Do you really get pimples from chocolate?

Pimples from chocolate and sweets

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Do you really get pimples from chocolate or is that just a myth? We've done some research and told you whether you can take a bite out of the next sweet bar with a clear conscience.

Just when the temperatures are around zero, we get a craving for sweets. Chocolate, cookies, cakes, donuts - anything goes.

But especially the beloved Schoki has not a good reputation. Supposedly, chocolate is said to give you bad skin.

Whether white or dark chocolate* It doesn't matter, the skin becomes blemished. Small blackheads, dark red and yellow pimples adorn the face. But can this really be the case? Can pimples be caused by chocolate?

Let's take a look at this in detail.

Why do I get pimples from chocolate?

Chocolate is supposed to cause pimples - according to a widespread assumption. Researchers have already cut their teeth on this question. The results could not be more different. While some see a clear link, others are convinced that there is no connection.

In a nutshell: Yes, you can get pimples from chocolate - but you don't have to.

Pimples are caused by increased sebum production and clogged pores. Especially during puberty, many have to struggle with this. The reason for this is quickly found - adolescents produce more sex hormones, which, among other things, increase sebum production.

But it doesn't matter whether you are 15, 20, 30 or 40 years old. The basic rule is that the production of sebum can be reduced by up to 30 percent through an adapted diet. If you eat healthily and swap chocolate for fruit, you're doing your skin a big favor.

What foods lead to pimples?

But it's not only the consumption of chocolate that causes pimples. Cakes, soft drinks and the like can also trigger skin blemishes. More precisely, all products with a high glycemic index. These are foods with a very high proportion of sugar and unhealthy fats. This can actually promote blemishes. But why actually?

If you have a craving attack today and go for the chocolate, don't be surprised the next day.

The probability that you will get pimples from chocolate in a few days is higher than if you had reached for the apple.

If you eat sugary and fatty foods, you stimulate your sebum production. The skin becomes greasier and cannot break down the sebum as quickly as it is produced. The result: the pores become clogged and pimples form. Here you can sometimes still use a DIY face mask against pimples prevent worse. Often, however, even that no longer helps.

But it is precisely the many fats and sugars that create the perfect breeding ground for skin blemishes of all kinds. No matter whether they come from chocolate or other unhealthy foods. If you are sensitive to milk protein, you can even make things worse. In the beloved chocolate you will find milk protein, fat and sugar.

Many people notice impurities especially during the cold season. Because here is also much more nibbled than on hot summer days.

What studies say

Study results show different reactions of the skin to chocolate. Many sufferers get impure skin from chocolate, while others are very lucky and get off without a single skin blemish.

The evidence has not yet been scientifically proven. However, there are a number of hypotheses on this subject. Researchers agree that chocolate can trigger pimples, but not necessarily.

There is no scientific evidence that the consumption of chocolate can be read directly on the skin. Existing studies have mostly been conducted on a very small scale, which means that no clear result can be read.

This Study of the New Jersey Institute could find a link between the formation of pimples by chocolate.

Pimples from chocolate

Tip: If a pimple is just emerging, then you can Tea tree oil* help

In the product line of Australian Bodycare is Tea tree oil* included. It has a disinfectant effect and prevents your skin from going completely crazy :)

Anti pimple cream with tea tree oil
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I use the Anti pimple cream with tea tree oil itself for a short time and am just trying out how it works on my skin. Overall, I can say after 7 days but already that the skin is less greasy, which is already a very good start in the fight against pimples. :)

Just look around on Amazon for Australian Bodycare. There are quite a few anti-pimple products, all of which have very good reviews. All products contain Tea tree oil* and take away the breeding ground for pimples and blackheads.

Eat chocolate without picking - How it works

Never again chocolate? That's not a good idea. If you pay attention to a few little things, you can continue to snack. Basically, if you want to avoid pimples, you shouldn't eat so much sugar. That means sweets (of any kind) in moderate quantities.

  • No more than 25 grams of chocolate per day.
  • If you eat a very healthy diet away from chocolate, you don't have to worry so much about impurities.
  • Reach Chocolate without sugar* - or a very low sugar content. Dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate.
  • Dark chocolate is also better because it does not contain milk.
  • Forego other sugary foods if you want to indulge in a chocolate now and then.

Not too much milk for blemished skin

So there is no scientific evidence that chocolate causes pimples.

However, if you are prone to bad skin, you should consume very little dairy products. There are Studies that indicatethat milk can promote and aggravate acne.

The causes are not yet fully understood. One assumption, however, is that milk increases the concentration of IGF-1 in the body. This is a hormone that is similar to insulin and is involved in the body's growth process. The whey protein in milk increases the insulin level, which in turn makes for oilier skin.

However, detailed studies on this are still lacking.

However, dermatologists recommend that many acne patients avoid dairy products as much as possible. Vegan alternatives, however, do not pose a problem, my dermatologist recently told me.

To get through the winter with reasonably clear skin, he also advises me to be very sparing with snacking and instead pay particular attention to a balanced diet.

Also good to know: Sugar not only promotes impurities, but also premature aging of the skin. The elasticity of the skin decreases due to excessive consumption, which can lead to wrinkles.

Healthy diet against impure skin

You can do something good for your skin. You can do it by eating foods that do not harm it.

Sweets are allowed, but only in small amounts.

You should eat as little sugar as possible. Pimples from chocolate and sweets are symptoms that you can consciously notice. Many other signs of too much sugar in your body you do not see.

If you still get pimples every now and then, then you should deal with Food for clear skin familiar make

Foods with a lot of zinc, selenium, iron, vitamin C and vitamin A are good for a beautiful skin. Your body will also be happy about a regular load of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

A healthy and balanced diet generally influences the immune system. If we pay attention to many vitamins and minerals and keep our hands off sweets as much as possible, we feel better and are healthier.

If you keep having blemishes despite eating a healthy diet, then you should talk to a dermatologist.

Our conclusion

Does chocolate make pimples? Yes, at least it is suspected to promote a bad skin appearance. Too much sugar, fat and milk are not good for our skin. Unfortunately, we find just these ingredients in Schoki.

Pimples from chocolate arise mainly when we snack too much of it. So it's better to shift down a gear!

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