Which rice is healthy and which is not?

What rice is healthy

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Do you eat rice more often? The small grain is totally popular all over the world! Have you ever wondered which rice is really healthy? There are big differences. And which rice is actually the healthiest? You can read about it here.

Hearty risotto, sweet dessert or rather Asian hot wok? Rice is versatile and tastes good.

It contains very little fat and is full of valuable vitamins, minerals and fiber. For well over 50 percent of people worldwide, the small grain is one of the most popular staple foods.

In traditional Chinese medicine, rice is even considered a remedy for high blood pressure. So rice is perfect if you want to eat healthy or maybe lose a little weight.

But is every type of rice really equally good? Brown rice has the reputation of being healthier, but white rice is more popular with many and is eaten more often.

It's time to clarify the question: Which rice is healthy?

Is rice healthy?

One thing is clear: rice has many healthy properties. It is not without reason one of the most important staple foods in the world.

Rice generally contains very little fat. In contrast, however, many complex carbohydrates, which saturate you especially in the long term. It is a healthy energy supplier for your body. 100 grams of cooked rice has only a little more than 100 calories.

However, the exact calories depend greatly on the type of rice. One more reason to know which rice is healthy.

The abundant vitamin B in rice is important for metabolism, skin and your nerves.

In addition, rice also provides you with a lot of the mineral magnesium, which is important for muscle building and stress reduction.

Especially for people who suffer from gluten intolerance, rice is a really delicious side dish. If you want to do something for a slim line, rice can also help. Potassium has a dehydrating effect and is found in abundance in rice.

You can also achieve long-term weight loss success through a balanced diet with rice.

We believe that yes, rice is healthy. But there are differences between the varieties. We have taken a close look at the small grains. Now you can find out exactly which rice is healthy.

Which rice is healthy?

I recently stood again in front of the rice shelf in the supermarket and was struck by the selection. Which variety is particularly healthy, I could not know from the rice names at the time.

The rice variety is endless and there are some varieties you may not even know about. Hold on. There are said to be more than 120,000 different varieties of rice worldwide. Which rice is healthy and which variety you might want to eat a little less of, we'll take a look at now.

Roughly, all rice varieties can be classified into three supercategories:

Round grain riceThis variety you know from rice pudding and risotto recipes. It swells strongly and becomes very creamy when cooked. The grain is about 5.2 millimeters in size.

Medium grain rice: This variety of rice is slightly larger with a length of 5.2 to 6 millimeters. It is still grainy and rather loose after cooking. It is usually counted as a subtype of the round grain rice.

Long grain rice: The variety is the largest of all. The grains are over 6 millimeters long. Long grain rice is often used as a garnish or stuffing.

But we'll take a closer look at the rice varieties!

is white rice healthy

Which rice is healthy - our five healthiest rice varieties

Since there are countless varieties of rice, we have summarized the five most nutritious for you. This way, you can quickly decide on a healthy rice variant before the next cooking evening and don't have to test your way through different rice varieties.

Brown rice

Natural rice or brown ream is particularly valuable and one of the healthiest. It contains many nutrients and is therefore particularly nutritious.

It is neither hulled nor washed. Due to this non-processing brown rice has more protein, fats, fiber and nutrients.

Its carbohydrates are broken down more slowly. This means that brown rice satiates you longer and keeps your blood sugar level constant. Eating two portions a week is said to reduce the risk of diabetes by eleven percent.

Compared to white rice, brown rice contains significantly more iron, magnesium and calcium.

Which rice is healthy? Natural rice is at the top of the list of healthy varieties. It tastes great with vegetables, fish and meat or as a whole grain risotto.

Black rice

When it comes to the question of "which rice is healthy," no variety comes close to black rice.
It is full of protein, trace elements and antioxidants. But its real power lies in its extremely high iron content, which is good for your circulation.

In history, black rice in China was reserved only for the emperor because it has so many beneficial properties.
Dine like the ancient emperors, that's something, isn't it?

Black rice tastes nutty and intensely like whole grains. I like to mix it into my salad. Give it a try.

Wild rice

Wild rice is often served with fish dishes. It convinces with different consistencies of firm bite and soft long grain rice.

If you want to prepare wild rice, you must make sure that it comes from organic farming. Large plantations often use chemicals to harvest the rice.

Wild rice scores in the point "Which rice is healthy" by a super high protein content. It has twice as much protein content as white rice.

Furthermore, it contains many minerals and trace elements. But that's not all, because this rice variety is full of amino acids and fiber.

A real nutrient bomb!

Red rice

The color is, of course, the first highlight. The rice gets its red coloring from the clayey soil in which it is grown.
However, the grain itself is not colored. Only the husk is red.

As you can see, red rice is not husked. And that's a good thing, because the husk contains vitamins, fiber and minerals.

Compared to other types of rice, red rice has a very high proportion of more unsaturated fatty acids. These good fats are said to have an anti-inflammatory effect and can alleviate the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
The beautiful red rice is considered a delicacy. It is quite crunchy and has a strong whole grain flavor.

Basmati rice

I usually cook basmati rice when I prepare rice. I like the inherent flavor of this type of rice very much. In addition, it is very changeable and perfectly suitable as a side dish to many dishes.

In addition to the taste, the inner values of whole grain basmati rice are also tip-top. Which rice is healthy? Basmati rice in any case.

It contains many important vitamins, fiber and potassium.

If, like me, you go for the whole-grain variety, you benefit from the shell that is still present. In the very thin husk is the so-called silver skin. This membrane retains all the nutrients in the rice, even during cooking.

Basmati rice also swells in the stomach and satiates you faster than other varieties. Our tip: This rice variety is well suited for diets.

Whole grain rice or brown rice

Which rice is healthy - what about white rice?

Have you missed the classic white rice until now? When it comes to finding out which rice is healthy, conventional white rice unfortunately falls by the wayside.

White rice is also known as polished rice. Polished means that the silver skin has been removed. If this fine layer is no longer present, the rice unfortunately loses a large part of healthy nutrients.

Conversely, this means that rice varieties with silver skin are mostly richer in nutrients and fiber than white rice.

As a quick example:
In 100 grams of white rice there are 6 milligrams of calcium. Whole grain rice contains 23 milligrams of calcium in the same amount.

Our conclusion

The many different types of rice make cooking a tasteful experience. Now you know which rice is really healthy. Well-known basmati rice is nutritious and can be eaten great during a diet. Or you dare to try black or red rice!

So nothing stands in the way of the next cooking evening. Finally you can cook healthy and delicious rice. We wish you bon appétit!

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