What helps against mosquito bites? The best tips and tricks!

What helps against mosquito bites?

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As soon as the temperatures rise, the mosquitoes come out of hiding again. Nasty, itchy spots all over the body are on the agenda again. What helps against mosquito bites? We'll tell you here.

When it finally gets warmer, we are all literally drawn outdoors. Trips to the lake or a drink on the terrace on a warm summer evening - that's paradise for many.

This is also true for mosquitoes! Because as soon as we want to sit down relaxed in the green, they attack us.

Painful and itchy spots are then usually the result of a day at the lake or a summer evening in the garden.

Then you ask yourself, what helps against mosquito bites and how can you prevent them? We have the answers for you!

What helps against mosquito bites

What helps against mosquito bites? Do not scratch!

The most important thing first: although it is tempting, do not scratch your mosquito bite! Most of the time the itch goes away for a short time after scratching, but eventually it comes back much stronger.

In addition, a scratched mosquito bite can be dangerous. Because if you scratch the spot, bacteria can get in and this can lead to inflammation or infection. So you should better not scratch!

Unsightly scars can also result from scratching. This is not necessary! For mosquito bites you are well served with our home remedies.

Home remedies for mosquito bites

There are many ideas circulating about how best to treat mosquito bites. However, many of these tips work differently from person to person. So you can only try out what helps you best. We tell you a few home remedies and their effect.

Hot spoon

An effective method is to treat the fresh sting with a short application of heat. You can do this by dipping a metal spoon in water at about 50 degrees and then pressing it on the puncture.

The heat destroys the proteins in the mosquitoes' saliva that cause itching and pain. But be careful not to burn yourself!

Cold compress

Another great remedy that helps against mosquito bites is cold, because it soothes the inflammation. You can use a cold compress or simply put ice cubes on your bite.

But always make sure that the cold does not directly affect your skin, but put a tea towel in between. This way you can avoid damage from the cold!

A damp cloth also feels pleasant and relieves itching.

What helps against mosquito bites?

Onion slices on the mosquito bite

Probably one of the best known home remedies for mosquito bites are onion slices. The essential oils of the onion relieve itching and have a decongestant effect.

But if the smell is too intense for you, you can also try lavender.

Vinegar and brandy envelopes

Poultices with vinegar water are also very helpful for mosquito bites, because they relieve the annoying itching and act against the inflammation.

To do this, mix water and vinegar in a 2:1 ratio and apply the poultice to the affected area.

You can do the same with liquor by dipping a clean cloth in a high-proof clear alcohol.

Lemon slices

Cut lemons disinfect and cool the mosquito bite site. It will also reduce swelling and lightly numb the area.

If you have sensitive skin, you should dilute the juice of the lemon a little!

Daisies and parsley against mosquito bites

Yes, you read correctly: both daisies are ideal for itchy bites, but parsley also helps with mosquito bites.

The juice of the daisy and crushed parsley relieve the itching and pain and ensure that no wheal forms.

What helps against mosquito bites?

What you can do preventively against mosquito bites

But to prevent it from happening and to avoid using a home remedy that helps against mosquito bites, you can take preventive action against mosquito bites.

Essential oils

Scents like lemon oil or Lavender oil*Mosquitoes don't like mosquitoes that smell particularly good. You can therefore use lotions, candles or scented oils to repel the pesky mosquitoes.

Mosquito spray

To fight mosquitoes as a preventive measure, you can use a mosquito spray. There are different variants to buy in the pharmacy. Or you can make your own mosquito spray.

Proper clothing

Did you know that mosquitoes like dark clothes? So you can make yourself uninteresting for them if you wear light-colored clothes. This way you will be attacked less!

Not a sweet floral perfume

Strong-smelling perfumes usually attract mosquitoes. Especially sweet or flowery perfumes are attractive to the little pests.

If you still want to use a perfume, then citrus is best as the main fragrance.

Please shower!

Not only perfumes, but also the smell of sweat magically attract mosquitoes. So after sports you should quickly take a shower to protect yourself from the little beasts.

Mosquito nets and fly screens

If you like to have the window open at night in the summer, mosquito nets or fly screens are a good choice.

You can take great care to ventilate only when the windows are closed, but you are completely safe only with appropriate protection.

Mosquito nets or fly screens directly in the window will save you a lot of nerves and protect you from unpleasant visitors at night.

By the way: Decisive for the question, which persons mosquitoes attack, is the body temperature or the exhalation. Sweet blood or a certain diet are not decisive for this!

What helps against mosquito bites?

When to see a doctor for an insect bite

Normally, mosquito bites are harmless and apart from an unpleasant itching sensation and slight pain, you will have no further discomfort.

However, there are cases when you should see a doctor and a home remedy for the mosquito bite no longer helps.

Puncture site in sensitive areas

If you have been stung in a sensitive area, then you should pay a visit to the doctor.

Stings in the mouth, throat, eye or lip require special treatment and must be examined by a physician.

Hot and big mosquito bite

If the puncture site feels particularly hot and is very large, you should also see a doctor.

Allergic reactions may be manifested by increased heating or by a change in the site of the bite. There it is better to have a doctor assess the mosquito bite.

Our conclusion

Mosquito bites are annoying and we can do without them, that's a fact. But if you do get bitten, you can easily answer the question "What helps against mosquito bites?

But even if you want to prevent the annoying bites, you are now well informed. Goodbye mosquito bites!

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