Omg! These are the causes of dark circles under the eyes!

Eye circles causes

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Tired, stressed and tense? These are causes for dark circles under the eyes! The dark shadows under the eyes have accompanied me for a long time; you too? Here's what you can do against dark circles under your eyes and why they appear!

My nights are often far too short. I can see that clearly in the mirror the next morning. Then a face blinks back at me, marked by dark circles under my eyes.

You probably know the dilemma too? A sleepless night, an unhealthy lifestyle or a crying baby? The shadows under the eyes betray us all the next day.

And what can I tell you? Circles under the eyes are unattractive. They make us look tired, worn out and sick.

The dark shadows under the eyes can arise quite differently. But even in a fit and rested state, dark circles under the eyes can be noticeable. And even be consequences of a disease.

High time we clarify under eye circles causes. And more importantly, clarify the question of how we can do something about the shadows under the eyes.

What are circles under the eyes

In technical terminology, dark circles under the eyes are called "halonization". Typical for halonation is certainly the dark color. The dark shadows are located under the eyes, sometimes around the entire eye.

The skin around the eye area is the thinnest on your entire body! Unlike other areas of the body that are plumped up by fat cells, the eye area has little sub-fatty tissue.

On the other hand, many blood vessels and lymph glands are located there. Therefore, the unpopular blue-violet coloration often shimmers through the thin skin layer.

That dark circles under the eyes have something to do with bruises or a bruise is wrong. Nevertheless, the skin around the dark circles can also be swollen, but just as well sunken.

Eye circles causes - how they occur

Especially in the morning, your eyes are often underlaid with the dark shadows. Thus, the first look in the mirror quickly provides a moment of shock.

There are basically two mechanisms that lead to the development of dark circles under the eyes.

#1 The lymph

The cause of dark circles under the eyes in the morning is often due to the fact that the lymphatic circulation is shut down during sleep. More fluid accumulates in the tissues.

Your blood vessels dilate temporarily. Thus, through the thin and delicate skin around the eyes, the dark circles appear. The dark circles here are caused by the first mechanism, the shining through of blood vessels.

They become much brighter again during the morning and can hardly be seen.

#2 The hyperpigmentation

Number two is hyperpigmentation of the skin. Your skin contains pigment cells called melanin. You may know it more from the "crisp brown summer complexion" area.

Melanin can also be a cause of dark circles under the eyes. If a lot of the pigment cells accumulate in a certain area of the body, a dark discoloration occurs. The more melanin, the darker it appears.

If your eye area is affected by hyperpigmentation, it will show up as blue-gray discoloration.

Eye circles cause

Eye circles causes you need to know

There is more than one reason for dark circles under the eyes, that's for sure. Lack of sleep, environmental influences, lack of exercise, poor diet and allergies are just some of the causes of dark circles under the eyes.

We continue where we just left off: Hyperpigmentation. The cause of dark circles due to hyperpigmentation are the following:

  • Very intense UV radiation due to solarium visits or prolonged sunbathing
  • Repeated scratching and rubbing due to skin inflammation (allergy, neurodermatitis and so on).
  • Diseases of the skin, malformations of the skin (for example, erythema dyschromicum pertans (EDP)).
  • Drugs, certain medications
  • Hereditary conditions

If it is not due to the pigment cells, the problem literally lies even deeper. The cause of dark circles is then often the blood vessels and the thin skin around the eye area.

Dark circles under eyes due to fatigue

The most well-known reason for dark circles is definitely lack of sleep. When you are tired, there is a lack of oxygen in the blood.

It gets darker when the oxygen concentration decreases. This unfavorable combination of darker blood flowing more slowly gives you dark circles under your eyes.

Shadow under the eyes due to lack of water

Deeply sunken circles under the eyes, which are not very dark, find their cause in insufficient hydration. A well-hydrated skin is plumped up.

If the water supply to the cells is too low, the substance collapses. This particularly affects areas with little subcutaneous fat, such as around the eyes. This causes wrinkles and dark shadows.

The solution can not be simpler. Drink enough (water), at least two to three liters per day.

