This is what you need to know about increased temperature before your period!

Increased temperature period

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You just took a fever and you are surprised about your body temperature? So an elevated temperature indicates the period and from this temperature you have a fever!

The female cycle is mega complex. From menstruation to ovulation, a lot happens in your body. Among other things Increased temperature the period.

So you don't have to worry about being ill when your period is about to start. One higher temperature before the Menstruation is quite normal.🩸

Also on the first day During your period, you will notice an increased temperature. But let's start from the beginning.

If your cycle is associated with a lot of question marks, then you've come to the right place. Let's take a look at the topic Body temperature very closely.

Why does the body temperature rise before the period?

The Temperature rise after ovulation is 0.3 to 0.5° Celsius. It is triggered by the luteal hormone progesterone. This hormone has an influence on the temperature center in the brain and causes the body temperature to rise before the period.🧠

The Sex hormone is only ever recognized if an actual Ovulation has taken place. Therefore, a rise in temperature is a sure sign that you have actually ovulated.

If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum dies. This takes place around 12 to 16 days after ovulation. The Progesterone levels decreases, the Temperature drops and your menstruation begins.

But let's look at this in detail. Our cycle consists of two phases: the Follicular phase and the Corpus luteum phase.

The follicular phase starts immediately after your period. This is where the mucous membrane begins to develop. At the same time, follicles mature in the ovary.

Once the vesicle is ready, the Ovulation. This usually happens around the 14th day of your cycle. And now it gets exciting for your Body temperature.

During the entire Cycle our body is subject to Hormone fluctuations. Provided the woman uses contraception not with the pill, hormone sticks or other hormone preparations.

These fluctuations ensure that the body's core temperature (also known as Basal body temperature ) sinks and rises. The first phase is called the low phase. One to two days before the temperature rises, many women experience a drop in temperature.

This low indicates that ovulation is about to take place. If you ovulate, you will enter the high position.

Thus, the increased temperature indicates the period on the clinical thermometer.

When do I have an elevated temperature before my period and when do I have a fever?

The average core body temperature is between 36.5° and 37.4° Celsius.

You have an elevated temperature when the fever thermometer shows a value between 37.5 and 38.4 degrees Celsius. A fever starts at 38.5 degrees Celsius. You have a high fever from 39.5°. At 41 degrees or more, it becomes life-threatening.

But if your body temperature rises noticeably before your period, you may have a fever and be sick.

Tip for cycle fluctuations

Have you often a irregular Cycle? Then I recommend the Product from Effective Nature. The Inositol powder* contains a messenger substance that is involved in hormone metabolism. It is usually found in a Desire to have children used to give the cycle a boost.👶🏼

But also without wanting to get pregnantit is a good helper. It ensures that your Hormones back into the Balance and you have a regular entry.

It not only has good ratings at Amazon, but I can also warmly recommend it, as I took it myself for a while. My cycle has returned to normal as a result.

Ovulation increased temperature period

Do you have an elevated temperature during your period?

Most have an elevated temperature from the period. The value normalizes again during menstruation. Shortly before ovulation, many women can experience a Temperature low can be determined. About two days after ovulation or even during ovulation, the body temperature rises. This continues until your period arrives.

On average, the temperatures around ovulation are between 0.3 and 0.6 degrees above the normal basal body temperature.

If your body temperature is normally 37° C, it can easily rise to 37.5° during this phase.📈 This happens within 48 hours of ovulation.

For many women, the temperature only drops again when their period starts. However, many women report first day of bleeding still Increased temperature to have.

A rise in temperature in the first half of the cycle, has nothing to do with your menstruation or ovulation.

By the way, you only have temperature fluctuations when you are on hormone-free Contraception sets. Taking the pill, hormone IUDs or other hormone-based contraceptives, changes the body temperature.

Usual basal body temperature curve
Here you can see how your body temperature changes during your cycle.

How you can use the increased body temperature before your period

A rise of 0.3 to 0.6° Celsius is not a huge increase. But you can still make use of this knowledge. As an increased temperature indicates your period and ovulation, you can determine exactly on which day you are pregnant. fruitful are.

On the one hand, women who have problems getting pregnant do this. And on the other hand, women who have Exclude pregnancy would like

With natural cycle monitoring, you check your cycle with a Basal thermometer your body temperature.

By the way, monitoring your temperature is also exciting for anyone using contraception with copper IUDs, condoms and the like. This allows you to monitor your body get to know new!

Just before and directly during your period is the best time to Sports to drive. The Estrogen and Progesterone level drops now and you can burn a lot of fat. However, new studies have shown that during this time Careful with Stretching exercises must be. The fluctuating hormone levels can Resilience the muscles and ligaments negatively influence.

The catch is that many women have Craving for sweets. However, if you feel fit, you should do without it and do an extra sports session instead.🍬🍭

Why not only increased temperature announces the period

The slightly elevated temperature is often associated with typical PMS symptoms along with it. Incidentally, PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. We women are familiar with it in the form of mood swings, aching breasts, cravings and headaches.

Very many get shortly before the period nasty Pimple, quickly greasy skin and hair.

During this time of the cycle Water in the body. That's why we often feel uncomfortable. Added to this is the increased temperature before the period.

As soon as the bleeding starts, however, the spook is already over. On the 3rd day of the period at the latest, we are in a better mood and full of energy. And at our normal core body temperature.

If a slight tug announces that it's about to start and you're having spotting, then I recommend that you Washable panty liners to use. They are made of 100% cotton and therefore particularly good skin-friendly.

After use, you can simply put them in the Washing machine clean, dry and use again next time. Incidentally, this is also super practical if you have a heavy bleeding as a backup for a menstrual cup or tampon.

What is the best way to measure body temperature?

To find out whether an elevated temperature indicates your period or not and whether you are about to ovulate, you need to measure correctly. Those who rely on natural contraception use a Basal thermometer, that has many decimal places. The best time to measure is in the morning before you get out of bed.

If you are using a conventional clinical thermometer, a rectal measurementso in the After, is the most meaningful result. This is because the temperature comes closest to the core body temperature.

Measurements in the mouth of the armpit are more common. Especially when measuring in the Armpit but many Error occur. This is the most unreliable method.

Basically, it doesn't matter where you have to go. You should just always remember same place and time in order to obtain values that can be compared.

Before you start measuring the temperature, you should take a rest for half an hour. At normal room temperature. If you take a hot steam bath beforehand, the result will not be meaningful.

You should also avoid a lot of exercise or even sport before measuring. All this distorts the result.

Body temperature ovulation period

Our conclusion

The fact that an increased temperature Period and the Ovulation is actually true. The hormone progesterone is responsible for this. If you want to have a child, you should start now. If not: now is the time to use particularly good contraception!☝🏼

However, if your temperature is noticeably higher and you are not feeling well, it is most likely an infection or an impending cold. Watch your temperature and contact a doctor if it gets worse.

All the best!🩷

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