11 effective anti lumbago exercises for lower back pain

Stretching exercise back

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If you've ever pinched your sciatic nerve, you know how much your lower back can hurt. These are the most effective anti lumbago exercises. And back pain will be a thing of the past.

One wrong movement and out of nowhere it drives like a lightning strike into the lower back. Explosive and without premonition, we can often barely hold ourselves up in pain.

For many sufferers, walking or sitting is out of the question after lumbago.

At the doctor's, you get an injection and the lumbago is fine again. But usually not for long. The next one is already waiting.

With lumbago exercises you can prevent and treat it when it happens.

By the way, the lumbago has its name from the Middle Ages. For the sudden strong shooting pain, people had their own explanation. It was believed that a devious witch would shoot at people with a bow and arrow.

Let me tell you this much: It's not true. The one responsible for the stinging Pain in the back we ourselves are responsible. Or rather, our habits.

Very important: Do not ignore lumbago. If you remain passive and do nothing about it, you can suffer long-term consequences.

7 quick measures for acute lumbago

  1. Immediately lie flat on your stomach. This takes pressure off the lumbar vertebrae for the time being.
  2. Place a rolled towel around your waist overnight for support.
  3. Keep moving. But try not to go beyond the pain threshold.
  4. Even if it does you good, avoid bending forward any further. You will damage your intervertebral discs.
  5. Use a Ointment for relaxing of the muscles.
  6. Sit as little as possible.
  7. What helps well with very great pain is warmth. Warm towels or a cherry pit pillow help tense muscles relax. Hot showers also support you.

What is lumbago?

Witch hazel has become a truly widespread disease. Scarce 85 % of all people suffer from lower back pain at least once in their lives. In 23 % this pain is even chronic.

To put it succinctly: almost everyone has lumbago at least 1x in the course of their life.

Lumbago is a serious functional problem of the back in the lumbar spine (LS). Lumbago, also called lumbalgia or lumbar syndrome, is usually caused by rapid movements that overstrain the muscles, fascia and ligaments in the lower back. Then, even a small misstep is usually enough to stiffen the muscles.

Lumbago is often the result of lifting trauma. This means that when we lift heavy things or carry them bent forward, we can injure our back. The affected person feels an acute pain in the area of the lumbar spine.

People suffering from it show muscle stiffness as well as temporary sensory or motor difficulties such as paralysis and forced postures. As a rule, sufferers are unable to sit up without pain. However, these symptoms are rarely permanent.

The affected person is fit again as soon as the muscle tension has subsided. This is often the case after a week, although in some cases it can take longer.

Exciting: Lumbago can strike anyone, but it's less common in people over 60, studies show.

The result is pain so severe that it is difficult to move. And this is where the vicious circle begins. If you have pain, you adopt a protective posture. This hardens the back muscles. The lumbago becomes even worse and usually the neck also becomes tense.

How common is back pain in Germany?

Back pain is widespread in Germany and affect many people. It is an everyday problem that affects the quality of life of many people. According to various studies and statistics, back pain is one of the most common health complaints in Germany.🤕

After all, about 80 percent of the population have had to deal with back pain at least once in their lives. These are Four out of five people. Back pain is not limited to a certain age or gender; it can affect people of any age and gender.

Women are more often from Back pain affected than men. Around 66 % of women have back pain, and around 57 % of men.♀️

There are many different causes of back pain. The most common causes include

  • Muscle tension
  • Herniated discs
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Overweight
  • Bad posture
Back pain in Germany
That's how common back pain really is in Germany!

How does lumbago develop?

The cause of lumbago is weak or one-sided back and abdominal muscles. The pain in the lower back is favored by incorrect sitting (Hunchback!), overweight and Too little movement.

Certain activities or postures, such as standing upright, increase the discomfort. Therefore, the affected person adopts a protective posture, bent to the side or forward. The discomfort is often aggravated by sneezing and coughing.

Lumbago pain occurs primarily in the lower back, but can radiate to other areas.

By the way, most problems with the back occur in the spring. Then, when you move more again after the quiet winter period. Light movements are ideal to improve the pain. They stabilize the back and mobilize the back muscles.

What is the best way to prevent?

Common treatments for back pain are recommended. Regular exercise and strengthening exercises for the back are at the top of the list. It's also important to lose excess weight and avoid long, awkward postures like sitting in an office without a break.

I was helped a lot by this video the other day.

11 effective lumbago exercises for home

For all the long-suffering and anyone who wants to prevent stabbing back pain, we have Lumbago exercises for the living room.

All exercises are done very slowly. Take your time with it and don't be put off if you don't progress quickly.

The point now is to mobilize the hardened muscles. With this you can speed up the recovery process in most cases.

The best exercise for lumbago for acute cases:

If you've just been hit, the only thing that helps is to stay calm! Don't make any hasty movements.

These exercises help with acute lumbago or tension in the lumbar region:

Lumbago exercise

  • Lie down on your back. Try to relax.
  • Angle your legs, the soles of your feet touch the floor. Your hands are next to your body.
  • Now you make very small steps and movements forward.
  • Only as far as you can and very gently.
  • The light movements help to release tension.

Try to get so far that your legs are fully extended. If you can't do that, it doesn't matter. The important thing is to listen to your body and not overdo it!