Cause of dark circles: improper diet and nutrient deficiency

Iron, trace element and vitamin deficiencies promote dark circles under the eyes. So your diet can be a reason for dark circles.

Iron deficiency causes the blood to turn darker and show through more strongly. Women often suffer from this during menstruation, pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Athletes also have an increased iron requirement.

Too little zinc in your circulatory system leads to anemia and that again around to dark circles and a weakened immune system. Sufficient supply of vitamin K is important for blood clotting. Lack of this vitamin is a cause of dark circles under the eyes.

We recommend that you eat a balanced diet. Foods such as green vegetables, whole grains and nuts contain a lot of iron, vitamin K and zinc.

As is often the case, the consumption of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine can also influence the appearance of dark circles. These three ingredients can dehydrate your body. This reduces the oxygen content in the blood. This is how more pronounced dark circles are formed.

Get blood work done regularly to keep track of the effects of your diet.

Get rid of dark circles

One reason for shadows under the eyes is permanent stress

Everyday life can already be quite a handful for us. Permanent stress leads to exhaustion. Which in turn tempts water loss in the skin cells. Dry skin becomes wrinkled and wrinkles cast dark shadows. That is already misery one.

Furthermore, the fine blood veins shine more strongly through the fine skin on the eye when it is drier. Poof, misery two. Both together make for unsightly dark circles under the eyes.

Circles under eyes due to computer work

Many people work on their PCs for eight hours a day. That puts a lot of strain on the eyes. The eye muscles then consume more oxygen. Oxygen is supplied via the blood.

Accordingly, stressed eyes are supplied with more blood and the blood vessels shimmer more strongly through the thin layer of skin. Too much time in front of your computer is a cause of dark circles. By the way, the same applies to long binge-watching on Netflix and co.

Dark shadows under eyes due to old age

In advanced age, the already thin skin around the eyes loses even more subcutaneous fat. The under-eye area loses substance and it becomes flabbier.

This is a cause of dark circles under the eyes, as the blood vessels are more visible. The collapse of the tear trough also causes more shadows to fall on the eyes. All in all, more dark shadows appear around the eyes.

Eye circles due to diseases

In fact, dark circles under the eyes can also be caused by diseases. If you can exclude deficiency symptoms and pigment disorders, you should visit your trusted doctor.

Skin and metabolic diseases can be a cause of dark circles under the eyes. But also an allergic reaction can cause a dark shadow under your eye from time to time.

Eye circles cause: diseases of the kidney

Do you have dark and puffy circles under your eyes? Then it could be due to poor kidney function or chronic kidney problems.

The resulting fluid retention causes your dark circles to swell. Fluid retention can also have a non-health-related reason.

Eye circles cause: diseases of the liver

A sick liver often goes hand in hand with an unhealthy lifestyle. A high-fat diet and alcohol, nicotine, lots of caffeine and sugar are harmful to your liver.

We have just told you about the effects. Permanent stress also has a negative effect on the liver. All this is also the cause of dark circles under the eyes.

Eye circles causes

What you can do about dark circles triggers

The type of treatment for your dark circles depends on the cause, of course. You have seen how many different causes of dark circles there are.

To get rid of dark shadows under your eyes, you need to pay attention to your daily habits.

Short-term help may be provided by the application of damp tea bags, cucumber slices or cool compresses. However, you should be careful. Irritation of the skin or allergic reactions may occur.

If you are unsure, have the causes clarified by a doctor. Your first point of contact is your family doctor.

This way you can fight dark circles in the long run:

  • Enough sleep
  • Sufficient fluid intake
  • Healthy diet, abstaining from alcohol, nicotine and other drugs
  • Protection from UV light (sunscreen and sunglasses)
  • Sufficient exercise
  • Avoiding stress, long PC work and television marathons
  • Regular appointments with the doctor
  • Proper care for the thin skin around the eyes

Our conclusion

The causes of dark circles are very diverse. Fortunately, you can treat them. The right diet and a healthy lifestyle can help you. And soon you'll be looking at bright eyes instead of tired dark circles when you look in the mirror in the morning!

All the best for you!

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