Help, I can't fall asleep!

This is how unhealthy too much sleep is

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I can't sleep - no matter what I try. I am sleepless and it just won't work. Put an end to it! Here are the best tips against insomnia.

Counting sheep and hot milk with honey - surely you know these or other tips against insomnia from your grandma.

Still, you lie awake for hours every night and just can't fall asleep.

You're already dead tired in front of the TV, but as soon as you go to bed, your thoughts go on a merry-go-round and you become more and more awake.

You're not alone in this! Here are the best answers to the problem: "I can't sleep!"

I can't fall asleep - What's the reason?

Actually, you feel dog-tired. You would like to wake up full of energy. Without the feeling that your eyes are about to fall shut again and you have to push your body like a wet bag to the coffee machine.

You wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. You panic because you know you have to be fit for the next day, but you can't fall asleep.

When the alarm clock rings in the morning, you're tired, in a bad mood, and feeling run down.

You have trouble falling asleep, but are sleepy during the day and can't really concentrate on anything.

It is a horror!

I can not sleep! What helps against insomnia

But maybe at least this will help you: A lot of people have big problems falling asleep. So you are not alone!

"I just can't sleep," you moan, turning over for the 10th time. What could be the cause of your insomnia? Maybe you recognize yourself in these statements:

  • The light from the neon sign across the street flickers.
  • The constantly vibrating smartphone arouses your curiosity.
  • The TV or tablet in your bedroom disturbs your sleep with its blue light.
  • The daily flood of news and information does not allow us to rest.
  • Problems in the partnership or family set our thought carousel in motion.
  • Stress at work or bullying among colleagues make us brood every evening.
  • Worries about children, health, finances and the future become huge at night and especially threatening when you are alone.
  • "I can't sleep," my partner snores, others scold.

You found yourself in it? The more you focus on it, the harder it will be to fall asleep.

But health problems such as snoring, hormonal changes, the onset of menopause, anxiety disorders and depression can also be a cause of insomnia.

Sleep itself is a very complex process. That is why the causes of insomnia can also be very different. External circumstances or psychological problems can lead us to look for sleep tips.

No matter what the cause, we must succeed in switching off and finding peace. And that stresses us out and again. A vicious circle.

What helps me very well is the snuutje sleep aid. Light and sounds help you to fall asleep deeply. The gadget is particularly good for me in stressful times or when I'm very agitated inside and can't switch off my head.

So when I have to think about something all the time and my head just can't get any rest. You can choose from 6 sounds and select 3 timers. If you want, you can listen to the sound of the sea, rain or wind for 30 minutes. This is wonderful to get rid of the constant thoughts of any things.

You concentrate fully on the sound of the sea and then fall asleep. I love the sound of rain :)

Or you can choose the light metronome function and breathe to the rhythm of the light that appears on the ceiling. Because the device works on battery power, you can take it with you on vacation or use it where there is no electricity.

snuutje light metronome with nature sounds
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Try it, if you are not satisfied you can return it for free. All I can say is it helped me get through stressful times. :)

I can't fall asleep - How much sleep do I need anyway?

When the battery of your smartphone is empty, you simply plug it in. The battery charges. Simple, isn't it? In theory, it's the same for humans. Our battery charges with sleep.

Do you get nervous when you can't fall asleep in time at 10pm because your alarm goes off at 6am?

Stay calm, because everyone's sleep needs are individual and can also change depending on their stage of life and age.

I can not fall asleep

Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep, according to a study by the Sleep Medicine Center in Munich.

But there are also people who are fit after only 4.5 hours of sleep and are bursting with energy.

Others, however, need 9 or more hours of sleep to regenerate.

Maybe you belong to the short sleepers and could go to sleep later without any problems.

It's important to keep track of your deep sleep (REM) phases.

These always last 90 minutes and should not be interrupted. So it is often better to sleep four and a half, six or seven and a half hours to be fit and rested in the morning. Surely you've also wondered at some point that you were top fit after 3 hours of sleep and not really refreshed after 10 hours of sleep.

Just observe yourself and start your personal sleep diary.

In it, you record how long you sleep, when you wake up, and how you feel during the day.

