The best hair conditioner for dry hair!

Hair treatment for dry hair

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Your hair is dry, dull and looks straw-like? Then try it with a DIY hair treatment for dry hair. With it you finally say the fight against shaggy mane!

Hair is complicated. Beautiful, well-groomed and silky they should be. Instead, we often have a dry, brittle and dull hair.

Most often, too much or wrong care is the reason for dry hair.

To finally get silky soft hair again, you need to give your hair extra attention. Whether it's summer or the winter months, your hair craves moisture and rich care.

But do not worry! You don't have to use expensive hair products and you can do without chemicals in your hair.

You can make your own hair conditioner with just a few natural ingredients. In doing so, you get out cheap and make your hair shine again.

Why you should make your own hair conditioner

A hair treatment is for the hair the same as a face mask for the complexion. It is an intensive care tailored to the hair type. There are hair treatments for dry hair, for more volume or against split ends.

However, what the DIY cures all have in common: They should be applied regularly.

Why we make the hair treatment itself?

It's simple! Conventional products from the drugstore brag about promises and true miracles. To be able to keep these advertising claims, the hair products are usually full of artificial additives and silicones.

Silicones in particular make hair shinier and smoother in the short term, but in the long term the damage is intensified.

The artificial ingredients are deposited on the hair layer by layer. As a result, natural care substances no longer reach the hair. They become dull, dry and brittle.

But you do not have to surrender to this fate. A hair treatment for dry hair is very quickly homemade and cares for your mane in a natural way.

Tip: In the book, The Glow - Naturkosmetik selber machen, you will find many great instructions for DIY cosmetic projects. From creams, shampoos, scrubs, oils, you will find many step by step instructions with photos.

When I started to deal with the topic, I stumbled across the book. It offers a lot of great instructions for beginners and also advanced. And for every skin and hair type. I can highly recommend it to you and regularly prepare natural cosmetics with the book.

The Glow - make natural cosmetics yourself
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The best hair treatment for dry hair

Your mane is straw, dull and dry? This hair treatment helps especially well against dry hair.

While Jojoba oil* The hair is moisturized with avocado and aloe vera, which smoothes damaged ends and provides the hair with plenty of moisture and valuable fatty acids.

The lemon gives your mane back its shine.

DIY hair conditioner for dry hair

Avocado and jojoba oil make the hair soft and supple.
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Du benötigst

  • 1 fully ripe avocado
  • 2 EL Aloe vera gel
  • 1/2 Lemon
  • 1 EL Jojoba oil


  • Peel the avocado, remove the pit and blend the flesh with a blender.
  • Squeeze half the lemon and collect the juice.
  • Then stir the aloe vera gel and juice into the avocado mixture.
  • Finally, stir in the jojoba oil until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Apply hair conditioner. Done!
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How to properly apply the hair conditioner

Make your own hair conditioner is really not difficult. Moreover, it is inexpensive and it gives your hair what it really needs.

For the hair care to work, you should use it regularly. So 1-2x per week would be optimal.

But you can also apply it more often, because with a homemade cure it is not possible to over-care your hair. After all, silicones are contained here.

Before use, the hair is moistened. Then the cure is massaged into the lengths and tips.

Put on a plastic cap so that the mixture does not dry and works well. After about 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Finally, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

If you want to have beautiful and smooth hair in the long term, you should also avoid artificial additives in shampoos.

Fragrances, artificial colors, parabens and other emollients harm your hair in the long run. They make your mane shaggy, straw-like and they become greasy faster.

If you want to make shot with it, then I can recommend hair soaps.

Care hair Ultra Green

Shelf life & storage of the hair treatment against dry hair

If you make your own hair conditioner for dry hair, you also have to be prepared for the fact that it won't last long.

Strictly speaking, it lasts as long as the individual ingredients that are included in the cure.

That's why it's best to always mix your hair conditioner fresh and consume it right away.

If you have made too much, there is nothing to stop you from using the hair mask again two days later. However, you should definitely store it in the refrigerator. Ideally in an airtight container.

Hair treatment against dry hair

How you recognize dry hair

You can recognize dry hair especially at the tips. They feel brittle and have split ends. If your hair is dry, you can also recognize it by a lack of shine.

The hair looks straw-like and dull and it loses color. Dry hair also tangles quickly and is difficult to comb.

The scalp is also dry. It is mainly noticeable by itching and dry dandruff.

What makes the hair dry

Dry hair can have several causes. Temperature changes, sun exposure, blow drying, straightening, coloring, too frequent washing or wrong care products.

The hair has a protective layer that is released onto the hair through the sebaceous mantle of the scalp. Thus, they retain their moisture.

With dry hair, this natural protective film is damaged and the sebum often no longer reaches the tips. Your mane becomes dry and split.

By the way, biotin also plays an important role when it comes to your hair being healthy. It prevents broken, dry and brittle hair and is an essential building block for healthy hair.

Care dry hair

Biotin is also called vitamin B7 or H. The body cannot produce it itself and therefore we have to consume it through food.

A lot of it is in beef liver, yeast, egg yolks, peanuts and oatmeal.

But there is a delicious alternative and that is Biotin gummy bears* :) So you can snack and do something good for your mane.

Also in the Biotin gummy bears* you will find zinc, folic acid, vitamins A, C and E. In other words, a full load of hair power. The light orange bears taste like wild berries and are delicious. I can highly recommend them. If you're not satisfied, there's a 30-day money-back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose.

Biotin gummy bears
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Because they are high doses, you only need to eat one gummy bear per day. Sounds good, doesn't it? :)

So if you have dry ends and overall stubborn hair, you should try a hair vitamin mix and take it for a month. You will definitely notice a change!

How to take care of your hair

Not only a hair treatment against dry hair can help you to regain your beautiful mane. You should also observe other habits or better leave them alone.

Wash your hair properly

To restore the natural protective film of your hair, you should wash your hair less often. At the beginning they will certainly become greasy quickly, but after a while your mane will look much healthier and dry hair will be a thing of the past.

Be sure to use gentle care and use a pH-neutral shampoo so as not to stress your scalp too much.

Also, do not wash your hair too hot, because this will make them lose even more moisture.

Avoid heat

Straightening irons, curling irons and blow dryers damage your hair enormously. Do not use them if your hair is dry or even splitting.

If you can't do it without blow-drying, at least let your hair air-dry a little beforehand. Then it is not exposed to the heat for too long.

Also, set your hair dryer to cold air. It will take a little longer, but your hair will be spared.

Use nourishing oils

To protect the ends of your hair from split ends, you should use a hair oil. The best is almond, jojoba, macadamia, argan or Coconut oil*.

Hair oil care tips

Massage it into your tips.

Hair treatment against dry hair

Hair treatments moisturize your mane and contain important substances that your hair needs. However, do not use products with chemical additives and simply mix your own cure.

Eat healthy

Your diet also affects your hair. You need a healthy and balanced diet. It should be rich in proteins and iron.

Vitamins and trace elements are also important to avoid dry hair.

Eat a lot of foods with zinc, iron and proteins. They stimulate hair growth.

Cut your tips regularly

If you have dry hair and split ends, you should cut your tips regularly. Otherwise, split ends will continue to move upwards and your mane will be even more damaged.

Regular haircutting prevents this and your hair can grow back healthy.

Our conclusion

Our hair treatment against dry hair helps you to keep your mane healthy and gives it the necessary shine again. Apply it regularly and you can soon enjoy shiny and healthy hair. However, you should also follow the other tips and tricks to avoid dry hair.

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