This is how you strengthen your immune system in the long term!

Strengthen immune system with sports

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Finally put an end to regular colds and sniffles. How? It's simple. We tell you the best tips to strengthen your immune system.

Are you one of those who suffer from a constant cold? You are not alone in this.

Next to back pain, flu-like infections are the most common reason for sick leave. Unfortunately, most patients do not cure themselves properly and return to work far too quickly. You too?

This makes a relapse more likely. And means bacteria and viruses have an easy game with you.

You want to strengthen your immune system and break out of this vicious circle? We show you what you need to pay attention to in order to stay healthy!

Strengthen immune system works best with

  • healthy diet
  • Sufficient movement

Why you need to strengthen your immune system in time

You wouldn't believe how many protective barriers your body has to ward off pathogens.

The penetration of bacteria and viruses is made more difficult by saliva, coughing, sneezing, stomach acid or the acidic skin environment. However, if these protective barriers of your body are overcome, your immune system is challenged.

Of course, bacteria and viruses are not only active in the cold season. That's why you need to strengthen your immune system - all year round.

Tip: With these triangle ampoules from Orthomol, you can prepare your defenses for the cold season and also strengthen your immune system during this time. You can order it from Amazon. 

The low temperatures worsen the blood flow to the nose and throat.

In autumn and winter, you become more susceptible to colds and the like. In addition, we are more often indoors and the risk of infection increases further.

Pathogens have it easier when your body is already weakened or insufficiently supplied with nutrients. To stay healthy, it is therefore important to start strengthening your immune system in time.

How you can strengthen the immune system with nutrition

With the right diet you can strengthen your immune system. Your body needs vitamins, trace elements and nutrients.

A weak immune system needs vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D and E in particular. But also the trace elements copper, zinc, selenium and iron, as well as secondary plant compounds.

A balanced and healthy diet is important for you to stay healthy.

In order to process nutrients properly, you need a healthy intestinal flora. The gut contains up to 100 trillion microorganisms and 70 % of your body's defense cells.

The intestine is the center of the immune system. A healthy intestinal flora strengthens the immune system and vice versa.

But because it is very difficult to take in enough vitamins and nutrients every day, supplements help during the cold season.

I myself start to build up my immune system in the fall.

Strengthen immune system with vitamin C

The best known vitamin of all is vitamin C.

The recommended daily dose is around 200 mg. Particularly good vitamin C suppliers are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale or citrus fruits.

However, there is one thing you should keep in mind: No matter which fruits and vegetables you choose, vitamin C is very sensitive. This means that you should store the food for as short a time as possible and preferably eat it fresh.

Strengthen immune system

Vitamin C

  • acts as an antioxidant and radical scavenger
  • improves the absorption of iron
  • promotes wound healing
  • Provides firm connective tissue

and can do much more.

Stay healthy with vitamin D

One of the key hormones when it comes to the immune system is vitamin D. Most associate the vitamin only with bone health. However, it can do much more.

Vitamin D is important to strengthen your defenses. Only when you have enough vitamin D can your body's defenses be activated.

Contrary to what most people think, vitamin D is not a vitamin, but a precursor of a hormone. If you allow your skin regular sunlight, your body will produce vitamin D on its own. You should allow your body at least 5 minutes of sunlight per day.

In winter, our body cannot produce it. We have to stock up in summer or take it in winter via drops.

You can also find small amounts of vitamin D in food. Good sources are fatty sea fish, avocados, mushrooms and eggs.

However, you can't eat that many foods to fill your stores. However, they should regularly land on your plate to support you.

I take vitamin D drops in the fall and winter.

To do this, grab a drop with the pipette, put it on a teaspoon, which I fill with water beforehand. I put it in my mouth and then drink a glass of water. Done.

Strengthen defenses with selenium and zinc

You have a weak immune system? Then put enough selenium and zinc on your menu. Both are there to protect your body cells.

Zinc controls the function of more than 200 enzymes and is involved in many metabolic processes in your body. Therefore, zinc is also important for your immune defense.

You should consume at least 10 mg of zinc daily in your diet. The need increases when you are pregnant or under a lot of stress. Foods rich in zinc are oysters, dairy products, beef, seafood and sea fish.

In addition to zinc, selenium requirements must also be met. Selenium-rich foods are meat, chicken eggs, asparagus, fish and lentils.

How you can strengthen the performance of the body with sports

Strengthen your immune system with sports? Yes, especially endurance sports push your immune system. Whether running, swimming, cycling, do whatever you feel like.

Even climbing stairs or taking short walks will have a positive effect on your immune system.

Strengthen immune system with sports

However, you should not overdo it. Too much effort is stress for your body. And then you are an easy victim for bacteria and viruses.

So always give your body enough rest after a sports session.

If you already have a cold, you should stop your fitness program until you are completely cured. Otherwise you will weaken your immune system and become more susceptible to further infections.

12 tips for a strong immune system

For a weak immune system, nutrition and sufficient exercise are immensely important.

