Finger yoga exercises against stress and pain

Finger yoga exercises hand mudras

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Finger yoga exercises reduce stress, work against pain and make our concentration better. These are our favorite hand mudras.

Yoga is just great! It helps us to reduce stress, become more flexible and simply have a little time for ourselves.

When we think of yoga, many of us have an image in our minds of a woman just sitting in lotus position on the beach. Her index fingers and thumbs are touching. She is completely relaxed.

And why?

The fingers should be the decisive element.

You'll learn in this post,

The position of the fingers is called mudra. Have you ever heard of Finger Yoga?

No? Don't feel bad. Even in the yoga world Hand Mudras rather unknown. At the same time, it is very worthwhile to give finger yoga a chance.

Look also at our Yoga exercises in bed or Exercises for more mobility over!

Finger Yoga - what is it?

There is nothing we use as much in everyday life as our fingers. And yet we pay far too little attention to them.

We cook and create amazing things every day. We type at lightning speed on our cell phones or keyboards. We touch our loved ones with our fingers. All of this comes naturally to us.

But it is really worthwhile to pay a little more attention to the fingers. Because our hands can do so much more! They can help us to calm down and relieve stress. A great method for this are Hand Mudras Exercises.

Finger yoga exercises

Finger Yoga exercises are also called Mudras. A mudra is a symbolic hand position from ancient Indian.

The term mudra comes from Sanskrit and means "that which gives joy". "Mud" stands for "joy", "ra" means "to give".

Like pressure points, specific finger positions can positively influence our physical and emotional state.

Finger yoga thus activates, among other things, relaxation points in the body.

Through the posture of the hands and special exercises energies are directed and brought back into balance.

In our country, mudras are not yet so widespread. It is quite different in the East. Here, finger yoga has been used for thousands of years.

But not only as part of mediation or yoga. But also as part of the treatment for mental and physical ailments.

Hand Yoga - what's the point?

"Normal" Yoga exercises have many advantages. And mudras even more so.

Did you know that there is huge potential in your fingers and hands?

With a little practice, you can focus energetic and spiritual energy through your fingers. The goal is to connect with your innermost being.

There are hundreds of finger yoga exercises for ailments of all kinds. Some help against stress, others against pain, for concentration problems or calming down.

There are thousands of reflex points on our hands. They are assigned to organs and body parts. In total, our fingers are covered by 4000 nerve fibers.

In mudra teachings, each finger is given a meaning and in Ayurveda our fingers are given an element.

  • The thumb - fire - regulates worries
  • The index finger - air - has a positive effect on fears
  • The middle finger - space - helps against anger
  • The ring finger - earth - for work with grief
  • The little finger - water - has a decelerating effect

And sometimes, quite unconsciously, we place our fingers on specific points, forming mudra exercises.

Mudras in everyday life

Those who regularly take time for themselves benefit several times over.

The great thing about finger yoga is that you can just do it anywhere. Also as Part of office gymnastics it is very suitable.

Or when you're stuck in a traffic jam and you're actually annoyed about it. Before big client meetings, a stressful day at work or presentations, finger yoga exercises can have a relaxing effect and promote concentration.

Tip: Order the Mudra Box at Amazon. Inside is a book where you can read all about mudras. The meaning, the effect and how we Mudras also in everyday life for our physical and mental well-being. In addition, you will find 43 practical exercise cards in the box.

What you need to keep in mind during the Finger Mudras exercises

Find a quiet place for Finger Yoga. One at which you will not be disturbed when serving Finger Mudras exercises. For it to work quickly and well, you need to be able to switch off a little.

Choose mudras that suit your ailments. You will notice which ones are particularly good for you when you perform them.

Finger yoga exercises hand mudras

Always perform the mudras with both hands simultaneously.

It is important that you are attentive. That is, you concentrate fully on your body.

For the Finger yoga exercises you assume a comfortable sitting position. Very often yogis choose the lotus seat or the diamond seat.

If you wish, you can also do Finger Mudras exercises while lying down, standing or walking. Whatever you choose, make sure his back is straight and erect.

Your Mudras Guide

  • Practice no fixed pressure on your fingers. Place them together loosely and with very gentle pressure.
  • Hold the mudra for at least 3 minutes.
  • Make sure your hands are relaxed.
  • Inhale deeply through the nose into the abdomen.

For finger yoga exercises you do not need any previous knowledge. Neither in yoga nor in meditation.

The best finger yoga exercises

Basically, hand mudras can be divided into three categories.

  • Calming mudras help us to calm down and shut off the mind.
  • Tension-relieving mudras relieve stress and help us with headaches.
  • Motivating mudras give us new energy and improve concentration.

Mudra for concentration: Gyan or Chin

The most famous mudra is called Gyan. It is also called Chin Mudra. We all know it from yoga or meditation.

Finger Yoga Mudra Gyan Chin

Bring your thumb and index finger together. The other fingers are completely relaxed and extended.

By doing this, you create a connection that allows energy to flow into the body, not out of the body.

This finger yoga exercise stimulates the pituitary gland. This part of the brain controls metabolism and our sleep cycles.

The Chin Mudra

  • prevents insomnia
  • Provides a clear mind and thereby promotes concentration
  • and should be able to prevent dementia

Mudra for more power: Prithvi

For those who are a little listless at the moment, the Prithvi Mudra is the solution.

