13 tricks with which you can fight cellulite already in the morning

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Fighting cellulite - for many women this problem is not unknown. We show you how you can get the orange peel skin under control already in the morning.

When it comes to cellulite there are endless questions, we answer the most important and most common ones. Then we give you tips on how you can fight cellulite in the morning. But let's start with the most important question:

What is actually orange peel skin?

Cellulite is also called orange peel skin. It is caused by muscular atrophy. This means that cellulite is the result of weak and also flabby muscles and connective tissue.

These muscles are not able to support the layers above them as they should. This then creates those unsightly dimples we all know. Most often we see cellulite on the arms, legs and buttocks.

Cellulite can affect anyone
Cellulite can affect anyone

Orange peel skin can be divided into three stages. You can easily determine the stage of your cellulite yourself:

  1. Stage: very little dents

    If you pinch your skin in tested areas, you can easily see a bit of orange peel skin. However, you will not feel any pain.

  2. Stage: Cellulite is visible

    Cellulite is visible even without squeezing the skin. But the places you squeeze hurt.

  3. Stage: sagging skin

    Your skin looks sallow and also poorly supplied with blood. The body parts that are affected are flabby. The pressure test causes severe pain.

Why do so many women suffer from unsightly dimples?

Unfortunately, women usually have a weaker connective tissue than men and so they also suffer more from cellulite. Of course, there are many reasons why you suffer from cellulite.

On the one hand, hormones can play their part, on the other hand, it can also be caused by your lifestyle. Stress, for example, leads to an increased output of catecholamines. These also have an influence on the formation of cellulite.

In which places can you get cellulite?

In principle, you can get cellulite on almost any part of your body. Especially in the places where your skin was once very stretched, you are prone to the small dents.

Cellulite is most common on the thighs, but the hips and buttocks are also very susceptible to orange peel skin. Sometimes the small dimples also stand out on the upper arms.

Can you fight cellulite with sports?

With the unsightly dents, it is of course also important that you counteract them with sports. Sport strengthens your muscles and tightens your skin.

After all, if you have muscles, cellulite cannot assert itself so easily. In addition, muscles increase the so-called basal metabolic rate.

Muscles thus burn more calories than fat tissue. Through the sport also improves the metabolism. This also purifies the tissue.

If you have a weak connective tissue, please choose sports that do not cause strong shocks to the connective tissue.

Perfect sports are, for example, yoga, cycling and swimming.

Does jogging really lead to cellulite?

You always hear that jogging leads to orange peel skin and can't fight cellulite. We have researched for you whether this is really true.

I can reassure you, jogging usually does not worsen your orange peel skin. Running should stimulate fat metabolism.

Jogging helps to lose weight quickly

Subsequently, this leads to reduce fat deposits and reserve. This is of course good for fighting cellulite.

However, if you are not in training and have weak connective tissue, the dimples may worsen for a short time. This happens because muscles build up through running and the connective tissue subsequently presses outwards more strongly.

If you know you have weak connective tissue, before you start running you should start strengthening your connective tissue.

Fight cellulite in the morning

We have a few tips and tricks for you, how you can start fighting cellulite already in the morning. The tips are easy to follow and do not take much time.

1. lemon water

Lemon water is often considered a panacea, and it is also used to fight cellulite. It's great if you drink a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning when you get up.

Squeeze a lemon from organic farming and add the juice to a lukewarm water.

Please use only lemons from ecological cultivation and use mineral water, so that you do not ingest toxins again at the same time as the lemon water.

At first it tastes unfamiliar and not particularly digestible. But you get used to it. Do you know why it helps? I'll tell you:

Vitamin C is so important because it helps the skin to produce elastin and collagen. The skin is kept firm and elastic by these two proteins. Regular consumption of lemons can therefore help to smooth your skin.

If the taste of lemon is too sour for you, you can also take a lemon bath.

2. sports exercises become routine

To effectively fight cellulite, you should exercise regularly. It may take time to see results. But believe me it will.

Very good for building muscle are planks.

This is how it works: you support yourself on your forearms, stretch your legs backwards and try to stay in this position for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise about 3-4 times.
Here are more Exercises against cellulite.

Sport against cellulite
Nothing helps better than muscle building

3. cellulite cream

Many women complain that cellulite creams have no effect on them. Nevertheless, make a cream against orange peel skin part of your beauty ritual.

In combination with sports exercises and brushing rituals, cellulite cream can also make a difference. If you only use the cellulite cream alone, it can of course be that the success is a long time coming.