In addition, there are many other tips that you should follow. This way you can strengthen your immune system in no time.

1. off into the sun

As you already know, vitamin D is important for an intact immune system.

You can take in a small part of the requirement through food.

You have to produce most of it yourself. With the help of the sun.

Since there is not enough sun in the fall and winter and the UV radiation is much lower, you need to stock up in the summer.

You think you suffer from a deficiency? Around 90% of adults have too little vitamin D to live on throughout the winter. You can determine your level with a blood test.

But even if you can't fill up on vitamin D, you should spend plenty of time outdoors in the winter.

2. avoid effort

You do a lot of sports? That's great in itself! However, have you ever heard of the open-window phenomenon? No? This occurs with excessive physical exertion.

One example: You run a marathon. During the race, the number of immune cells in your blood rises sharply. When your body then relaxes again, the number of immune cells drops below the initial value before the heavy exertion.

Pathogens can overcome your immune system much more easily during this relaxation phase. You get sick.

In short, exercise is important, but don't do too much! More than 3-4x per week is not healthy for most!

3. avoid stress

Please don't stress! Do you also rush from one appointment to the next? Then you should definitely allow yourself breaks more often.

You can also do yoga or relax in a hot bath.

Why is this so important? Only when your body is rested can it produce new antibodies. So avoid stressful situations as much as possible and try to schedule time for relaxation on a regular basis.

4. increase performance of the body with drinking

Are you also one of those who drink far too little? Then you should change that as soon as possible.

When you don't drink enough, you not only feel drained and tired, but you also become more susceptible to infections. This is due to dehydrated mucous membranes.

Improve immune defense with drink

Due to the lack of moisture, bacteria and viruses cannot be sufficiently removed.

Drinking tea is especially good. Especially green tea contains important antioxidants that support your immune system.

5. stop smoking and drinking alcohol

No one can refuse a sip in honor? Yes, there is certainly nothing wrong with a glass of wine here and there.

However, if you escalate regularly and drink one over the thirst more often, your immune system will also suffer.

Alcohol intoxication even deactivates your immune system for at least 24 hours. Nicotine also weakens your defenses and constricts the blood vessels. This makes it easy for pathogens to take hold.

6. wash hands

Quite often, viruses are transmitted during contact with door handles, shopping carts, and handshakes.

In the flu season you should wash your hands very thoroughly. At least 2-3 times a day.

Whether washed or not: Never touch your face with your fingers! You will transmit a lot of viruses and bacteria!

7. avoid crowds

In the office, on the subway, while shopping - crowds are hard to avoid.

Of course, this increases your risk of meeting someone with a cold who spreads the viruses by sneezing or coughing.

Unfortunately, you cannot protect yourself against this. However, you should avoid closer physical contact. Try to avoid shaking hands or hugging.

8. stay healthy with enough sleep

Besides enough relaxation, your body also needs enough sleep.

The quality and duration of your sleep are closely related to your immune system. While you sleep, your body performs miracles.

It releases large amounts of immune-active substances during sleep. This allows you to strengthen your immune system while dreaming.

9. sauna and alternating showers

Sauna visits and regular alternating showers can strengthen your immune system.

When alternating between warm and cold water, your blood circulation is boosted. In addition, your body is trained for rapid temperature changes.

You already have a cold? Then you should avoid saunas and alternating showers. Temperature fluctuations can put additional strain on your weakened body.

10. ventilate regularly

Ensure regular oxygen exchange. Even if it is cold outside, you should air the room several times a day.

It's best to open all windows for 10 minutes.

Just a few minutes are enough to exchange the old virus-rich air with oxygen-rich fresh air.

Tilted windows, by the way, bring little. Thus, hardly any air exchange can take place.

11. remove finger from face

We've been over this, haven't we? But you can't mention it too often!

You think cold viruses are mainly transmitted by sneezing and coughing? Unfortunately, you're wrong.

Most germs are transmitted via the hands. It doesn't matter whether it's when you shake hands, at the ATM or on doorknobs. You come into contact with germs everywhere.

When we are on the phone, adjusting our glasses or thinking, we always have our fingers in our face.

All this increases the likelihood that you will get sick. Therefore, do not run your hands in your face and wash your hands more often.

12. kissing for a strong immune system

You want to strengthen your immune system? Then you should smooch more often!

Yes, that's a nice tip, isn't it? Kissing strengthens your immune system.

On the one hand, your brain is flooded with happiness messengers when you make out. On the other hand, you exchange around 4,000 germs with your partner via saliva. It's like an oral vaccination. So if that's not a reason to make out more often. :)

Our conclusion

A strong immune system is in your hands. Are you tired of sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office? You want to actively do something against your weak immune system? Then you should take our tips to heart.

Make sure you eat a balanced diet, get enough exercise, wash your hands regularly and avoid stress as much as possible.

Good luck with strengthening the immune system and stay healthy!

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