The ultimate DIY face mask against pimples

Homemade face mask against pimples

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We show you our ultimate face mask against pimples! These natural home remedies put an end to pimples and inflammation on the face.

You want to do something good for your skin. You buy expensive creams, gels and masks. And what happens? It just gets worse and worse. I know the problem with blemished skin all too well.

By the way, you and I are not alone in this. Very many women have to fight at least 1x per month with impurities, pimples and co-eating.

You know what I'm getting at, right? The hormones let our otherwise relatively beautiful skin go crazy again. And that month after month.

Anyone who has to fight with pimples and impurities from time to time must take particularly good care of their skin. Strict hygiene is important and essential.

Instead of running to the drugstore and buying masks, you can use your Make face mask for pimples yourself. Very uncomplicated and at home. With natural ingredients that have no side effects.

Face mask against pimples

Nature has grown a herb for everything. And we can take advantage of this. There are many home remedies that even our grandmothers used. Make face masks against pimples yourself could.

In addition, the mask should also prevent new blackheads. And that in which not yet affected pores are cleaned.

Personally, a blackhead remover always helps me very well. With the help of a light vacuum, the blackheads are sucked out of the skin. And it's completely painless. But small tip on the side: Do not do this one day before an important appointment. :)

Sensitive skin will be slightly red immediately afterwards. Especially in the places where you had a clogged pore.

I recommend a blackhead remover, which I use myself. Here you can choose from 5 suction strengths and several attachments and simply suck away blackheads.

Blackhead Remover
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In addition, you should regularly take good care of your skin. A blackhead mask with anti-inflammatory and pore-opening ingredients is particularly suitable for this.

With the mask you prevent the black dots and free clogged pores from them.

Make the ultimate face mask for oily skin and pimples yourself

After trying several times, I have found my favorites. Basically, you can combine almost all anti-pimple foods and oils. Just scroll down a little bit. Here you will find a whole list of ingredients for your face mask against pimples.

If you have all the ingredients together, you can start making your own face mask :)

Because my skin sometimes tends to pimples and sometimes likes to be oily, I brought you two face masks to make yourself.

Important products that you need for this tutorial, you can order at Amazon

Face mask against pimples

3.25 from 4 Reviews

Du benötigst

  • 3 EL Bentonite (clay)
  • 1 TL Activated carbon
  • 1 TL Lemon juice
  • 5 Drop Lavender oil
  • 2 EL green tea


  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl until you get a nice smooth and thick mixture.
  • If the mask is too thick, just use a little more of the green tea.
  • And your DIY mask against pimples is ready!
Speichere die Anleitung für späterFolge @wegowild auf Pinterest für mehr!
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Face mask against oily skin

1 from 3 Reviews

Du benötigst

  • 3 EL Healing earth
  • 5 Drop Rosemary oil
  • 2 EL Chamomile tea
  • 1/2 TL Honey


  • Mix the healing clay, rosemary oil and chamomile tea together.
  • Heat the honey briefly in the microwave.
  • Add the honey to the mixture and stir until smooth. Done!
Speichere die Anleitung für späterFolge @wegowild auf Pinterest für mehr!
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How to properly apply the face mask

Now you are ready with the DIY face mask. The face mask is ready in front of you. But what happens next?

  1. No matter what masks you put on, it's important to clean your face thoroughly before applying them.
  2. Use a mild cleansing lotion or foam for this purpose.
  3. Tie your hair back and apply the mask either with your fingers or a brush.
  4. Leave the mask on for about 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  5. Then gently pat the face dry.
  6. Apply a moisturizer. Important: Very thin!

Make face mask for pimples yourself

What ingredients are suitable for homemade face mask for acne

Of course, there are many other good home remedies for blemishes. And since we know that everyone reacts differently, here is a list of ingredients that can be added to your face mask against pimples.

Healing clay in face mask against pimples

Healing earth* is an all-rounder. It is used for inflammation, muscle complaints, joint problems, as a hair treatment or for problem skin.

Healing earth works so well against pimples because it develops a suction effect when it dries on the skin. Sebum, bacteria, dead skin cells are simply sucked into the earth.

If you're struggling with oily skin, be sure to use Healing earth* in the face mask against pimples. It naturally absorbs the excess sebum. This eliminates the breeding ground for new pimples.

Green tea has anti-inflammatory effect against pimples

Green tea makes us gently awake and is touted in many spring cures as the detox food badly. But there is och more.

Because green tea is rich in antioxidants. They fight free radicals and this provides a well-groomed and young-looking skin.

As an ingredient in the face mask against pimples, the tea has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Because I have blemished skin myself, I know how you feel. I have not found a cream that meets my expectations 100%ig. Every time the pores clog again or the skin pulls and tightens.

I recently started using a tonic spray instead of a cream. It absorbs quickly and is much lighter than creams. I currently have this Face spray against impure skin in use and am very satisfied with it. Give it a try, it's not expensive and definitely worth a try!

Face spray against impure skin
Buy at Amazon* Note: This box contains affiliate links (images, titles, buttons). As an Amazon partner, we earn from qualified sales. Read more

Honey against pimples

Honey not only tastes delicious, it is also a really good home remedy for blemished skin. It helps the skin retain moisture.

