Avoid these two mistakes when storing rolls

Store rolls

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You want your homemade pastries to stay fresh for a long time? This is how you need to store buns so that they don't dry out or go moldy, and these are the mistakes you should avoid.

When I go shopping hungry, I often end up with more in my shopping cart than I would like. When I get home, it quickly becomes clear that I'll never be able to eat it all.

The next day, the rolls will be tough, dry and no longer crispy.

Crisp on the outside, airy and loose on the inside? Wrong!

But what now? Eat them all away until you burst or is there a good way to store rolls so that exactly that doesn't happen?

Of course there are, otherwise I would not have dedicated a separate article to the topic.

Now I'm going to tell you a few secrets on how to store rolls so you can enjoy them longer.

Good to know:

Baked goods of all kinds have no place in the refrigerator. It is simply too cold and the humidity is also not right. Even if you can store vegetables, meat, lettuce, etc. in it, please don't store bread. The best place to store bread rolls is on the countertop, in the pantry or in a bread box.

They feel particularly comfortable at 18 to 22. That is, at room temperature.

The two biggest mistakes when storing rolls:

  1. The wrong packaging
  2. The humidity

The right packaging to store buns

If you want crispy rolls, you must not pack them airtight. If they were packed airtight in the supermarket, then you have to take them out of the packaging.

Use a paper bag that allows bread and rolls to breathe.

But what can you do if you really just bought too much? Then you can freeze rolls. Put them in a bag and put them in the freezer. When hunger strikes, let them defrost and then quickly put them in the oven for a while - tastes just like fresh!

Keeping an eye on the humidity

By the way, rolls become soggy when they absorb the humidity of the environment. So if you have high humidity in the kitchen, the rolls simply absorb it.

Therefore, it is not wise if you want to store your buns in a humid place. If you basically have problems with humidity, then it is actually worthwhile to ventilate first and ensure a normal room climate.

However, it is better to have a soggy bun than a hard one. After all, a soggy bun is much easier to bring back to life. If you don't want them to become rock hard, put them in

  • a freezer bag
  • a plastic bag
  • Cling film
  • or a well-sealed plastic box.

The bun will definitely stay soft now and you can still eat them in 2 days without worrying about your teeth.

Store crispy rolls

The oven refreshes buns

There are two possibilities: Either the rolls dry out or they become soggy. There is a solution for both: the oven or toaster!

Labby buns

If rolls are soggy, they have too much moisture in them. So put them in the oven just as they are. Without spraying them with water beforehand.

After about 3 minutes they are ready and crispy again. You can now sprinkle them with a very little water, but usually this is not necessary.

Alternatively, you can slice it up and put it in the toast. This works both quite wonderfully. With the toaster you are even faster.

Dry rolls

You have another problem with dry rolls. They simply no longer contain any moisture at all, are hard and dry as dust. But here, too, the oven can help.

Spray the buns with water beforehand. Let the water soak in and repeat the process twice more. If they are very dry, cut them and spray them from both sides. You can also hold them under running water for two seconds. And put them in the oven.

If there's nothing left to save, you can still make meatballs out of dry rolls or add them as croutons to a cream soup.

Beware of mold

If you want to store bread and rolls and have limited space, you'll probably put them in a box together, right? This always results in mold. Mold feels especially at home in warm and humid places.

I always had problems with mold in the bread box. But when I discovered clay Römertopf for me, the problem was solved. In it, bread and rolls stay good for a long time, because it has the perfect climate.

If you regularly wipe out the pot with vinegar water and keep it clean, mold won't stand a chance.

Oval bread pot
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You can buy a bread pot at markets or order one from Amazon. They are really worth the money!

My conclusion

If you want to store rolls because you bought too much, it's best to freeze them. That way they will be freshest later. If it's temporary storage, use a bag where they can breathe and toast them again in the oven right before eating.

Enjoy it!

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