The ultimate guide to losing weight with hula hoops

Hula Hoop slimming

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Hardly anything is as trendy as the hula hoop. Many people are hyping it as an effective fitness tool for the living room. But is it really true that you can lose weight with a hula hoop? Or is it just a rumor? We have summarized everything you need to know here.

We all know the hula hoop from our childhood. I think everyone had such a hoop at home - at that time rather for fun and play. Then it became quiet for a long time.

And since the end of last year at the latest, everyone wants to swing the hoop around their hips again. The hula hoop celebrate its comeback is celebrated as an effective tool for weight loss.

But is there really anything to it? Can you lose weight with hula hoop? How many calories can you burn and is swinging the hoop healthy?

We've taken a close look at it for you. Here are the answers to the questions that are probably already burning under your nails.

Why is there suddenly a fitness hype around the tire?

Did you know that the hula hoop existed more than 2000 years ago? At that time it was used for skill games like hoop driving. However, it only became known as a fitness tool in the 1950s.

The game manufacturer Wham-O gave the ring its name: Hula Hoop.

And recently it is again brought out of the corner. Everyone is swinging the hoop, around their hips. During the Corona pandemic, the hoop was and is an absolute must-have. In the own four walls is swung, what goes.

The big advantage: you don't need any previous experience and the training is possible in a small space. But the very best: You can lose weight with the hula hoop.

If you look around in forums or on Instagram, it quickly becomes clear: losing weight and hula hoops go together like summer and sun. The opinions are consistently positive and many women report weight loss success.

The trend has not been spared from the celebrities. Many swear by the effective fitness equipment. Beyoncé, by the way, has been gyrating her hips for many years and relies on hula hooping.

How many calories can you burn with Hula Hoop?

If you want to lose weight with Hula Hoop, you have to keep an eye on the number of calories you burn and the number of calories you take in. Only when you burn more than you take in, the kilos tumble.

With Hula Hoop you can burn 400 to 600 calories per hour. How much actually depends on your basic fitness, weight, height and age.

Also, how hard you work out will affect how fast you can lose weight while hula hooping.

As a little comparison, if you go jogging for 30 minutes, you burn about 300 calories.

This found a study published in the Jornal of Strength and Conditioning Research... was published. The researchers had the study participants exercise regularly with the hula hoop for 6 weeks. For this, the participants used a 1.7 kg heavy tires with knobs, which is said to be particularly effective.

Our recommendation, if you do not have a hula hoop, is this. You can order the model with massage nubs from Amazon and start training the very next day.

Aiweite Hula Hoop
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It has nubs on the inside, which have a massage effect. This massages the connective tissue and stimulates the metabolism. All this has a positive effect if you want to get rid of a few kilograms of waist fat.

To return briefly to the study: All participants were happy at the end of the experiment. Everyone succeeded in reducing their hip circumference. Sounds motivating, doesn't it?

The weight of the tire, your skill level, and the type of exercises you do also affect how many calories you burn.

What muscles does hula hoop training strengthen?

Hula hooping is so effective for weight loss because you work many muscle groups at the same time. In addition, it is also a cardio workout. So during the workout you are doing both strength and endurance training.

This mixture makes it so interesting when the kilos should fall.

In hula hooping, your core is especially in demand.

Muscles involved:

  • Straight and oblique abdominal muscles
  • Lower back
  • Pomus musculature
  • Thigh muscles

If you want to lose weight really fast with hula hoop, incorporate hoop swinging into normal strength training. It could look like this:

  • 60 seconds hula hooping
  • 30 seconds push-ups
  • 60 seconds hula hooping
  • 30 seconds squats

and so on.

This has the great advantage that you also incorporate other muscle groups into the workout. If you don't want to overtax your body, leave out additional abdominal exercises. This muscle group is already challenged enough during tire swinging.

So Hula Hooping is ideal for those who want to tone their midsection. Also all those who sit a lot at work benefit from the workout all along the line. A strong torso (back and abdomen) protects against back pain.

Hula Hooping has many advantages

Have you ever let the tire swing for a while? That's mega exhausting, isn't it? After a while you start to sweat, you're out of breath and you can really feel your abdominal muscles. The whole body is in action:

  • The metabolism is boosted and runs at full speed,
  • the fat burning process gets going,
  • your coordination will be better,
  • Muscles throughout the body are used,
  • you strengthen sense of balance,
  • Hula hooping strengthens the pelvic floor,
  • the cardiovascular system is strengthened.

Whether you choose to combine hooping with strength training or not, one thing is clear: hula hooping is an effective weight loss workout and strengthens your heart and circulation.

It may be that you get a little out of breath at the beginning. But this will subside after 2-3 weeks of regular training.

Sporty people don't miss out on this fun workout either. This trendy sport makes you want to move, sweat and get fit. No matter whether in the living room or outdoors.

How fast can you lose weight with Hula Hoop?

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. Because as with any sport, the same applies here: How fast you lose weight depends on many individual factors.

