How to make the perfect sushi rice!

Prepare sushi rice

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There's rice, baby! But not just any rice. It's sushi! Yummy! We'll show you how to cook sushi rice like a pro. And all without a rice stove!

Risotto, rice pudding or sticky rice in sushi: Rice is an important food in many countries of the world and it is impossible to imagine cooking without it.

A little warning right up front: If you want to cook sushi rice, you are about to venture into the supreme discipline of rice cooking.

Apprentices of a sushi chef need three years to learn the perfect preparation. You certainly don't want to invest that much time, do you? Then you've come to the right place.

We tell you how to prepare sushi rice step by step without taking forever.

What ingredients and utensils you need to prepare sushi rice

To prepare sushi rice, you do not really need much. Put you first all the utensils and ingredients right, then nothing can go wrong :) The right timing decides whether the sushi rice will be perfect. Or just too grainy or mushy.

  • Cooking pot with lid
  • Kitchen towel
  • Fine sieve
  • Large bowl (wood or plastic)
  • Cooking spoon (preferably wooden)
  • Tablespoon
  • Teaspoon

Tip: It's much easier with a rice stove. There you put all the ingredients and the thing is already done :) If you eat rice often, the purchase is worth it. You can order a very good rice stove in the online store at Otto.

Ingredients for sushi rice

  • Sushi rice (Japanese round grain rice)
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Rice vinegar

Once you have everything together, you're ready to go!

Cooking sushi rice

How to cook sushi rice step by step

Have you ever tried to make sushi on your own? Then you probably know that it all depends on the taste and consistency of the sushi rice.

But do not worry. With these instructions and a little patience sushi rice cooking will be a success!

1. make the preparations for cooking sushi rice

Before you start cooking sushi rice, you should make some preparations. Get all the kitchen utensils and ingredients ready.

Wondering how much rice, sugar, salt and vinegar you need for 4 people?

Sushi rice cooking - Ingredients for 4 people

  • 250 g sushi rice
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 300 ml water

Since the seasoning mixture for the rice needs to cool, it's best to start with it. Because you're using so little liquid, it's best to use a very small pot.

  • For this, put 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar with 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt in a pot.
  • Then boil the mixture on the lowest setting until the salt and sugar have dissolved.
  • Then turn off the heat and set the pot aside to cool.

Alternatively, you can mix and heat the ingredients in the microwave.

2. wash, prepare rice before sushi.

You must wash the sushi rice before cooking. Why? Sushi rice contains plenty of starch.

When cooked, it would show up as a thick sticky mass. You don't want that, do you? Exactly!

  • Place the desired amount of rice in a fine mesh strainer.
  • Place the sieve in a bowl to save water.
  • Then run cold water over it until the water is no longer cloudy.

However, this does not mean that there is no starch left in the rice. That would also be too stupid. We need starch so that your sushi roll does not fall apart.

Washing rinses out only enough to prevent paste smearing during cooking.

Prepare sushi rice

3. how to find the perfect amount of water and rice

As with conventional rice cooking, there is a rule of thumb.

The ratio of water to rice should be 1:1.2 when cooking.

This means that for one cup of rice there are 1.2 cups of water or for 100 g of rice there are 120 ml of water.

Do you also know the portion problem? Who wants to eat rice for the next three days?

In principle, the following can be said:

When you 100 g cooked rice you need about 40 g raw rice plan. For sushi rolls as a main course, you should plan on 100 g of cooked rice per serving. This will definitely fill your guests.

4. the cooking time of sushi rice

Then leave the clean rice to swell in the saucepan for about 30 minutes without water. Of course, the hotplate remains switched off!

  • Add 300 ml of water.
  • Then let the rice boil once over high heat.
  • Let it simmer on medium heat for 15 minutes until the rice has completely absorbed the liquid.
  • It is important that you leave the lid on and do not stir in between.
  • You can now remove the pot from the stove.
  • Then take off the lid and clamp a clean kitchen towel between the pot and the lid. This way, the kitchen towel absorbs the remaining moisture and the rice can cool down for 10 minutes.

5. season sushi

Now pour the cooked and cooled rice into a bowl. It is best to stir it gently with a wooden spoon.

At the same time, slowly pour in the vinegar mixture. But not all at once! In between, taste whether the rice needs more seasoning or not. This is purely a matter of taste.

To keep the rice moist, place a damp household towel on top of the rice.

After about an hour, you can start producing your perfect sushi roll.

Make sushi yourself

Why you can't use normal rice for cooking sushi rice

You can only get the perfect sushi rice with round grain rice. On the packaging, this special rice is also explicitly designated as sushi rice.

Such rice varieties are mostly grown in Korea and Japan. But now you can also find sushi rice from other countries in the supermarket.

Sushi rice can best be compared with the well-known rice pudding or risotto rice. Both are also round grain rice varieties. However, you should only use them in an emergency.

Only sushi rice has the perfect starch content. This is the only way that your rice will end up really fluffy and sticking together without becoming mushy or even tasting creamy.

How you can tell that you have cooked the rice perfectly

You followed our cooking instructions and now you wonder if your rice is cooked perfectly? The best thing to do is to taste it after the recommended cooking time.

The rice grain should have no hard spots and still have a very light bite. So no muddy rice.

In the mouth, sushi rice feels soft and fluffy. The rice grains stick together slightly but are not a big soggy mass.

With light pressure, you should then be able to easily form stable nigiri sushi.


Basic recipe for sushi rice

With this basic recipe you can prepare the perfect sushi rice
No ratings yet
Vorbereitung:5 minutes
Zubereitung:30 minutes
Gesamt:35 minutes
Servings:4 People


  • 2 EL Rice vinegar
  • 1 EL Sugar
  • 1 TL Salt
  • 250 g Sushi rice
  • 300 ml Water


The seasoning mix for sushi

  • Add rice vinegar, sugar and salt to the pot.
  • Boil the mixture until the sugar and salt dissolve.
  • Set the pot aside and let the mix cool.

Prepare the sushi rice

  • Wash the rice.
  • Put the rice in a pot, pour the water and bring it to a boil.
  • The rice should now swell in the pot for 30 minutes. Let it simmer at low temperature.
  • When it has absorbed the water, clamp a clean kitchen towel between the pot and the lid. It will absorb the remaining liquid.
  • Let the rice rest for 10 minutes. Gently stir it and mix in the seasoning mixture.
  • Let the rice cool completely before starting the sushi.


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Our conclusion

Healthy, delicious and so easy to make yourself: Once you get the hang of cooking sushi rice, your favorite sushi is ready in no time.

Of course, you can also prepare the rice in a rice stove. However, with our step by step instructions you can also easily prepare the rice in the pot.

Thanks to an optimal nutritional balance and healthy ingredients, sushi may land more often on your plate. Good luck with your cooking and enjoy your meal!

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