8 yoga exercises for lower back: Workout for back pain

yoga lower back: The dog looking down

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Pain in the back is unpleasant. Why so many people suffer from back pain, what helps against low back pain, which yoga exercises are good for the lower back and relieve the tension, you can learn here.

Back pain is one of the most well-known common ailments in the Western world.

Almost 80% of all adults suffer from back pain at least once in their lives. In most cases, the pain disappears after a while.

But whether for a short or long time, they are always very annoying.

Thus, the tensions trigger pain during simple movements, limit the quality of life and can also become emotionally very stressful.

Why sitting incorrectly leads to back pain

Back pain is really a nasty business. The body aches, every movement requires us to clench our teeth tightly. And no matter what position we are in, it is simply not pleasant.

Almost all will know this problem. Because complaints in the back have made it far. So they occupy according to a Study by the Barmer health insurance company second place in the top 5 common ailments - by the way, high blood pressure is in first place.

At the same time, back pain in itself does not describe a direct clinical picture. Most often (in almost 90% of all cases) the complaints also go back to an incorrect posture, which trigger unpleasant muscle tension.

For this reason, the pain can often be diagnosed and treated quite easily. Because if the painful tensions and blockages are released, then the complaints also decrease noticeably.

Of course, not all back pain is the same. Anyone who sits at a desk a lot will certainly be familiar with tension in the neck area.

Depending on the severity of the pain and the area in which it occurs, back pain can be differentiated. Here we are talking specifically about back pain in the lower back. This mainly affects the area of the lumbar spine.

Lower back pain is very often caused by sitting incorrectly. Those who have a bad posture - e.g. due to a hollow back or slumped shoulders - greatly promote back pain.

In fact, with the wrong posture comes a lot of pressure on the lumbar spine, which leads to pain.

Stretching exercises can help. But you should try to get to the root of the problem. So change something about your posture. Unfortunately, this is very easy to say, but very difficult to implement.

What can help you is Upright. At Upright it is a small electronic straight holder* that you stick between your shoulder blades.

Whenever your posture leaves something to be desired, it vibrates and reminds you to keep a straight posture. At the end of the day, you can see in the app how often you really stood up straight and when not.

I can give you the Upright electronic straight holder* because I've been standing and sitting much more upright since I started using it. Even when I don't have it on at all. Somehow you subconsciously memorize the posture, which is quite practical. :)

How common is back pain in Germany?

Back pain is widespread in Germany and affect many people. It is an everyday problem that affects the quality of life of many people. According to various studies and statistics, back pain is one of the most common health complaints in Germany.🤕

After all, about 80 percent of the population have had to deal with back pain at least once in their lives. These are Four out of five people. Back pain is not limited to a certain age or gender; it can affect people of any age and gender.

Women are more often from Back pain affected than men. Around 66 % of women have back pain, and around 57 % of men.♀️

There are many different causes of back pain. The most common causes include

  • Muscle tension
  • Herniated discs
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Overweight
  • Bad posture
Back pain in Germany
That's how common back pain really is in Germany!

8 effective yoga exercises for the lower back

Are you ready for a relaxing yoga workout and a declaration of love to your back?

Then grab a non-slip workout mat, something to drink, and let's get started with our yoga exercises for the lower back.

The stretches will really do your back good!

1. position of the child (Balasana)

The position of the child gently stretches your back. And helps relieve tension from the neck and shoulders.

Yoga lower back: Yoga pose for a strong back the child Child's Pose

  • Kneel down on the mat.
  • The knees are about hip-width apart.
  • Extend your arms upward and bring them forward in a smooth motion.
  • The palms of the hands point downward.
  • Let the shoulders sink.
  • Rest your belly on your thighs.
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  • Then give your mat to the edge of the mat.
  • The buttocks slide to the left. This allows the back to be stretched carefully.
  • Hold for another 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

2. cat - cow pose (Marjaryasana & Bitilasana)

Yoga lower back: The cat, the cow

  • Come to the quadruped stand.
  • The legs are parallel to the floor and the shoulders are above the wrists.
  • The back is straight.
  • Your gaze is directed straight ahead.
  • Now get into the cat position.
  • To do this, pull the back up vertebra by vertebra.
  • The chin goes towards the burst basket.
  • Breathe out slowly.
  • Now you get into the cow position.
  • Slowly pull the spine down and the abdomen in.
  • The head goes up.
  • Breathe in hard.
  • Repeat these asanas 4-5 times for a few seconds.

3. standing balance (Viravadrasana) - strengthens the back

This exercise additionally strengthens the muscles of the trunk.

