Detoxify body in 7 simple steps

Detoxify body at home

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Detox - does that make any sense at all? We show you what detoxification is all about and why you should detoxify your body once a year.

Spring is the peak season. It is detoxed, detoxified and purified what the stuff holds.

Detox cures, detox foods and detoxing are supposed to help us stay and become healthy.

Reducing harmful substances is the magic word that makes us reach for all kinds of powders, capsules and the like. But does that make any sense at all?

Do you have to detoxify your body or is it all humbug? We have taken a close look at this.

Detoxify the body - What does that even mean?

Like the sun belongs to summer, detoxing the body belongs to spring for many. There are many terms for it. They range from detox, purification, therapeutic fasting to spring cure.

But the bottom line is always the same. It's about ridding the body of toxins and cleansing it.

By the way, detoxification is not a new invention. Already 2000 years ago, such cures were part of Indian Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

A few years ago, the old-fashioned word "detoxification" or "purification" was replaced by the mega hip word "detox". And already body detox was back in vogue.

Detox body home remedies - Detox Recipes

Actually, our body is built to detoxify itself. But sometimes it can happen that negative environmental influences take over. Then we have to detoxify our body and support it to get back into balance.

That is why the goal of many detoxification cures is to restore the acid-alkaline balance.

The balance of our body can be disturbed by medications, too much sugar, too much coffee, alcohol and an unhealthy lifestyle.

But environmental influences such as fine dust, exhaust fumes, cosmetics, cleaning agents, pesticides also play a role.

And not to forget: stress and too little exercise.

If many of these factors come together, our body sometimes can no longer find its own balance. You notice this when you feel tired and listless or are more susceptible to infections.

Symptoms for which detoxification can be helpful

  • Concentration problems, exhaustion, fatigue
  • Constipation, flatulence, diarrhea
  • Suddenly appearing skin problems like pimples, oily or dry skin
  • Headache, muscle pain
  • irritability, moodiness, aggressiveness, imbalance

When and why detoxify body

If you want to detox your body, then you should really try it this year. Afterwards you will feel physically and mentally more efficient. So a detox cure brings many benefits all around.

Pollutants are said to be able to settle in the cells and thus even weaken the immune system. This is exactly where body detoxification comes in. About 1x per year it is useful.

The 5 day all inclusive detox program

If you want to detox, the first thing is to look for recipes, define nutritional values and do not exceed them, make shopping lists, cook and do not be tempted by treats.

To be honest, it's not that easy and takes a mega strong will and also some time.

If you want to make things a little easier on yourself, go with a nutrition plan that is developed by experts and don't rely on your gut.

But a Body Cleansing program consists of more than just nutrition. It also includes mindfulness and exercise.

At Green Panda, you'll find a 5 day detox program that does it all for you. You'll get shopping lists, a nutrition plan, a plan for each day, mindfulness exercises, morning routines, and detox recipes that are ready in 15 minutes.

If this sounds interesting to you, you can use the Green Panda discount code 20€BCR_wegowild use. You will then get 20 euros on your order and the Green Panda Detox Complete Package*.

By the way, in the package you will also find 5 organic superfoods and 12 organic bars that will help you detox during the 5 detox days. Just click on the Green Panda Detox Complete Package* and find out more. We definitely give this package a thumbs up! :)

How to detoxify your body

Don't worry, this doesn't mean that you have to go on an expensive detox juice or soup diet. Or even worse: only drink water and eat nothing.

There are a number of ways you can detoxify your body. And you can do it from home.

1. detox with nutrition

Probably the most important step if you want to do something good for yourself: The diet.

Everything you eat affects your health. Most people don't realize how many toxins they put into their bodies every day.

Diet that helps detoxify the body consists of lots of healthy foods.

Detox body detox food

Through a healthy diet, you have control over what you feed your body. And what you don't give it - i.e. harmful substances. Therefore, your diet is rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

Especially important: antioxidants. You can find them in fresh fruits and vegetables. They scavenge free radicals and thus prevent cell damage. Typical examples are beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E or polyphenols.

Detoxifying food is:

  • rich in fresh vegetables and fruits
  • light and low fat
  • characterized by drinking very much. Especially water and unsweetened teas. They support your kidneys and flush out the toxins. At least 2 liters per day.

Conversely, this means that you should avoid unhealthy foods. That means staying away from sugar, too much fat, fast food and industrially processed foods of all kinds. White flour, milk and meat are also often left off the menu.

And for many, especially bad: coffee.

But even better than just avoiding pollutants is to bind them. On the one hand, this can be achieved by drinking a lot. And on the other hand through power food like Flaxseed*fresh berries, garlic or the absolute superstar among detox foods: Chlorella algae.

The algae helps detoxify the body because it binds pollutants and thus can eliminate them. Simply mix a teaspoon of it into a homemade smoothie.

2. reduce stress and detoxify the body.

It sounds so simple and so logical: Just have a little less stress. But it's worth it.

Because stress destroys us. Both physically and psychologically.

Stress causes our blood pressure to be elevated. This can promote heart attacks and strokes. In addition, the body secretes more insulin. As a result, we gain weight more quickly or develop diseases such as diabetes.