Cellulite creams are available with various ingredients such as caffeine and antioxidants. You have to choose the cream that suits you best. You can get great advice at the pharmacy.

4. brushes

A great tip for fighting cellulite is also "dry" brushing before you shower or bathe.

For this, use a brush with natural bristles, with other bristles you will only damage your skin and do it no good at all.

It's best to brush your whole body. This also stimulates the metabolism and blood circulation.

Our tip: Try brushing also with Coconut oil*. The blood circulation is increased and the natural lymph flow is promoted, the removal of waste products in the connective tissue is also stimulated.

5. grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruits are said to have a positive effect with regard to cellulite. Grapefruit seed extract is now the talk of the town. This can be applied externally or internally.

Super effective is the grapefruit seed extract
Super effective is the grapefruit seed extract

When using grapefruit seed extract internally, about 5 drops per 10 kg of body weight are taken 2-3 times a day.

For external use of the extract, it is mixed with various body care products, for example, cellulite masks or cellulite baths.

6. cellulite friendly breakfast

It's great if you include a healthy breakfast in your daily schedule in addition to all your morning rituals. Make sure you include lots of vegetables or fruit, or even a green shake. When cooking it is best if you Coconut oil* use.

7. mineral water

As a morning ritual, you should also drink a glass of mineral water. Even if you have already drunk the lemon water before.

Mineral water in the morning is always great.

After all, there is nothing more important than a sufficiently hydrated skin in the fight against cellulite.

Keep in mind that you should always drink at least two liters of water a day.

8. food supplements

If you should resort to a diet to fight your cellulite please make sure that your body gets all the nutrients.

If you are not sure whether this is the case, you can find out from your doctor by means of a blood test or something similar whether you are really lacking anything.

You can find nutritional supplements in pharmacies, as well as in well-stocked drugstores.

9. alternating showers

Alternating showers can also be super helpful. You can also incorporate them into your daily routine early in the morning. The alternation between warm and cold water stimulates the blood circulation.

It is best to alternate between cold and warm water three times. Finish the shower with cold water.

10. red wine against cellulite

I have great news for you. There is nothing better than to end the day with a glass of red wine. So maybe less suitable for the morning, but for the evening hours. Did you know that red wine is a super support in the fight against cellulite?

red wine-against-cellulite
Red wine is also said to help against cellulite

How does it work?

Red wine contains antioxidants, but these block two enzymes responsible for the breakdown of collagen.

If the breakdown of collagen does not take place, then the unpopular dents can also be avoided. Whether it works or not, a glass of red wine never hurt anyone :)

11. garlic

Perhaps garlic is not everyone's favorite. However, it has some advantages for you in the fight against the unpleasant dents.

How can garlic help you now in the fight against cellulite? Garlic promotes blood circulation and subsequently increases the ability to eliminate the very pollutants that cause cellulite.

The health of the heart is also increased by regular consumption of garlic. Garlic also helps in the fight against obesity.

The garlic has such a good effect because it stimulates the metabolism.

Garlic is so effective because it boosts your metabolism and helps your body break up and break down the fat cells stored in your unsightly areas.

12. cherries against cellulite

Cherries are the enemies of cellulite. But there are several reasons for this.

Cherries against cellulite orange peel skin
Cherries are healthy and fight orange peel skin

Firstly, cherries contain antioxidants, especially anthocyanins. These anthocyanins help the skin to produce the collagen protein. This prevents the breakdown of skin tissue caused by cellulite.

So if you like cherries, you have a clear advantage. By eating cherries you give your skin the nutrients it needs to look fresh.

13. chicken

Are you a poultry fan? Then go for the chicken breast. Why is chicken breast so helpful in fighting cellulite?

If you want to fight your cellulite, you should reduce your body fat. This is where chicken breast is a great food. Of course, you should also do sports, but the diet still plays a very big role.

Chicken breast is on the one hand rich in protein and easy to prepare, on the other hand it is low in fat. Chicken has only a few saturated fatty acids, but also a large amount of protein. The protein contained in chicken breast is low in calories, so you can eat larger amounts without worrying about it.

You can prepare chicken in all variations. Rosemary, salt, paprika, bell pepper or many other herbs go well with chicken.

Our Tip:

If you use these morning rituals regularly to fight cellulite, you will see results after some time. Just do not give up so quickly :)

Do you have any other tips for us? We look forward to your tricks :)

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