Finger yoga exercise Prithvi Mudra

The tip of your thumb touches the tip of your ring finger. The rest of your fingers remain upright and straight.

The Prithvi Mudra

  • Provides a boost of energy
  • prevents dry skin, hair loss and house rashes
  • stands for the element earth

Mudra against inner restlessness: Shakti

Anyone who is frequently stressed, or is about to take an exam or face another challenge, knows the feeling of inner turmoil only too well. The thoughts churn us up and simply do not let us come to rest.

Finger Yoga Mudras Shakti

Enclose the thumbs with the index and middle fingers. The ring finger and the little finger touch each other.

But be careful, this mudra is one of the finger yoga exercises that you should do no more than 3 times a day. Otherwise, this finger position will cause fatigue.

The Shakti Mudra

  • helps against inner restlessness
  • soothes us and helps to relax
  • can be supportive for falling asleep if we do it more than 3 times a day

Mudra for the heart: Apana Vayu

The Apana Vayu Mudra is used especially for the heart. It is one of the more complicated finger yoga exercises.

Finger yoga exercises hand mudras

Touch the base of the thumb with the index finger. The middle finger and ring finger are bent and touch the tip of the thumb. The little finger remains stretched.

The Apana Vayu Mudra

  • is supposed to prevent heart problems
  • helps with heart disease
  • prevents heartburn

Mudra for headache: Mahasirs

Tension headaches are terrible. Especially when they occur regularly in the form of migraines. This mudra is said to help against headaches.

Hand Yoga Exercises Mahasirs Mudra

Press the ring finger onto the ball of the thumb. The thumb touches the fingertips of the index and middle finger. The little finger is extended.

The Mahasirs Mudra

  • Dissolves tensions
  • helps as a tension reliever against headaches

Mudra for weight loss: Surya

Yes, this finger yoga exercise is actually said to help us lose weight. How does it do that? This mudra stimulates the metabolism.

Hand Mudras Finger Yoga Surya

Open the hand. Bend the ring finger in. Hold the ring finger with the thumb. The little finger, index finger and middle finger are extended.

Caution: Do not perform this mudra if you have hyperthyroidism.

The Surya Mudra

  • Stimulates the metabolism

Mudra for ear problems: Shunya

The Shunya Mudra is for ear and hearing problems. And improves mental clarity and wisdom.

Shunya Mudra Finger Yoga Exercise

Your thumb holds the middle finger down. The rest of the fingers remain straight.

The Shunya Mudra

  • Serves as a confidence booster and prevents the feeling of emptiness
  • can help with tinitus, earache, dizziness and numbness of the feet and hands

Mudra against colds: Linga

This mudra exercise comes in handy during the cold season. The Linga Mudra is one of the finger yoga exercises that should only be used when you are in discomfort. It does not help before the cold develops, but only during it.

Linga finger yoga exercise

Place the palms together and interlace the fingers. One thumb remains upright and is enclosed with the other thumb.

The Linga Mudra

  • helps with colds and infections
  • increases body heat and stimulates the immune system
  • improves the mucus loosening of the respiratory tract

Mudra against digestive problems: Vayu

Abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence are said to get better with this hand position.

Finger yoga exercise Vayu Mudra

Roll up your index finger so that it touches the ball of your thumb. With the thumb, you press the finger down slightly. The remaining three fingers are relaxed and stretched.

The Vayu Mudra

  • balances the air element in the body
  • helps against stress related bloating
  • is used for skin impurities

Mudra for more calm: time

If you are looking for calm and grounding, then you should try the Time Mudra.

Time mudra for relaxation

Bring the hands together in front of the body. The thumbs touch each other. The remaining fingers rest on the ball of the thumb. The arms are horizontal and in front of the stomach.

The Time Mudra

  • gives calm and firmness
  • helps you to ground yourself
  • supports you to find your own rhythm

Mudra for more motivation: Prana

Are you feeling a little down right now? Do you feel weak, tired and powerless? Then the Prana Mudra is the right thing for you.

Finger Yoga Prana Mudra

Bend the little finger and the ring finger. Their tips touch the thumb. The other two fingers are extended.

The Prana Mudra

  • helps strengthen the spirit
  • Improves motivation
  • stands for better eyesight
  • prevents fatigue and depression
  • improves the immune system

Mudra for detoxification: Apana

The Apana Mudra cleanses and detoxifies our body. It is used for kidney and intestinal problems.

Finger yoga exercises

Bend the ring finger and the middle finger. Hold them in with the thumb. The little finger and the index finger are stretched.

The Apana Mudra

  • regulates the kidneys and intestines
  • cleanses from toxins and avoids clogging
  • is used for nausea and vomiting
  • has a grounding power that helps us regain balance

The mudra for the conclusion: Anjali

We know this finger yoga exercise from yoga and meditation. Here, the Anjali Mudra is performed as a conclusion. This is how we do it with our finger yoga exercises as well.

Anjali Mudra as a finger yoga exercise

Bring the palms together in front of your heart. The arms are horizontal. Concentrate on the heartbeat.

The Anjali Mudra

  • has a balancing effect
  • Brings together the right and left hemispheres of the brain
  • stands for gratitude and peace

Our conclusion

Whether finger yoga exercises really work, we do not know exactly. In any case, they help us to come to rest. They help us to focus on our own body and the here and now. This in itself is a real benefit and reduces stress.

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