Wow! You don't know that about dandelions yet!

Dandelion effect

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What many dismiss as a weed is a medicinal plant with amazing capabilities. This is what you need to know about the dandelion effect and how to use it properly.

Dandelion is healthy. Especially now that it is sprouting everywhere, you should include it regularly in your diet. Dandelion is used as a medicinal plant for loss of appetite, digestive problems and metabolic disorders.

Give the dandelion a chance!

Everything you need to know about the effects of dandelion, you read now.

Incidentally, the healing properties of dandelion is known since ancient times. In the Middle Ages it was used against jaundice.

Have you ever eaten dandelions? No? Then it's high time. From the leaves you can make a crisp dandelion salad or prepare them in a delicious wild herb soup give

What makes dandelion so healthy

As a medicinal plant, dandelion is used not only in folk medicine. Modern medicine has also recognized the effect of dandelion.

Medicinally used are the leaves, flowers and roots. So really the whole plant. Anyone who has ever Wild herb salad with dandelion has eaten, who knows: The leaves taste bitter.

And that's what makes the supposed weed so healthy.

But also its high vitamin C content makes it interesting for our immune system. The herb is rich in potassium, which is why it has a draining and mild laxative effect.

What you need to know about the effect of dandelion

Dandelion has a diuretic and mild laxative effect, and is therefore promoted as the regional detox miracle cure. The dandelion is used in many spring cures and is said to help with purification.

Especially the leaves have a strong diuretic and detoxifying effect.

How quickly dandelion takes effect? Quite quickly. Already 1-2 hours after eating you will have to go to the toilet more often. If you drink a lot before and after eating dandelion, you flush your body really well.

The main active ingredients of dandelion are sesquiterpene lactones (as bitter substances). But you can also find flavonoids, tannins, sugars, potassium and even 25% inulin in the root, which your intestinal bacteria love.

If you are interested in medicinal plants, wild herbs and herbs in general, I can give you the book The Power of Herbs* to my heart. I have it at home myself and love to browse through it. In this book you will find 350 recipes and tips on herbs for beauty, home and garden.

Here comes the dandelion to use

Dandelion shows effect on problems such as

  • Digestive disorders (flatulence or constipation)
  • Feeling of fullness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fat digestion disorders
  • Metabolic diseases such as gout or rheumatism
  • Bile flow disorders

When you treat yourself to a dandelion salad, your kidneys and liver are stimulated. This makes digestion run more smoothly, especially if you have eaten food that is difficult to digest.

The tea is also used as a flushing therapy. That is, if you are prone to kidney stones or small kidney stones should be flushed out. But please always do it under the supervision of a doctor.

In folk medicine dandelion is used for rheumatism and gout. It is also recommended for strengthening connective tissue. It stimulates the metabolism and therefore often ends up in herbal tea blends, which are said to have a blood-cleansing effect.

Dandelion tea is very bitter. I can not drink it, although I like bitter foods very much.

Dandelion effect

How to recognize dandelions

You want to benefit from the dandelion effect? Then cut the leaves best 1x a week small. Mix them with your salad so that it is not too bitter. If you like it bitter like me, eat the leaves instead of conventional salad.

But where do you even find this medicinal herb? If you don't know plants well, buy dandelions at the weekly or farmers' market.

If you know about wild herbs, you can also collect dandelions yourself. It grows in meadows, at the edge of the forest or in clearings by the forest. It loves sun and can cope well with little water, so it also sprouts between paving stones.

Even if it looks tempting, don't collect dandelions next to the road or on typical dog walking routes. Even frequent washing will not help.

You can recognize dandelions by their jagged leaves and yellow flower. The leaves are arranged in a rosette, elongated and toothed - you could also call them tongue-shaped.

The stem to the flower is hollow. The plant develops a strong stake-like root, which looks a little like a turnip. The leaves and the roots secrete a milky-white liquid.

Contrary to what most believe, you can collect and eat the leaves all year round. They are most tender in the spring. The larger the leaves are, the firmer they become. But I simply cut them into small pieces with a sharp knife - problem solved.

For visual appeal, sprinkle a few dandelion petals on your salad or in your wild herb soup.

Our conclusion

If you want to savor the effect of dandelion, it is best to prepare a salad from it. Or you can add a few fresh leaves to a herbal soup - be careful not to use too much, otherwise it will become bitter. With the dandelion you can stimulate your digestion, avoid flatulence and bloating and drain the body.

Enjoy it!

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