How to care for long hair correctly and gently!

Care long hair

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You want to know how to care for long hair? We tell you how to treat your beautiful, long mane optimally.

Long hair is for many women the epitome of femininity. The flowing mane is even guarded like a treasure!

But the long hair also make work and need a lot of attention and care to be really beautiful.

Because the Rapunzel mane alone is not yet automatically beautiful. What makes hair really beautiful is optimal care. And that is often difficult to achieve with hair that reaches far over the shoulders.

Because the care must be able to satisfy the different needs that long hair just have.

Here you will learn how to best care for your long hair!

Care long hair

How often you should wash your long hair

The question is not so easy to answer. But the basic rule is to wash your hair as often as necessary and as little as possible. There are women who wash their hair merely once a week and others who have to every day.

This varies from person to person and also depends on the hair texture and lifestyle. Sportswomen, for example, will have to wash their hair more often. It is recommended to wash your hair every two to three days.

However, if your hair gets greasy extremely quickly, it is also possible to wash it daily. Provided you use a mild shampoo that does not attack your scalp and hair.

The advantage of washing your hair less often is simply that the grease and sebum nourish long hair.

Golden rules when caring for long hair

What really matters in the care of long hair? Here come the golden rules for beautiful, well-groomed long hair.

Know hair type

Often the mistake in the hair care of long hair is that we do not know what type of hair we are and therefore use the wrong products.

Fine hair, for example, is best to use strengthening shampoos. Shampoos that nourish are too rich for fine hair and eventually make it look flat.

Thick hair, on the other hand, tolerate rich shampoos. Vegetable oils, for example, nourish well.

Reduce heat effects

You probably know that using straighteners and curling irons can damage your long hair. But you should also stay away from too hot air if you want to care for your long hair.

Too hot blow-drying dries out your hair. It is better to let your hair pre-dry in a towel and then blow-dry it from a distance of 20 cm.

But always with low heat and from the roots to the tips. This preserves the cuticle of the hair.

Sleep right

Have you ever thought about your hairstyle while sleeping? Neither have we before - but the right sleeping hairstyle is especially important if you want to maintain long hair. Because open hair is a no-go at night.

Why? When you sleep, the entire weight of your head rests on the hair fibers. The tossing and turning also compresses the hair, bends it, and can even break it off!

It's best to tie your hair into a chignon or a braided pigtail. This creates less friction and protects the hair.

Proper hair ties

If you put a scrunchie on the same place every day, it can harm your hair in the long run. They can even break.

That's why you should go for hair elastics without metal or even Invisibobbels or scrunchies are much gentler on your hair.

By the way, your hair becomes really strong with biotin. This is a water-soluble vitamin - also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H. You can find it in many foods such as beef liver, egg yolk, yeast or oatmeal.

But there is a tasty alternative, and that is. Biotin gummy bears* :) So you can snack and do something good for your mane.

Also in the Biotin gummy bears* you will find zinc, folic acid, vitamins A, C and E. In other words, a full load of hair power. The light orange bears taste like wild berries and are delicious. I can highly recommend them. If you're not satisfied, there's a 30-day money-back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose.

Biotin gummy bears
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Because they are high doses, you only need to eat one gummy bear per day. Sounds good, doesn't it? :)

Protect from sun

Your long hair suffers from high UV radiation. Therefore, you should avoid the sun in the midday heat or, if there is no other way, cover your hair with a sun hat.

Customized shampoo

Many underestimate this point, but the properly adapted shampoo is vital in the care of your long hair. Sometimes the mistake is made that simply the first best shampoo is bought without paying attention to whether it even meets your needs.

That's why you should take a close look at what hair type you are and what requirements you have for the shampoo.

Do you need a shampoo for oily hair or for dry hair? Should the shampoo be nourishing or strengthening? The right shampoo is essential when caring for long hair!

Care long hair

Brush out before washing

Before shampooing, you should brush your hair thoroughly. This allows you to remove residues of styling products such as spray, gel or foam.

In addition, combed hair does not get tangled so quickly during washing. You can thus avoid annoying knots or tangles. Afterwards, the hair is also easier to comb through.

Lukewarm water

Long hair doesn't like heat, you already know that. But this also applies to hot water. When washing your hair, you should therefore always use lukewarm water. This is gentle and yet it makes your hair clean.

Tip: After shampooing, run cold water over your hair. This closes the cuticle and your hair looks shinier and more well-groomed.

Do not rub hair dry

After shampooing, your wet hair is particularly sensitive. For drying, you can use a soft microfiber towel, which is gentler than a terry towel.

But never rub them dry, because so your beautiful long hair can break off over time. It is better if you just dab your hair and then let it air dry.

Brush dry hair only

A long, long time ago, there was a tip that a hundred strokes of the brush a day would produce beautiful hair. This was true in the 19th century, when people rarely washed their hair and had to bring the sebum from the scalp to the tips.

But does brushing for minutes really help with long hair care or does it create excess grease? The answer is probably somewhere in between.

While some rely on intensive brushing, so that the hair finally looks more well-groomed, others swear by infrequent brushing, because this would be much gentler. Which is now really true, probably no one knows exactly.

However, as a general rule, wet hair should be detangled exclusively with the comb and the brush is used for dry hair.

Regular hair treatment

To have beautiful long hair, you should regularly pamper it with a hair treatment. The hair becomes strong and grows healthy.

But you don't need to buy expensive hair masks, you can easily make them yourself.

How do I make my long hair grow faster?

On average, hair grows about one to two centimeters per month. You can do a little yourself to speed this up.

Healthy diet

Fatty acids are particularly important. Fish, linseed oil and nuts in particular contain omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon and tuna are particularly rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Vitamins B6 and B12, as well as folic acid, have a positive effect on your hair.

You can get vitamin B6 from bananas, avocados, potatoes or dairy products, for example. Vitamin B12 is mainly found in meat, dairy products and eggs. Tomatoes, beans, citrus fruits and whole grain products provide you with folic acid.

But this is not only important if you want to encourage your hair to grow, but also to take care of long hair in general.

Care long hair

Sport activity

Hair hardly grows at all under the influence of stress. To relieve stress and make your hair grow, you should focus on sports.

Exercise reduces stress and tension, which in turn leads to faster hair growth.

Gentle scalp massages

Did you know that you can stimulate your hair to grow with gentle scalp massages? Just a ten-minute scalp massage with your fingers stimulates blood circulation, which supplies the follicles with more nutrients.

The hair grows back so faster and healthier! And it does good too!

Regular tip trimming

Sounds paradoxical, doesn't it? But if you want to have beautiful long and well-groomed hair, you should regularly go to the hairdresser.

If you get your broken ends cut, your hair will grow back healthy. Tip trimming is a must if you want to take care of your long hair.

Our conclusion

We also love long hair, if it weren't for the work! So that the long hair care but now becomes a breeze, we have told you our golden rules.

Quick and easy tips that you can easily use in everyday life - try it too!

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