Yoga lower back against back pain: one-leg stand, standing balance

  • Stand with both feet firmly on the ground.
  • Release the left bee from the mat. Pull it stretched and slowly backwards.
  • Breathe calmly. This will help you keep your balance.
  • In the same movement, the upper body tilts forward.
  • From head to toe should be a straight line.
  • You put your arms against your body.
  • The supporting leg is extended and the whole body is tense.
  • Hold this position as long as you can.
  • Then come back to the starting position and change the leg.

Especially in the beginning it can be difficult not to fall back into old sitting patterns. That's where a Posture correction for the upright posture*. You can easily put them on under your shirt. The principle is very simple: the posture corrector looks like a vest that you slip into with your arms. You fasten it with Velcro.

Now the correction ensures that your shoulders do not fall forward, that your chest is straightened and your spine is moved into the correct position. In this way you take the pressure off the vertebrae and can prevent back pain.

You don't have to wear the correction forever. Soon you will internalize what the right posture feels like. Dangerous are always those moments when you sit and think about other things. Like at work. Subconsciously, posture correction will gently move you into the right position. It is best to simply read the Reviews of the posture correction on Amazon* through.

4. the grasshopper (salabasana) and the small cobra (bhujangasana)

Yoga lower back for back pain: the grasshopper

  • Place the body completely on the mat.
  • Place your arms against your body. The palms of your hands point upward.
  • Rest your forehead on the mat.
  • With the inhalation, lift the arms and legs off the floor.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Repeat 5 times.

As a countermovement, you then come into the small cobra. This exercise is ideal for releasing tension.

Yoga lower back the little cobra

  • To do this, place your hands right next to your torso and press up slightly.
  • The arms can remain bent.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds.

5. the dog looking down

yoga lower back: The dog looking down

  • Come back to the quadruped position.
  • From there, our next yoga exercise follows: the dog looking down. It ensures that the back and legs are stretched. At the same time, the circulation is boosted.
  • The knees are hip-width apart.
  • Your hands move upwards.
  • Place the toes and now lift the buttocks upwards. The legs can still be bent.
  • Extend your arms first and try to stay completely straight in the upper body.
  • Now try to stretch your legs as well.
  • Try to bring the heels to the ground.
  • Shift the weight alternately to the left or right leg. As if you were walking.
  • This creates a better stretch. Hold this asana for a few seconds.

6. find relief for your spine

Yoga lower back for a strong lumbar spine

  • Lie down with your back on the mat.
  • Draw both legs to the burst basket.
  • Move slightly to the right and left.
  • Then you stretch out the left bee and put it down.
  • The right leg remains with the burst basket.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  • Then reach your knee with your left hand and pull it to the left side of the mat.
  • The right arm remains extended.
  • See how far the knee comes to the left. Remember to notice and accept your limits.
  • Then you change the page.
  • Hold the positions for 10-15 seconds.
  • Remember to breathe calmly and deeply.

7. only for yogi professionals! The Plow (Halasana)

The Plow is suitable only for advanced yogis. So if it is too strenuous for you, please skip this asana. The plow stretches the spine and strengthens the back muscles.

Yoga lower back for back pain: the plow

  • Lie on your back.
  • The arms are flat next to the body.
  • The legs are bent and in the air at stomach level.
  • Now lift the legs above the shoulders.
  • The hands support the lower back.
  • The rest is stretched.
  • Now raise your legs above your head and slowly put your feet down. Whether you bend or stretch your legs is entirely up to you.
  • The hands stabilize the body, the fingers are intertwined.

8. the lying butterfly for relaxation

Yoga lower back for relaxation: the butterfly

  • Lie flat on your back again.
  • Take the arms upwards.
  • The soles of the feet are placed on the floor and the legs are bent.
  • Now let your knees fall apart.
  • The soles of the feet go together.
  • Stay in this position.
  • Make sure to breathe deeply and find some more relaxation!

If you want a stronger stretch, you can use your hands to put extra weight on your knees. You can then gently push them down. But again, pay attention to your body and accept the pain limits.

How to prevent pain with yoga for the lower back

Yoga helps to gently and effectively prevent back pain, but also to alleviate it. Because the asanas serve to gently stretch the body, release blockages in the lower lumbar region and strengthen the muscles in the back.

Through conscious breathing and pausing in the asanas, body and mind relax. This releases tension and the body is supplied with oxygen in the best possible way. These are just some of the countless yoga advantages.

Unlike a normal workout, it's just a little gentler here. This is not only good for your aching back, but also for your mind.

Be sure to pay close attention to your body's signals. If you have a lot of pain, the sciatic nerve could be pinched or a herniated disc could be present. Then the first way is of course to the doctor and not on the mat!

For everyone else who has just been sitting in the office for way too long again, this workout is great. They are easy yoga exercises. However, you should of course be careful with your body and never exceed your limits.

If an exercise seems too demanding, then quietly suspend it. In yoga, it is especially important to accept your own progress. Always pay attention to calm and deep breathing. This makes it even easier to release tension.

