Dry brushing massage: this is why you should treat yourself to one now!

Dry brushing tutorial

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Dry Brushing is a care ritual that is becoming increasingly popular. And for good reason, too. Here's what you need to know about it and here comes a dry brushing tutorial suitable for beginners.

You should do something good for your skin again. It really deserves it. The trend of dry brushing comes just at the right time. Or?

Once you start using it, you're guaranteed to love it. After the dry brush treatment you will feel refreshed and energized.

But why actually? What are the advantages of dry brushing and what does a dry brushing tutorial actually look like?

Find out now!

What is Dry Brushing?

True, it's all the rage right now. But brushing the skin is not a new invention. Dry brushing is one of the oldest beauty applications in the world. Already more than 5000 years ago, people relied on daily brushing of the skin.

It has its origin in the ancient Indian Ayurvedic healing system, where it is also called "gharsana". The aim is to move the lymph fluid towards the heart.

In the process, stored toxins and metabolic wastes are directed to the liver and kidney, where they are eventually excreted.

In our country, the naturopath Sebastian Kneipp made the application known. In the 19th century he recommended dry brushing in the cold season. Thereby is to strengthen the immune system. This means that flu infections do not stand a chance.

Especially in the alkaline life dry brushing plays a major role. That is why this type of detoxification is often recommended during an alkaline cure, where you can establishes the acid-base balance.

For the application you use a brush with fine bristles. But more about that in a moment.

What are the advantages of dry brushing?

Brushing the skin is said to have some health benefits. From head to toe, you'll benefit if you follow dry brushing instructions and do it right. More on the process in a moment, let's take a quick look at the benefits.

Brushing promotes blood circulation and stimulates the lymph

Dry brushing is worthwhile even during the application itself. It really gets the blood circulation going. A slight tingling sensation spreads through your body and warmth is generated.

Because we always work in the direction of the heart when brushing, we also stimulate the lymphatic system. By the way, our lymphs are nothing other than the body's own detox system. They help to eliminate toxins. If they don't work properly, fluid can build up under the skin.

Full body scrub for smooth skin

Do you know the problem with ingrown hairs on your legs? Then you should exfoliate regularly. But if you do a dry brushing treatment instead of a peeling, you will benefit from several advantages at once.

The natural bristles simply scrub away the old skin scales. They gently yet effectively free the body. Your underlying skin can breathe. This stimulates the production of new skin cells. You feel soft to the touch from head to toe.

You also prevent hair grow into the skin after shaving and are ignite.

Dry brushing tutorial

Dry brushing against cellulite

Have you ever heard that lymphatic drainage can help with cellulite? The reason is simple: the massage stimulates the blocked lymph to flow freely again.

The same thing happens with Dry Brushing. The dry brushing of the skin is also intended to alleviate already existing orange peel skin. The main thing here is to stick with it!

If you follow the dry brushing instructions every day, the connective tissue will appear firmer and tighter.

That's not just a figure of speech. There are even studies that prove this effect. The most recent study dates from 2009. This involved 60 women who were divided into two groups. One group was treated with simple massages, the other with manual lymphatic drainage. An improvement of the orange peel skin was observed in all participants.

Dry brushing against cellulite works in principle. However, you should not hope for a miracle, cellulite cannot simply be brushed away.

Brushes for new energy

Are you also a morning person? Then put the dry brush next to the coffee. Because from now on you have a new morning routine. If you start dry brushing right after you get up, you can start the day more easily.

During the massage your blood circulation will be stimulated in such a way that you will immediately feel more energetic. You don't have to massage forever. Already 2 to 3 minutes show effect.

By the way, morning is the best time for brushing anyway - whether you're a morning person or not. Experts recommend brushing the skin before showering. This way, you simply wash off the dry skin flakes in the shower.

Which bristles are the right ones?

If you have already looked around a bit in online stores, then you are now faced with exactly this question. There are three types of bristles.

  • Nylon synthetic bristles
  • Natural bristles from animal hair
  • Natural bristles from plant fibers

Most experts recommend using natural bristles because they are very gentle on the skin. There are also different bristles in terms of strength. From soft to hard, everything is possible. I recommend that you go for a medium strength.

If you brush regularly, it may be worth choosing two different strengths. Soft bristles are more comfortable for the décolleté and abdomen. Often there are sets in which different models and strengths can be found.

If you don't have one yet, I can recommend this one.

Dry brush set of 2
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Two basics for your dry brushing tutorial

Once you've mastered two basics, you're ready to go. On the one hand, it's about choosing the right pressure and on the other hand, not treating your skin too long or too short. Sounds complicated?

But it's not so bad. But now you'll get detailed instructions for dry brushing.

How long should last Dry Brushing

The good news is that just a few minutes a day is enough. The main thing is that you regularly reach for the brush. Only then can the treatment unfold its positive effects.

Five minutes are ideal. But even an express massage of 2 minutes already leaves significant improvements. The best time, by the way, is directly in the morning. Then, when the body and mind are just waking up. The treatment with the dry brush has a stimulating and energizing effect.

The right pressure

Too little pressure does not bring the desired effect, but neither does too much. You have to find the middle ground that is good for your skin. This varies from person to person. Always start with very light pressure, you will soon feel if you can press harder.

After the massage, the skin should be slightly toasted, but in any case not scratched. The pressure is one of those things that you have to determine for yourself. But after a few applications with the dry brush, you get the hang of it.

If you want, you can watch this video and learn even more in it.

Dry Brushing Tutorial: How to make Dry Brushing work

There is a simple rule of thumb. It says: Always stroke in the direction of the heart when dry brushing. This principle applies to all areas of the body. But let's look at it in detail anyway.

Brush legs and buttocks

Every woman's favorite part when it comes to dry brushing. Start with the right foot and brush with light straight strokes over the lower leg and thigh up to the buttocks.

Then you change the page.


Follow the order of the dry brushing instructions. In the second step, you take care of the arms. Here you start at the hand of the right arm and brush the arm up until you reach the shoulder.

Now place the brush on the left hand and stroke up to the left shoulder.

Abdomen, décolleté and back

Now it's the turn of the abdomen, décolleté and back. For the abdomen, you need to work in a circle along the course of the intestine. In other words, clockwise from your point of view.

We start on the right side of the lower abdomen and sweep up to the rib. From there, move the Dry Brush horizontally to the left and then back down.

Also massage your décolleté in circular movements. Caution: Use little pressure, the skin is very sensitive here.

Admittedly, it's a bit complicated with the back. Maybe you can ask someone for help. Or you are limber enough to do it. The back is the final part of the brushing. Make small circular movements all along the back.

Dry Brushing Advantages

Dry brushing face

Dry brushing is also often used on the face. It is supposed to counteract wrinkles, remove skin flakes and thus ensure a clear complexion.

Divide your face into three zones. Zone 1: cheeks. Zone 2: chin and Zone 3: beats and forehead.

Perform circular movements with the brush for 20 to 30 seconds per zone.

Our conclusion

A massage with the Dry Brush is worthwhile for every skin type. If you follow the instructions for dry brushing, you will do something good for your skin and fill up with energy for the day early in the morning. Treat yourself to this little wellness break! You will see how good you feel afterwards!

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