This will give you a good sense of how much sleep you actually need.

I can't sleep - Why do I have to anyway?

Good sleep is very important all metabolic processes.

Our cells are repaired during sleep, our self-healing powers are activated and our body regenerates.

It's not for nothing that the popular saying goes that you can get a healthy night's sleep. While we sleep, the immune system works at full speed.

During sleep, muscles are repaired after your workout, harmful substances in the body are removed and even fat is broken down. Therefore, good sleep is extremely important if you want to lose weight and still build muscle.

I can not fall asleep - tips for sleep

Our brain is also highly active during sleep and can store learned material better. Grandma already knew that when she gave us the tip to put the vocabulary book under the pillow.

I can't sleep - if you think this sentence very often, it can be dangerous. Because we need to sleep, whether we want to or not. The body needs the time to be able to recover.

I can't fall asleep - 9 tips to help with insomnia

If you come to the conclusion that you are indeed not sleeping enough, please don't immediately turn to sleeping pills. This will only make your problem worse.

There are many proven and effective Tips against insomnia.

Just try out what works best for you. So you need to use the phrase "I can't sleep" never think again :)

1. provide a beautiful atmosphere in the bedroom

Nothing is worse than looking down from your bed at the unironed laundry and paper mess.

Clear away (preferably already during the day) everything that disturbs the harmony.

Get rid of the ironing board or your desk behind a decorative room divider if you can't use another room for it.

Make your bedroom really beautiful, treat yourself to attractive bedding that feels comfortable against your skin.

Hang pictures on the wall that make you happy when you wake up the next morning.

Maybe you just need a new mattress or a comfortable pine wood pillow to be able to sleep relaxed again. Beautiful plants can also enhance the room and provide better air quality.

If you are a very restless sleeper like me, I can give you the Sweet Dreams sleeping spray* recommend. This is a tasteless mouth spray that contains melatonin and nerve-soothing vitamin B6.

The ingredients are purely herbal, for example, lavender or passion flower are used. One takes the Sweet Dreams sleeping spray* simply turn on before going to bed. If you also have a few air-purifying plants in your bedroom, nothing stands in the way of a relaxing night :)

2. create your own personal sleep ritual

Let your day end in a relaxed way. Without stress and without upsetting tasks.

Let fresh air into your bedroom while you get ready for bed in the bathroom.

Carefully massage in your night cream and listen to the soothing sounds of a playlist you can put together especially for the evening hours.

Treat yourself to a gentle foot massage or a relaxing bath with soothing bath additives. Lavender, ylang-ylang or vanilla, for example, are particularly suitable. Read a few pages in your favorite book and be completely with yourself.

My ritual on very stressful days: a book, a cup of tea (doesn't matter what kind, as long as the tea variety isn't stimulating), and a batch of passionflower.

Passionflower is considered an insider tip for inner restlessness and insomnia. I take passion flower lozenges. They contain a high concentration of the active ingredients. I take one dragee an hour before I go to sleep. Within an hour, passionflower has a relaxing effect.

It also helps me to turn off the mental cinema, and in doing so, to be more relaxed about things that are really unimportant, but grow into a huge thing in my mind.

I have tried a few preparations, but I am stuck with Dr. Boehm Passionflower Coated Tablets* got stuck. Thanks to the coating, they are very easy to swallow and work best for me. Just give them a try. They are currently on offer at Shop Apotheke.

3. sleep separately or together

"I can't sleep, my husband snores".many complain. If this is your problem, talk to your partner about it.

Maybe separate bedrooms are a good solution for you. Or you can try using earplugs and a sleeping mask. I'm sure you'll find a good solution together.

Ask your partner to see a doctor. Maybe his snoring is caused by sleep apnea and you will both sleep better after treatment. There are many ways to fight snoring.

4. move enough during the day!

If you do a lot of sports, you are usually tired in the evening and fall asleep without much trouble. Therefore, you should not miss any opportunity in everyday life to train your muscles.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator, hop on a bike instead of driving short distances. Use your lunch break for a walk around the block.

It doesn't matter if you go for a jog after work or swim a few laps: All this helps you to fall asleep better.

