These are the best foods for pimples

Natural appetite suppressants: fish with omega 3 fatty acid

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Food against pimples - is there really such a thing? We show you what you need to pay attention to when eating against blackheads.

Do you know this? Get up in the morning, walk to the bathroom in a zombie walk, drunk with sleep, a quick look in the mirror. And bam! There it is! Beautifully inflamed red and really nice in the middle of the nose.

At some point, it really is enough! After all, we are no longer teenagers. Enough with skin blemishes!

Pimples and blackheads do not only affect teenagers. Many adults also suffer from them. We women are affected much more often. One reason for this is the menstrual cycle. Our hormone balance fluctuates every month. This can promote skin blemishes and pimples.

There are miracle cures from the dermatologist, which of course work. But you can also proceed without chemistry. So there is a whole range of Home remedies that pimples the end of the line. However, bad skin can also be prevented. And that with the right diet.

Food against pimples - does it exist?

But are there really foods against pimples that work?

Opinions are divided on the question of the connection between pimples and diet.

However, both parties agree on one thing: a healthy lifestyle helps prevent pimples. And prevent the emergence of new skin blemishes.

A healthy lifestyle includes not only sports but also a healthy diet. The combination forms the necessary foundation for a better skin appearance.

In the case of mild acne and blackheads, foods for pimples can even ensure that the skin becomes completely clear.

What is nutritional acne?

Studies show that acne is almost non-existent in the population of non-industrialized countries, and in many of them it does not occur at all. So what makes us different from other countries?

One big difference is diet. Sugar, pasta, a lot of white flour - all this can promote acne.

The foods themselves do not trigger acne. However, they do influence the processes in our body.

High-glycemic carbohydrates in particular are suspected of promoting pimples. They increase the blood sugar level and thus the insulin production in our body.

As a result, the skin produces a lot of oil. The result is clogged pores and bacteria that contribute to acne.

Tip: blackhead remover

There is a whole range of ways to combat impurities. In any case, it must be a solution that helps to open the pores. Only then can the sebum drain away.

In this way, you take away the breeding ground for subterranean pimples in advance.

Personally, a blackhead remover helps me very well. With the help of a light vacuum, blackheads and sebum are sucked out of the skin. And completely painless.

Fortunately, the redness goes away very quickly. I recommend a blackhead remover, which I use myself. Here you can choose from 5 suction strengths and several attachments and simply suck away blackheads.

Blackhead Remover
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These foods against pick you should eat

For those who are short on time, here's a quick summary of all the foods for pimples that should be on your menu frequently.

1) Broccoli

If possible, you should eat broccoli daily over a period of time to increase your blood levels of vitamin A. The vitamin prevents the keratinization of the skin and the associated development of blackheads.

2) Mushrooms

Biotin, or vitamin H, is a vitamin that promotes cell regeneration and is found in brown as well as white mushrooms. They can contribute to a better regenerative effect of the skin if they are regularly found in the diet.

3) Ginger

Ginger is a true superfood, because it contains antiseptic agents that make pimples subside. In the form of ginger enjoy pure, prepare tea or salads and smoothies.

4) Oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in zinc, B vitamins and flavonoids - very important minerals that can positively affect the appearance of the skin and prevent new pimples.

5) Salmon

It's not wrong to treat yourself to a salmon fillet between meals. Because salmon contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acid, which has a positive effect on the skin. The fish is rich in alpha-linolenic acid and can neutralize arachidonic acid, which is considered to trigger many forms of acne.

The best nutrients and foods against pimples

Before we give you a list of foods for pimples, you need to know that eating these foods alone will not get you there.

You will probably have to turn your diet completely upside down. For our skin to be pure and radiant, it needs sufficient nutrients and vitamins.

Fruits, vegetables and fish hardly give acne a chance.

Never again pimples in the ear! This really helps!

What nutrients and trace elements help against skin blemishes?

  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Iron
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A

Zinc food against pimples

Those who have blemished skin should make sure to consume enough zinc. Our body needs zinc to allow the skin to heal and inflammation to subside.

Zinc reduces the production of sebum. This makes our skin less quickly become oily and does not clog pores.

Food containing zinc

The requirement of zinc per day for women is 7 mg.