How lower back pain develops

There are several factors that can trigger discomfort in the lower back. Again, the most common cause is muscle tension. Anyone who tenses up and adopts a protective posture further aggravates the pain.

In addition to incorrect posture can also be the famous Lack of exercise trigger common back pain.

Anyone who moves too little and maintains the same sitting posture for hours on end ensures one-sided strain on the muscles.

It gets even better when a long-term office job is accompanied by no adequate athletic compensation.

If the back area is not moved and strengthened, the muscles will decline. Why is this so important?

Yoga for lower back for back pain

The muscles protect the spine and cushion the forces that act on our back. It also improves the stability of the body. So ensures that we stand straight and erect.

But of course, pain in the back can be triggered by other factors. Heavy carrying or lifting heavy objects can cause the back to speak up and protest loudly.

Particularly nasty, of course, are herniated discs or pinched nerves, which can be due to too little or incorrect movement. Here you should definitely see a doctor, because these inflammations can lead to numbness in the legs, among other things.

Why so many people suffer from back pain

The reason why so many people suffer from back pain is obvious. We collectively move far too little. It's not just sitting down at work that's to blame, but also the recreational hog.

Because when we get home after a long day at work, we don't feel like doing cardio, lifting weights, or finding our inner center on the yoga mat. Instead, the couch calls to us. And we like that quite a bit.

But here again, our back is only loaded on one side. The muscles are not strengthened properly, and so the lumbar vertebrae lose their protection against stress step by step. And that in turn promotes back pain. Pretty logical, isn't it ;)

Tips against stress

Added to this, of course, is incorrect posture. We slouch around on the office chairs, either sliding too far back. Or the tip of our nose almost falls onto the keys, creating wonderful slouching shoulders.

And let's be honest: Who really thinks regularly about the famous instructions for standing up straight: "Belly in, chest out, head up, shoulders back!". Probably hardly anyone. But healthy posture can prevent more than just back pain.

Because if you have an upright posture, you appear more confident and radiate self-assurance and confidence.

3 quick tips for acute lower back pain

Anyone who is currently suffering acutely from back problems will probably have no desire to do yoga exercises for the lower back. And you don't have to. Because if it hurts, you should act differently than to fight against it anyway.

  • Slow movements: Especially when getting out of bed or a desk chair: avoid abrupt movements and support yourself if necessary. Especially in the morning, you should roll onto your side and support yourself sideways from a lying to a sitting position. This relieves the strain on your back.
  • Put your legs up: It brings special relief if you put your legs up. For this purpose, the lower legs should be placed on a high cushion, a stool or a chair. The back lies flat on the floor. The head can be placed on a small pillow.
  • Relax: This sounds banal, but it helps wonderfully. Breathe calmly into your belly. Deep breaths calm the mind and provide the body with oxygen, which allows it to regenerate better. Also, focus your attention on something beautiful, so you don't have to deal with the unpleasant pain. So close your eyes, breathe calmly and dream a little about George Clooney, the next beach vacation or a raise - whatever makes you happy ;)

5 tips to prevent back pain in the office

But don't worry! Even if you sit at your desk every day, back pain can be easily and effectively prevented or alleviated. Incidentally, if you integrate a little exercise into your daily work routine, you can save up to Burn 300 calories.

1. get up regularly

To prevent back pain in the lower back, you should get up from the chair every 1-2 hours. Sitting in the same position all the time causes the muscles to cramp up. Use the short break to stretch properly and stretch your legs a bit. This can relieve the spine.

2. work on a sitting ball

In many offices, it is possible to replace the chair with a sitting ball without any problems. Sitting still is not so easy, because the balance must be constantly balanced with counter-movements. This keeps the muscles moving all the time and the back straight.

3. replace the desk chair with the high table

If you have the opportunity, you should definitely take the chance and try working at a standing desk by the hour.

You want to know how it feels? Lydia works at a standing desk and has written down her experience for you here: Standing desk experience: The first week with the Standing Desk.

Yoga for the lower back: With the standing desk against back pain

4. hold meetings while walking

If it's possible, try holding your meetings while walking. This is relatively easy to do, especially with 4-5 people. The advantage is that you move around, get your circulation going and take the strain off your spine. The other nice effect? The meetings only last as long as they have to ;)

5. a walk after lunch break

After eating, we often get sluggish and tired. So before you drag yourself back to your desk, take a 10-15 minute walk to get moving. This will wake you up and give your lumbar vertebrae a break from sitting. They will thank you for it. :)

Our conclusion

Tension in the lower back is a big problem for anyone who sits a lot. But with some simple yoga exercises for the lower back they can be solved. At the same time you strengthen your back with asanas and become more flexible.

The advantage of our yoga exercises for the lower back is that you can use them to get some rest at the same time after a long day at work. So you can relax pleasantly and leave the working day behind you.

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