A yoga class is also the best way to switch off and fall asleep more easily.

The only important thing is that you don't overexert yourself in the evening. You should finish intensive training at least one or better two hours before you go to sleep. Otherwise you'll get too exhilarated.

5. turn off smartphone and tablet

This may be the hardest thing for you to do. After all, it's all too tempting to like this and that before you go to sleep. Just post a photo and reply to a WhatsApp. You're already in the thick of it and wide awake again after midnight.

The constant vibrating and lighting up of the device disrupts your sleep tremendously.

Therefore, the tip: cell phone fasting as long as you have problems falling asleep.

If you use your smartphone as an alarm clock, look around for alternatives.

It still exists, the good old vintage alarm clock from your childhood.

You might also want to try a stylish light alarm clock or even a sleep phase alarm clock.

6. review your day

No matter how stressful or beautiful your day was, bring it to a positive end. You can do an evening meditation or write a diary like you used to.

Write down everything that was good and for which you are grateful.

But also get it off your chest when something didn't go so great.

Once you put it down on paper, you'll feel relieved and liberated, and you'll be able to fall asleep much better.

7. prepare for your next day

Write down what you're going to do tomorrow and plan something nice today that you're really looking forward to.

In this way you relieve your brain and help yourself to fall asleep more easily.

Get your clothes ready for the next day and set the breakfast table in the evening.

With this trick, you'll help yourself get into rest mode.

Everything is done and you can go to sleep with peace of mind.

8. watch your diet

Delicious lasagna with lots of cheese, pizza and red wine, followed by ice cream and a cocktail? No wonder, if you lie in bed with a full stomach afterwards and moan: "I can't sleep again".

So it's better not to reach for such heavy food 3 hours before bedtime at the latest.

Protein and only a few carbohydrates are ideal in the evening. This not only helps you sleep better, but also does something for your figure.

Grandma's tip with the hot honey milk wasn't so bad. Often, a yogurt and a banana work wonders. Be careful with alcohol, a small glass of red wine now and then can help you fall asleep. But it should not be more than that.

9. just relax and enjoy

The more doggedly you approach the subject, the more difficult it becomes.

If you keep telling yourself "i can't sleep"you only make it worse.

Your thoughts only revolve around falling asleep.

You search the Internet for tips against insomnia? And you don't drink coffee after 2 p.m. so that you can fall asleep later? You no longer meet with friends because it might be too late?

This often achieves the opposite. You can fall asleep even worse.

Enjoy your day and if it gets late, it's usually not so bad.

Your body recovers the sleep it needs.

13 quick tips for insomnia that you can implement immediately

Because sometimes it just has to go fast, there are of course also tips that work when you're lying sleepless in bed.

I can not fall asleep - tips against insomnia

  1. I can't sleep - Slowly count backwards from 100
  2. Imagine you are swimming in the warm sea, close your eyes and concentrate on the water.
  3. If you can't fall asleep, have a bedtime story read to you (by your loved one or as an audiobook)
  4. Try the 4-7-8-Sleep Breathing Technique by Dr. Andrew Well from
  5. I can not sleep - Try the method of progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson
  6. Dream about your last vacation and imagine all the beautiful things in detail
  7. Imagine a color and think of as many objects with this color as possible
  8. Lie down in bed the other way around
  9. I can not sleep - Spray your pillow cushion with lavender
  10. Try earplugs or eye patch
  11. Turn on relaxing music. Sea noise works very well
  12. Sleep one night on the sofa or on the air mattress
  13. Make yourself a pot of calming tea

I can't sleep - Do I need to see a doctor?

To a certain extent, it is normal that we sometimes sleep better and sometimes worse. But if you have sleep problems for weeks and tips against insomnia do not work, you should consult a doctor.

Under no circumstances should you experiment with medications on your own.

If you can't fall asleep or stay asleep through the night 3x a week and are dog tired in the morning, you should see a sleep medicine expert.

Our conclusion

I can't sleep - Yes, sometimes it can be good to just accept that you can't right now. Get up and use the time positively. Maybe the best ideas will come to you tonight.

However, if you suffer from recurring sleep problems, you should definitely see a doctor. Never self-medicate!

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