Its properties are antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Honey also reduces redness and inflammation.

Honey against pimples

Cinnamon against inflammation of the face

Cinnamon* is a true all-rounder. In a drink with honey it boosts our metabolism, cookies are made even more delicious by Cinnamon* really tasty and it can also help our skin.

Cinnamon* has an antimicrobial effect and inhibits inflammation. It provides the skin with important nutrients and is even said to be able to reduce the signs of skin ageing.

Apple cider vinegar opens the pores

It doesn't smell very good and stubbornly sticks to your nose, but apple cider vinegar should not be missing from your anti-pimple recipe. The vinegar has a disinfecting effect and opens the pores.

Responsible for this is the alpha-hydroxy acid, which also ensures that dead skin cells are removed. In addition, apple cider vinegar balances the pH of the skin. It is therefore the perfect ingredient for the face mask against pimples.

Tea tree oil and black cumin oil

You must not have a fine nose with these two ingredients for the face mask against pimples. Tea tree oil* and black cumin oil smell very intense. So maybe it's better to close the door to the bathroom :)

Make face mask yourself against pimples

Tea tree oil* has an antimicrobial effect. It inhibits the growth of bacteria and therefore inflammation and pimples. Tea tree oil dries out the skin, which is why it is often applied directly to the pimple.

Black cumin oil has a strong antibacterial effect. It has a disinfecting effect and smoothes the skin. At the same time it moisturizes the face.

Curd and milk soothe the skin

Curd and dairy products are a good weapon against pimples, redness and blemished skin. Curd even helps to refine the complexion and lighten dark circles.

The reason for this is the lactic acid, milk fats and lactose contained, which our skin absorbs particularly well. Curd additionally provides your skin with moisture.

Turmeric against acne scars

As the saying goes, keep your hands off the pimple and it will disappear on its own. That's true. But unfortunately, you very often reach for the pimple with your fingers. It is pressed, squeezed, scratched. The result: scars!

Turmeric brings quick help for acne scars. Namely, the root helps dark spots on the skin and make the scars paler.

In addition, it also helps against existing impurities. Turmeric has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Activated charcoal against pimples

The Activated carbon* in the face mask draws sebum out of the pores. The black powder frees and cleanses the skin. The charcoal is therefore very suitable for blemished skin, spots and oily skin.

What speaks for the DIY face mask against pimples

Where do we even begin? It has no artificial ingredients, nourishes the skin, helps against pimples - the list of benefits is very long.

I have picked out the most important for you :) You will love the DIY face mask! Promise!

1. no artificial ingredients in the homemade face mask.

Probably the biggest advantage of homemade anti pimple masks is that we do not put any artificial additives in it. Because that is exactly what often makes the skin inflammation much worse.

Many purchased masks contain agents that dry the skin too much and thus irritate it even more. In fact, if our skin is too dry, it begins to produce fat. And this clogs the pores. Which in turn leads to pimples.

Fragrances are also often packed into the masks. After all, they should smell good. This is pleasant, but our skin often does not find it funny.

The same applies to dyes. Thus, many face masks are artificially colored. Pink or light blue are the most common colors.

It looks nice, but it's not good for the skin. Only the companies that then make such products particularly expensive profit from the color.

2. make the face mask against pimples yourself is cheap

You buy the ingredients for the anti blackhead and pimple mask only 1x. And you already have several times what of it. Many ingredients you already have at home. So you can stir each time a new mask and know exactly what you have packed into the recipe.

Homemade face mask against pimples

You can buy the products online, in the drugstore or in the pharmacy.

3. you decide what is good for your skin

Not everyone reacts the same way to ingredients. That's why it's important that you slowly try the DIY face mask against pimples. I put in natural ingredients that disinfect and degrease the skin a little. But at the same time provide them with a little moisture and let redness subside.

4. face mask against pimples is made quickly

If you want to make a face mask for pimples yourself, now you can rejoice! It is anything but difficult. You can stir them together quite quickly and easily at home. I always prepare exactly as much as I need for 1x.

What you should know about DIY face mask

This promotes blemished skin

You can look at your skin like a mirror. It says a lot about our state of health. If the organs are not working as well as they should, it often becomes noticeable through acne.

For us women, however, it's usually the hormones that get us down. Shortly before the period and during the first days, it's especially bad. The skin is oily, impure and shiny.

Exactly for this case we have designed our face mask against pimples.
By the way: Too much sugar, elevated cortisol levels or a diet too high in fat also have a negative impact on the appearance of the skin.

That's how often I put on the pimple mask

I use the anti pimple mask in the worst case - that is, when my skin really goes crazy, every 2nd day.

Before you apply the mask

Very important: Before you apply the mask to your face, you must clean your face thoroughly. Make-up of all kinds must be removed. Only then can the ingredients work well.

Our conclusion

A face mask against pimples is really ready mixed in no time. Vary the ingredients and find the best home remedies for your face.

Our ultimate face mask against pimples is so effective because it contains a total of 5 ingredients, all of which work against impurities, inflammation and pimples.

Homemade face mask against pimples

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