Because the gastrointestinal tract is less supplied with blood, we are more susceptible to stomach ulcers.

The immune system is weakened, so we catch infections more quickly. During chronic stress, our body releases the hormone cortisol. It is also called the stress hormone.

It causes nerve cells in certain areas of the brain to age more quickly. And that new nerve cells are formed.

3. sweat out toxins

Now it becomes really pleasant. The chilliest way to detoxify the body is the sauna. The heat has an effect on several levels.

On the one hand, sauna reduces stress. You simply leave all the everyday stuff behind you. In the sauna, only the here and now counts. And you can't take your smartphone with you. Perfect! :)

On the other hand, the heat boosts your metabolism. And strengthens the immune system.

But the sauna has the most detoxifying effects on your skin. We simply sweat out the toxins. The top layer of the skin swells. This removes the dead skin cells.

In the sauna, our body's blood circulation improves overall. This allows the toxins to be removed more quickly.

If you don't have the opportunity to go to the sauna, you can also take a hot bath.

4. alcohol and nicotine

You want to detox your body, but you like to drink a glass of wine or a cocktail? Then it gets difficult. Even if alcohol relaxes you, it is a pollutant for your body.

But cigarettes are even worse. These include e-cigarettes, which are often touted as "healthy". The ingredients damage the lungs, the heart, the immune system and your skin.

Your body cannot break down nicotine and alcohol only with a great deal of effort. In short: Hands off.

5. do something good for the liver

Our central detoxification organ is the liver. We can support it by avoiding everything that harms it. These are e.g. alcohol, drugs (like paracetamol), sugar, smoking, too many saturated fats.

That is already a good step. But you can also support your liver functions. For example, bitter substances can stimulate the secretion of bile.

Foods that can are: bitter salads such as chicory, radicchio or dandelion, artichokes, grapefruits, green tea, garlic, cabbage, tomatoes, avocado, lemons or chili peppers.

Detox body detox food

Your liver loves liver wraps, though.

You will need a small and large towel and a hot water bottle.


  1. Fill the hot water bottle with hot water.
  2. Put the small towel in hot water and wring it out. Fold the towel and place it at the level of the liver.
  3. Now put the hot water bottle on the small towel.
  4. Cover the wrap with the large towel.
  5. Leave the liver wrap on for half an hour.

6. do something good for the kidney

In addition to the liver, the kidney plays an important role in detoxifying the body. Did you know that our body produces about 180 liters of primary urine every day? Don't worry, it will now be properly filtered again.

We only excrete about one percent of it. What I'm trying to say is that the kidney needs a lot of fluid if it is to function.

The best home remedy for purification is water. Without carbonic acid and at room temperature.

Detox body with detox tea

But special teas can also do something good for the kidneys and liver. Your kidneys love tea made from dandelion leaves.

Whatever you decide to do: Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

7. purify the blood and lymph

If the blood circulation functions well, pollutants can be removed more quickly through the skin during sweating and through the kidneys with urine.

A real insider tip are nettles. And that in the form of tea. Or you can dry nettles and sprinkle them in small quantities over food. They also look good in herbal salt.

Quick tips that can detoxify the body

There are a few small tips and tricks that can support you additionally. These refer to environmental toxins that you ingest unnoticed every day.

  • Reduce your meat consumption
  • Do not eat convenience foods. They contain artificial colors, flavorings, flavor enhancers, lots of fat, salt and sugar.
  • Use natural cosmetics
  • Use houseplants that purify the air in the room
  • Use natural cleaning products
  • Reject textiles that are "wrinkle resistant" and "stain resistant."

What happens when detoxifying the body

For detoxification, our body has developed a very sophisticated system. It helps it to get rid of toxins. It can repair cell damage itself and easily eliminate harmful substances.

Every day anew the body detoxifies. And it does this all by itself. The liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, bile, lymphatic system and blood circulation are involved. And it is precisely here that the harmful substances are to be broken down during detoxification.

Sounds like a good plan for now, right?

All this used to work without any problems. In the past, when there were few exhaust fumes and less stress. And when many healthy foods were on the menu. So the theory behind the body detoxification.

Why detox cures are often viewed critically

In orthodox medicine, purification is viewed very critically. The reason for this lies in the term itself. The word "slags" was established in the 1930s by the physician Otto Buchinger. Incidentally, he is the inventor of Buchinger therapeutic fasting.

Buchinger was of the opinion that slags are deposited in the intestine. Today we know that this is not so. The intestine is constantly cleaning itself. There are neither slags nor any deposits of food.

And another reason is that many companies have jumped on the trend. Expensive detox juice cures, detoxifying soups, pills, powders or entire healing fasting programs are offered, which cannot be scientifically proven.

In other words, many overpriced and useless products end up on the market, which can sometimes even be harmful.

You can put it into practice through two points. On the one hand, a healthy diet and on the other hand, the reduction of stress.

Our conclusion

Detoxifying the body doesn't just mean going on a quick juice cleanse or buying a few detox supplements. It's about being mindful, changing your diet and reducing stress.

Try to incorporate one or two tricks into your everyday life in small ways. You will feel better soon, guaranteed!

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