How Hula Hoop strengthens the pelvic floor

Hula Hoop Pelvic Floor

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You've heard that Hula Hoop can strengthen the pelvic floor? That's right! We tell you why the hula hoop has a strengthening effect and what you need to pay attention to during the workout.

Hula hooping is totally trendy. And rightly so. The workout with the hoop is a lot of fun and even makes you forget during the workout that you are working on your figure.

Finding such a training tool is truly not easy. But once you've discovered hooping for yourself, you certainly won't put it down in a hurry.

Especially when you learn that the hula hoop can train the pelvic floor.

Our recommendation, if you don't have a hula hoop yet, is this one. You can order it from Amazon and start training the very next day.

Aiweite Hula Hoop
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It has nubs on the inside, which have a massage effect. This massages the connective tissue and stimulates the metabolism. All this has a positive effect if you want to get rid of a few kilograms of waist fat.

And by the way, you also train your pelvic floor. A normal tire without massage nubs will also do here.

Why you should strengthen the pelvic floor with the Hula Hoop

Any exercise that strengthens the abdomen and back is also always a pelvic floor exercise at the same time. However, because classic exercises for the abdomen and back are really no fun, the hula hoop comes into play.

The swings around the hips may only look like fun and remind us of childhood, but they have very many benefits for us adults. Among other things, Hula Hoop can complement pelvic floor exercises that you do regularly.

That is why the hoop is the perfect training tool for the pelvic floor

  • You train abdomen, back and pelvic floor at the same time
  • During the workout you can actively tense the pelvic floor
  • The training device is light and small
  • The workout does not last as long as a classic workout
  • You can easily stow the tire and take up little space
  • The training is a lot of fun
  • You get a better body feeling
  • You can design the training flexibly

So you can easily strengthen your muscles. While classic abdominal exercises such as sit ups are rather torturous and require a lot of motivation, the hoop exercises work all by themselves.

You will get the most out of the workout if you combine it the hula hoop with classic exercises for the pelvic floor. There are six exercises you should do regularly to get a strong pelvic floor. I have written about them in an extra post.

Hula Hoop for Moms

The big difference, however, is that you'll be faster when doing pelvic floor workouts with hula hoops. You should invest a maximum of 15 minutes in the workout at the beginning. Even with this short time you will get a mega muscle soreness. But that's good, because then you know that the workout really works.

By the way, for beginners, just 5 minutes is enough to give them a good soreness the next day.

Because you only need 15 minutes a day, the Hula Workout is also quite suitable for moms. Especially after pregnancy, pelvic floor training should be at the top of the priority list. However, very few mothers can devote much time to a workout.

With the Hula Hoop you can exercise while your child sleeps next to you. You can unpack the hoop in the garden, in the living room or wherever you feel like it and strengthen the pelvic floor with the hula hoop.

You won't have to travel to any classes and you'll be out of breath and sweating very quickly during your first few workouts, just like after an intense 30-minute workout. And that's good, because it means it works.

If you want to strengthen the pelvic floor with the Hula Hoop and you have had a difficult birth, talk to your doctor about it before the workout. She/he will tell you if you are physically ready for the workout.

How to train the pelvic floor with a hula hoop

If you're a hula hoop beginner and you have the problem that the hoop always lands on the floor, then you haven't properly engaged your abdominals and back muscles.

You need to tighten them firmly and swing the hips rhythmically. This has the great advantage that you train the pelvic floor at the same time. We have learned before that the pelvic floor is always strengthened as soon as we train the core (back and abdomen).

This is what you need to keep in mind during training

  • Tense the coremuscles during exercise to benefit from hula hooping.
  • Make sure your posture is upright. Belly in, chest out.
  • Pelvis and chest are in a neutral position.
  • Tense the pelvic floor.
  • Bend your knees slightly as you swing.

A pelvic floor workout with the hoop is no different from a traditional hula workout.

Tip: Put the tire in the living room and you will be reminded every day to train.

How heavy the tire should be

You've probably noticed that there are hoops of different weights. The bigger and heavier the hoop, the more time you have to rotate.

A tire for beginners should be 100 cm in diameter and weigh 800 grams to 1.2 kg.

How long you should train

If you use the hula hoop to strengthen the pelvic floor, then you're probably also wondering how long you need to exercise. Or?

It's simple: the workout is based on your fitness level.

If you are just starting to train, then it is enough to let the tire rotate 1x 3 minutes clockwise and 1x 3 minutes counterclockwise.

You will realize very quickly that even more is possible.

Initially, it is also worth unpacking the tire 2x per day. 1x in the morning and 1x in the evening. If you swing in one direction for 3 minutes at a time, you will soon be able to increase to 4 minutes.

Calmly take a break between swings. Breathe deeply and relax your muscles. And then you're off to the next round.

If you feel really fit, you can already train along with the one or other YouTube video. I particularly like this one. But beware: mega exhausting and very challenging. In addition, strength exercises can be found in the video

Our conclusion

The hula hoop is a great piece of equipment that lets you exercise flexibly. You can swing your hips regardless of time and place, and you'll work up a sweat. The calories just tumble. But there is another big advantage. You can strengthen the pelvic floor with the Hula Hoop and that is important for all of us women - no matter if you gave birth to a child or not. A strong pelvic floor makes for a better love life and prevents bladder weakness.

With this in mind: Let's go for the tires, girls!

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