  • Cheese: 100 grams of Emmental contain 4.6 mg zinc
  • Nuts: 100 grams of peanuts contain 3.5 mg of zinc. It is best to use unsalted peanuts - they contain no additional fat. 100 grams of Brazil nuts contain 4 mg of zinc.
  • Oatmeal: 100 grams of oatmeal contain 4.5 mg of zinc
  • Meat: With 100 grams of beef you consume 4.4 mg zinc
  • Seafood: Oysters are real zinc bombs. 100 grams contain 86 mg. They thus top the list of foods containing zinc.
  • Lentils: Lentils score with 3.7 mg of zinc per 100 grams.
  • Corn: Corn also provides an impressive 3.5 mg per 100 grams.

Food against pimples

Zinc ointment: The miracle cure for pimples

Selenium food for clear skin

A good helper against pimples and blackheads is selenium. Anyone who frequently or consistently suffers from bad skin should increase their selenium intake.

Besides zinc, selenium also helps our skin to renew itself. In addition, selenium protects from radicals that make our skin age faster.

Foods containing selenium

Women and girls over the age of 15 are recommended 60 µg of selenium daily.

  • Rice: The small grain can score with 9.30 µg selenium per 100 grams
  • Fish: Salmon contains 41.4 µg selenium per 100 grams. Cod 37.60 µg
  • Brazil nuts: Brazil nuts are high on the list of foods containing selenium. Just 30 grams cover the daily requirement of an adult. 100 grams contain 1917 µg of selenium.
  • Red cabbage: In addition to 2.3 µg selenium, blue cabbage also contains a lot of vitamin C
  • Lamb: You can also find a high proportion of selenium in lamb. On 100 grams there are 218.80 µg
  • Sunflower seeds: Add the small seeds to your salad or muesli! In 100 grams of sunflower seeds are 79.30 µg selenium
  • Eggs: If you want to eat more foods containing selenium, you should put eggs on your menu. 100 grams of egg contains 30.80 µg selenium

27 effective home remedies for pimples

Vitamin C against blackheads and pimples

In the fight against pimples and the like, you should make use of vitamin C. The vitamin helps our body to produce collagen.

Food containing vitamin C

  • Sea buckthorn: the juice of the yellow berry contains 260 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Blackcurrant: 170 mg of vitamin C in 100 grams of berries
  • Parsley: The favorite herb of the Germans and Austrians contains 160 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Wild garlic: 100 grams of wild garlic contain 150 mg of vitamin C
  • Bell peppers and Brussels sprouts: 110 mg of vitamin C can be found in these foods
  • Papaya: The exotic fruit can score with 80 mg

Vitamin A puts an end to bad skin

The vitamin is found in pure form in animal foods. From plant products, our body obtains it from beta-carotene.

Vitamin A is a very effective anti-aging agent and a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin A is involved in all growth processes of the body and prevents damage to cells.

In addition, the vitamin has a sebum-regulating effect and prevents dead skin cells from clogging the pores.

Food containing vitamin A

Adult women should consume 0.8 mg of vitamin A per day

  • Carrots: Carrots contain 1522 μg vitamin A per 100 grams
  • Sweet potato: In the batata you will find 1314 μg vitamin A per 100 grams
  • Spinach: Frozen spinach is also rich in vitamin A. On 100 grams there are 790 μg
  • Kale: With 677 μg per 100 grams, kale makes it very far up the list of foods containing vitamin A
  • Tuna: 450 μg vitamin A in 100 grams of tuna fish
  • Eggs: Anyone who eats 100 grams of egg provides the body with 264 μg vitamin A

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids keep the skin young

The two omega fatty acids are particularly good for our skin. In the top layer of skin, omega 6 ensures that bacteria, viruses and fungi cannot penetrate our body.

The fatty acids keep the skin's self-healing powers in tact. Those who supply their body with sufficient omega 3 and 6 don't stand a chance against pimples, blemishes and other skin problems.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 can be found in:

Pumpkin seed oil, linseed oil, corn oil, olive oil, canola oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, Grape seed oil* and walnut oil.

Never pimples again with the DIY face mask!

Many antioxidants act as food against pimples

Free radicals, oxidation, and inflammation can promote acne disease. Smoking increases these free radicals.

