Start now with the 30 Day Back Challenge!

30 days back challenge

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If you want to finally get rid of your hellish back pain, then you've come to the right place! Today I'm going to show you how you can train your back optimally and gently - with the 30-day back challenge!

Is your back aching from long days at your desk? Do you suffer from tension and cramps in your spine? 😱

Then it's high time to train your back! Take our 30-day back challenge and start today!

Even light stretching exercises can make a huge difference and will soon help you feel more comfortable.

Together with a trainer, I have created this free training plan for at home. You don't even need any equipment and can get started straight away.

What are you waiting for? Grab your training mat and off you go! You'll be amazed. 👏🙂

How can I tell that I need to train my back?

If you have the feeling that your back is often tensed is or Pain this could be a sign that he needs a little attention and training. Many of us spend hours a day sitting, be it in front of the computer, in the car or on the sofa, and this can lead to a Weakening the Back muscles lead.

You might find that your Posture in the course of the day decreases. An untrained back can also make itself noticeable by the fact that it quickly Tired and you feel the need to sit down or lie down after just a short period of physical exertion 🛋️.

It may also be that you Difficulties have certain Movements or that you have a limited Flexibility in your back area. You may also feel a general Stiffnessespecially after getting up or if you have spent a long time in one position.

If you recognize yourself in these descriptions, it might be time to gently train and stretch your back to give it more strength and flexibility again 💪.

If we do nothing of the sort, our back punishes us with severe pain, tension and restricted movement. Sometimes there is also a Lumbago in addition.

Every everyday movement becomes torture - everything pinches and twitches. It's high time to finally train your back and get it pain-free again!

It's important to look out for these signs and take proactive action to prevent long-term problems and improve your overall quality of life. A strong and flexible back not only helps to reduce pain and tension, but also improves your posture and supports you in everyday activities. So why not start today? 🌟

If you are smart, start with stretching and strengthening exercises before pain occurs. A well-stretched and trained back prevents problems from occurring!

It's never too late to start - neither the time nor the age! Your back will thank you if you start exercising today. So here are the best exercises for your back - packed into a 30-day challenge!

Who is the 30 Day Back Challenge aimed at?

I would like to show you gentle stretching exercises that will help you to get rid of or prevent a sore back. It's not about building up large and visible muscles.

The exercises target muscle groups that you can barely see and that are deeply hidden in the body.

If you have very acute pain or even lumbago, then these exercises are not right for you. Even if you have injuries to your spine or have had an operation, you should consult a doctor or physiotherapist - in such cases, there are special exercises that you should do.

If you have a slight twinge in your lower or upper back or are generally tense, then these exercises are for you. 🤩 They will help you to become loose, supple and flexible again while gently strengthening your back.

30 Day Back Challenge: The exercises

Would you like to take on this challenge? Then let's get started! I've come up with a plan to help you train and strengthen your back. 👏

The challenge consists of a total of 4 Exerciseswhich are all based on your Back muscles target.

I'll explain each exercise and then you can download the 30-day back challenge plan or save it on Pinterest.

Tip: In everyday life and to support the challenge, you can try a posture trainer! The back strap stabilizes your spine and ensures that you maintain a straight posture.

Incorrect postures and the back pain they cause are thus nipped in the bud!

Cat - cow

Tension and back pain are relieved by the cat-cow. This exercise strengthens, loosens and activates the entire back muscles.

Yoga against back pain

  • In the starting position, stand on the mat in a quadruped position. Your wrists are under your shoulders and your knees are at the level of your hips.
  • For the first position, pull in your belly button and tilt your pelvis. Your spine now moves towards the ceiling, like a cat's back. Your chin points towards your chest.
  • With the next inhalation, lower your stomach towards the floor and pull your shoulder blades back. At the same time, raise your head so that you are looking forwards. Your back now looks a bit like the slightly arched back of a cow.
  • Switch between the cat and cow positions a few times.

Dog looking down

In the dog looking down, especially the lower back is strengthened and the spine is stretched.

Dog looking down

  • To get the proper distance between your hands and feet, get into the quadruped position. Make sure your shoulders are above your wrists and your pelvis is above your knees.
  • Spread your fingers wide apart, with your middle finger pointing forward and your palms flat on the floor.
  • With the exhale, powerfully bring your pelvis up backwards.
  • Your hands press firmly against the mat. Your shoulders push your upper body away toward your thighs.
  • Your heels will pull towards the floor. Thus, you will get a good stretch in the back of your legs.
  • Your back is flat and long, giving you plenty of space between vertebrae and discs, as well as throughout your torso.
  • Your gaze turns to your knees, your neck relaxes.

