong form of sun allergy.

What sunscreen can prevent sun allergy

Sufficient sun protection is especially important for people with allergic skin reactions. You should never do without sunscreen!

But there are also sunscreens that can even aggravate a sun allergy. That's why you have to be especially careful what you put on your skin.

SPF: At least 30, better still 50 SPF.

UV protection: Make sure that the sunscreen keeps UVA and UVB rays away from you. A ratio of 1:3 is recommended.

Ingredients: Even if it smells good, avoid sunscreens with fragrances, preservatives and dyes. The creams should also be free of emulsifiers and fats. This is precisely what causes the sebaceous glands to clog and pimples to appear.

Tip: Shejoba's SPF 50 sunscreen meets all these criteria and is absorbed particularly quickly. You can buy the cream online.

What you need to know before you prevent sun allergy

If you get red spots, small pustules and itching after sunbathing, you may be suffering from sun allergy.

If you are tired of sun allergy and want to prevent it, then you should know exactly what form it is. There are three forms of sun allergies.

Polymorphous light dermatosis

It is the most common form of sun allergy. Polymorphous light dermatosis (PLD) is manifested by a skin rash including wheals, vesicles and itching. Very often these skin areas are affected: Décolleté, arms, hands, legs, neck and face.

So all the places that really get a lot of sun during sunbathing.

This form of sun allergy is triggered by UV rays. PLD is genetically determined.

The Mallorca acne

The situation is different with Mallorca acne. Here, sunscreen and sweat clog the hair follicles. Then the follicles become inflamed. Red pimples develop, which look like acne.

Acne-like nodules form on the shoulders, chest and upper back. This form of sun allergy rarely occurs.

The photoallergic reaction

If you want to prevent this form of sun allergy, you must pay attention to the choice of care products. Because it's not the sun that triggers your reaction, but sunscreens. More precisely, the additives in them. But also in conventional creams, ointments and cosmetics.

With too much sun exposure, the additives turn into allergens that cause itching.

Only a dermatologist can clarify which form you suffer from and which allergens trigger your skin problem.

Our conclusion

Depending on the type of sun allergy you have, different tips can help. What you should always reach for, however, is sunscreen. And this is a cream that is made specifically for sensitive skin.

This can prevent sun allergy because much less UVA and UVB rays reach the skin.

Avoid the midday heat and being in the blazing sun for a long time. You will get less red spots from the sun.

All the best!

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