A balanced lifestyle with healthy foods that contain lots of antioxidants (like vitamin A or E) will help your skin heal itself. Rich in antioxidants are:

  • dark fruits and berries like red grapes, blackberries, blueberries
  • Watercress
  • Avocado oil*
  • orange vegetables like pumpkin, sweet potato and carrots

Foods containing iron for a clear complexion

Iron ensures that our body - and thus also our skin - is supplied with sufficient oxygen.

Food against pimples

Foods containing iron

Women should consume 15 mg of iron per day. Vegetarian and vegan you get iron in these foods:

  • Pumpkin seeds: Sprinkle a few dried pumpkin seeds over your food. With 100 grams of seeds you absorb 12.1 mg of iron
  • Sesame: 10 mg of iron in 100 grams of sesame seeds
  • Legumes: Soybeans score with 8.6 mg iron. Lentils contain 6.9 mg and mung beans 6.8 mg.
  • Quinoa and amaranth: The two pseudocereals can convince with 8 and 7.6 mg of iron per 100 grams, respectively.
  • Basil: Add it to your pesto or smoothie! 100 grams of basil contain 7 mg iron

The best diet tips for blemished skin

Let's see what researchers have found out and what is the latest in science. We have summarized the most important points you should pay attention to.

Often, even small changes are enough to improve the appearance of the skin. It is not necessary to eat food against pimples, but simply omit pimple-triggering foods.

Avoid high-glycemic foods

Have you ever heard of the blood sugar level? If it is low, we are hungry. Depending on what we eat, it rises strongly or not so strongly. If it rises quickly and then falls again, we get ravenous hunger.

This is not only noticeable on the abdomen, legs and buttocks, but also on the skin. A rapidly increasing insulin level indirectly stimulates androgens. They cause excess sebum production. And you already know where that ends.

Avoid these foods

  • White flour
  • Sugar and sugary foods
  • White rice
  • Beer, sodas
  • Chocolate
  • Very sweet fruits like bananas or grapes

Eat enough fiber

Dietary fiber is a component of plant foods that the body cannot digest. Scientists are recognizing more and more good effects on health. For example, dietary fiber reduces the energy density of food. As a result, the pancreas releases less insulin.

You'll find a high fiber content in:

  • Whole grain products
  • Legumes: Beans, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils, peas
  • Any vegetable, especially cabbage
  • Dried fruits like dates, raisins or prunes

Avoid finished products of all kinds

Pizza, fried food, kebabs, chips, burgers - all super tasty. But clearly belong to the highly processed foods.

The problem is that heating produces trans fats, which are not at all good for your skin. They destroy all attempts to eat healthy food against pimples with one bite.

These polyunsaturated fatty acids promote the development of pimples.

Reduce dairy products

Do you eat and drink a lot of milk? This can also show on your skin. Try to completely avoid dairy products for 3 weeks and see if your skin condition improves.

Non-dairy alternatives such as oat milk, rice milk and yogurts are allowed.

The problem with milk is that it can affect our hormone levels. A body that already struggles with blemished skin often finds this too much. The pimples sprout.

Attention: Milk is hidden in many foods. In addition to cakes, cookies and mashed potatoes, lactose can also be found in baked goods and some medications.

How diet affects the skin

There is no guarantee that the skin will become pimple-free with an adapted diet. There are an infinite number of studies that advocate this and at least as many that claim the opposite.

Basically, however, there are a few commonalities in the studies. They all agree that nutrition has an influence on our skin.

All external influences - including food and beverages - have an effect on our body. Food that we ingest is used by our body - very roughly described - for the production of new cells. However, it makes no difference whether the food is beneficial or rather bad.

You surely know this: If you party hard on the weekend, eat unhealthy and sleep too little, you will get the bill on Monday at the latest: In addition to dark circles, there are also two or three pimples on our skin. So party snacks, alcohol and the like are anything but food against pimples.

It can happen, can't it? Yes, it can, but that should really remain the exception. Because our body also grabs hamburger, cocktail and Co for the cell construction. These new cells are then full of harmful substances and few vitamins. You will notice this very soon in your skin and hair. For our skin to be pure and hair to be shiny, they need nutrients and vitamins.

Our conclusion

Yes, there are foods for pimples that strengthen our skin and help produce less sebum. However, a healthy lifestyle is important. So drink a lot, exercise regularly and eat healthy.

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