If you don't manage to put your heels on the floor, you can bounce your legs a little. You will soon notice that you are getting a little further down each time.


Cobra strengthens all the muscles of the back and also the buttocks and shoulders. The spine is mobilized.

Yoga exercise cobra

  • The best way to start the cobra is from the prone position.
  • Place your hands next to your shoulders, fingertips pointing forward and in line with your feet. The upper arms are close to the ribs and the elbows point backwards.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles, pull your stomach in slightly and push your pelvis onto the mat. Push the back of your feet into the floor.
  • Now pull your shoulder blades together, press your hands down and lift your chest slightly upwards.
  • Look forwards and upwards and lean your head back only slightly.

Child's Pose

This exercise has an extremely back-relieving effect and the shoulders, shoulder blades and neck relax.

childs pose back challengeAC

  • Kneel on the center of your mat and sit on your heels. Your big toes touch, knees are hip-width apart.
  • Now, with a forward bend, place your torso forward until your abdomen rests on your thighs and your forehead touches the floor. Your buttocks press down on your heels.
  • Now place your hands palms up next to your torso very loosely on the floor, your shoulders sink down in this posture by letting your shoulder blades fall apart.
  • If you like, take your arms forward and place them stretched out, with your palms facing downwards to the left and right of your head.

Back Challenge

How does the 30-day back challenge work?

As the name suggests, the aim is to train your back for 30 days. Often little or no attention is paid to the back muscles and spine.

Through the Challenge, however, you are supposed to deal with exactly this otherwise neglected area.

You have the exercises and the plan now, so you can start right away! Every day will bring progress, even if you don't realize it right away.

After 30 days you will notice that your back is already much more mobile, your pain has decreased and tension has become less.

But it doesn't have to end after 30 days! The exercises can easily be done during your lunch break or in front of the TV. The important thing is that you stick with it, so you can do something good for your back in the long run.

What 30 days of back training really brings

If you want to train your back, then the main reason is probably Pain reduction in the foreground.

Unfortunately, we usually only think about doing something when it already pinches everywhere. Be that as it may, with the 30 Day Back Challenge you can really change something.

Your more rigid Back will be loosen and Neck tension become less. Possible tension headaches even improve!

In addition to the reduction in pain, you will also notice that you movable and stronger you have become. You have built up strength that now needs to be maintained.

If you really do the exercises consistently for 30 days, you will feel much fitter and better overall.

After a while, the exercises will even become routine and you will ask for them simply because you realize that they are good for you.

Always important: exercise and a healthy diet!

But if you really want to feel a lasting success, then you should also change your habits.

Because a few exercises a day make sense, but if you want to get to the root of the problem, i.e. your back pain, then you have to change something holistically.

What about your diet, for example? An unhealthy diet and a few kilos too much can cause back pain.

In fact, when we are overweight, our intervertebral discs are put under so much stress that they tend to tear more quickly.

But enough calcium is also important for a healthy back! Recommended is 1000 mg of calcium for adults per day.

Plant-based sources of calcium include green vegetables such as broccoli and rocket as well as pulses, seeds and nuts. Cow's milk, mineral water with an increased calcium content and fortified soy or oat milk also provide calcium.

But you should also rethink your everyday habits. Do you have a job that requires you to sit a lot? Then you could think about how you can get more exercise.

Do you have the opportunity to work at a height-adjustable desk? How about swapping your desk chair for an exercise ball? Or you could try cycling or walking to and from work.

Exercise is key if you want to do something good for your back - the 30 Day Back Challenge is the perfect way to start!

Why you should train your back

A healthy back and an upright spine are mega important for your well-being and health.

Our spine is exposed to very strong pressure and tensile loads every day. Whether during everyday movements or during sporting activities - the joints and intervertebral discs are constantly subjected to stress.

Even when you don't feel it, as when sitting, your back is put under enormous strain. The back can only be stabilized by strong muscles.

Both the back and abdominal muscles should be strong, because this will cushion the loads.

Your joints are protected, pain is reduced and signs of wear and tear are slowed down.

Our conclusion

Our back and spine carry us through life. It is therefore important that we take care to relieve the strain on our torso and strengthen our muscles. 🙂

In this 30 days back challenge is not about losing weight or treating a problem area.

The point is, sustainable contribute to your own health and well-being.

With our exercises, you can now do it easily! In just 30 days you can improve your Back super strengthen. The perfect basis for regularly incorporating back exercises into your everyday life.

You can of course adapt the challenge to your fitness level and do sometimes more and sometimes less repetitions.

I wish you lots of success and fun with the 30-day back challenge! 💪🥳

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