Someone who swings the hoop every other day, exercising for 30 minutes, will naturally lose weight faster. Someone who trains only 1x per week for 15 minutes will wait a very long time for a result.

If you are fully motivated and train 3-4 times a week, you will soon see results. In the beginning you will recognize your progress mainly by the fact that you have mega muscle soreness. This is perfectly normal.

Next time you workout, just take it down a notch and slow down. This is more effective than an intense workout after which you can't move for 4-5 days.

Our tip: Measure your waist circumference and the circumference of your thighs before the workout. Write down the numbers and measure again after 3-4 weeks of training.

Lose weight with hula hoop and the most effective exercises

Someone who has never done a workout with hoops probably thinks that hula hoop is all about monotonous exercise. Just circle the hoop for an hour. Done. But far from it!

The sport of hooping is very varied, if you do it right. Beginners, of course, start by practicing how to keep the ring on their hips. The longer, the better.

But do not be disappointed if Hula hooping does not work at the beginning. It's really a matter of practice. If you're annoyed that the hoop won't stay up, you should stop by here:

All those who want to make their workout more intense to lose weight with Hula Hoop should try this:

Change the direction

Most of the time, you turn the tire in one direction. That is the one in which we find it particularly easy.

But try it consciously on the other side. It's a completely different feeling and also a new challenge for the muscles.

Circle the ring faster

If you want to lose weight, you're supposed to work up a sweat when you exercise. The faster you swing your hips, the more strenuous it is. The first drops of sweat won't be long in coming.

It's best to do intervals. So sometimes very leisurely swing and then swings at full speed.

How about this:

  • 30 seconds slow
  • 15 seconds fast

Advanced Hula Hooping

This is not for beginners. But if you have normal swings out, then try it with this. Stretch your right arm vertically upwards. Bend your head slightly to the left.

After 5 minutes you change the arm and the direction of the head. Mega exhausting!

You will feel this exercise very strongly, especially in the lateral abdominal muscles. Coordination and sense of balance also try from it.

The arms circle

If you want to lose weight with hula hoop, then you can also incorporate your arms into the workout.

Try bending your arms while hula hooping. Make light circular movements with your arms. You need a lot of coordination to not lose the hoop. But it's worth it and will make you sweat.

What you need to consider if you want to lose weight with Hula Hoop

It would be unfair of me to say that you should buy a hula hoop and the kilos will disappear by themselves. Therefore, I would like to leave you here a few tips.

This is what you need to know if you want to lose weight with hula hoop training

#1 Find the right tire

Not every hula hoop is suitable as a fitness tool. A hoop designed to help you lose weight is bigger and heavier than one you remember from childhood.

There are also special lightweight hoops, they are called dancing hoops. With it you can do super tricks because of the light weight. But this hula hoop is not suitable for weight loss.

Those who want the kilos to fall, choose a fitness hula hoop. They are 1 to 1.5 kilograms and you can adjust the size. Make sure that the hoop reaches to the hips.

This tire has the most good reviews on Amazon and is ideal for beginners and slightly advanced

Aiweite Hula Hoop
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In addition to size, weight also plays a role. The higher the weight, the easier you can coordinate the tire and keep it up.

#2 The diet decides

No matter which sport you choose, whether you can really lose weight with it depends on how you eat. If you are unhappy with the flab on your belly, then you first need to know that you caused it yourself.

You have taken in more calories than your body actually needs. It has stored the excess energy in fat deposits.

Assume you burn 1500 calories per day at rest. When you exercise, you burn 400 calories. However, if you now consume 2100 calories per day, you still have a surplus.

You will then also gain weight despite the workout.

You need a calorie deficit. You can achieve this by exercising and eating fewer calories. There are many healthy foods with few calories that are very filling.

You don't have to do interval fasting for this, you can eat regularly without breaks as long as you don't exceed the maximum number per calorie per day.

By the way, nutrition accounts for 70 percent of your weight loss success!

#3 Regular training

You know what it's like to have an inner weakness? At the beginning you are fully motivated and would like to start working out right away. But after 3 weeks, your motivation drops.

Without regularity in the workout the kilos will not fall. Whether you want to lose weight with a hula hoop or while jogging is irrelevant. Only those who regularly challenge their body will see success.

In principle, you can do hula hooping every day. In the beginning, however, the training should not be too intense. Approach the matter slowly.

Beginners are recommended to practice every day for 10-15 minutes. After that, extend the sessions and exercise only every other day.

The soreness will knock your socks off at first. But don't let it bother you. It's a sign that you're on the right track. If the muscle pain is very severe, then take it slower. The body will get used to the workout from session to session and the soreness will decrease.

Schedule three to four sessions per week if you want to lose weight with hula hooping.

Our conclusion

If you want to lose weight with Hula Hoop, you must first of all exercise regularly. The diet should also be adjusted. With a little ambition and the clear goal in mind, swinging the hoop is much more fun.

Good luck with your training!

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