Tip: To correct your posture error as quickly as possible and avoid pain, you should get a posture corrector. This is a shoulder strap that prevents you from making a round back and tipping your shoulders forward.

Take the pressure off the leden vertebrae

Exercise against pain in the back

Putting your feet up against a wall is a great first aid exercise for lumbago. Elevating the legs helps the body to supply the tense regions with energy.

  • Lie with your buttocks to the wall
  • Stretch the legs straight up
  • The foot surfaces point to the ceiling
  • Stay in the position as long as it is good for you
  • Try to breathe slowly and thereby relax your body

Anyone who's ever had a really bad back strain knows that you'd rather prevent lumbago than get it again. That's why there's now a whole load Anti lumbago exercises, which prevent the pain in the back.

Stretch legs to relieve sciatica

Stretching exercise back

Looks super simple, right? But it's very effective! By stretching your leg muscles, you relieve the sciatic nerve.

  • For this exercise, sit on the exercise mat with your legs bent and slightly apart.
  • Now cross the left leg over the right.
  • Place your hands under your knee and pull it towards your chest.
  • Press the buttocks to the floor. The back is straight.
  • Hold the position for 60 to 90 seconds under light tension.
  • Slowly release the stretch and then switch sides.

Relieve the lower back with this lumbago exercise

Tighten knee - lumbago exercise

Your spine will become more flexible and relaxed with this exercise against lumbago. You can also use this position if you have lumbago. Lying on your side relaxes the intervertebral discs - you gently pull them apart.

  • Lie on your side on the exercise mat.
  • Stretch the lower arm upwards and rest the head on it.
  • Angle both legs slightly.
  • Now inhale and slowly pull the upper leg towards the chest.
  • As you exhale, extend your leg back down.
  • Repeat the exercise as long as it feels good to you.

The bridge for a strong back

Bridge against lumbago

With this very simple exercise you train your entire spine. It also strengthens the thighs and buttocks. The bridge is a classic among the abdominal exercises.

  • Lie on your back.
  • Place your arms parallel to your body.
  • Angle the legs.
  • Slowly lift the pelvis off the mat.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, lower the pelvis and then raise it again immediately.
  • With your heels, push firmly away from the exercise mat.

Childs pose to relieve pressure on the spine

Lumbago exercise

Those who sit a lot will love this lumbago exercise. The yoga exercise Childs Pose is also called spinal stretcher and is ideal for those who tend to have a hunchback.

  • Kneel on the exercise mat.
  • Rest your upper body on your thighs.
  • Your butt is on your heels.
  • Stretch the arms forward.
  • Hold the position for at least 30 seconds, breathing deeply in and out.

The bridge while tightening the leg

Bridge with leg tightening against lumbago

Those who are already a little more advanced, of course, can extend the simple bridge. By tightening the leg, the back muscles are well used and trained.

  • The starting point for this exercise is the simple bridge.
  • Your arms help you keep your balance.
  • Now lift your right leg off the mat and pull your knee toward your chest.
  • Slowly set down again and change sides.

Do the exercise very slowly and feel how the muscles around your spine are working.

Yoga exercise "The cat, the cow"

Normally, you pay attention to your posture. With this lumbago exercise, however, you should consciously let yourself hang. Literally.

We start with the cat.

  • Squat down on all fours.
  • Hands are under your shoulders, knees under your pelvis.
  • As you inhale, lift your chin.
  • Tense the back and pull the shoulder blades together.
  • Now make a cat hump. While doing this, push your back up in an arc.
  • Pull the chin towards the chest and the shoulder blades apart.

Lumbago exercise the cat the cow

Now for the cow.

  • With the next inhale, lift your head.
  • Come into a slight hollow back.
  • Push the shoulder blades apart and the buttocks up a little.

Repeat the cat and the cow a few times. This exercise will help your spine to release tension and relieve pressure.

Strengthen the spine with the wall

Lumbago exercise

Even a simple wall can help you strengthen the spine. What looks very simple, has a great effect on the lumbar vertebrae. It's a great way to fight lumbago!

  • Lie down against the wall. Your upper and lower legs form a 90° angle.
  • Now push away from the wall very lightly with your feet.
  • Build pressure, hold it for 10 seconds and then relax again. Do several repetitions.

The bridge with stretched leg

Bridge against lumbago

Bridges of any kind are a great way to strengthen the lower back. That's why this version can't be missing from the lumbago exercises. We'll try this variation:

  • The starting position is the normal bridge
  • Now lift the right leg off the mat
  • Keep it stretched and move it 10 cm up and 10 cm down
  • It is important that you always keep your body tension.

Anti lumbago exercise lying down

Leg lowering lumbago exercise

As with the bridge, you'll also strengthen the muscles around the lumbar vertebrae while cycling in the air. A special bonus: The lumbago exercise also trains your abdomen! :)

  • Lie on your back and bend your legs in the air
  • Now stretch your right leg forward.
  • The left leg remains in the starting position.
  • And change: Now keep the left leg forward and the right bent.

By the way: Also Pelvic floor exercises train the spine.

Our conclusion

If you exercise your back regularly, you don't have to worry about lumbago. Strong muscles around the lumbar vertebrae are the best prevention against back pain. Try to do the anti lumbago workout regularly. Choose a few of the exercises and start today.

If it has caught you, light movements and heat will help. If the pain doesn't go away, be sure to see a doctor! All the best for you!

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