Do diet plans really help you lose weight?

Upfit experience

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Finally lose weight or build muscle or eat healthy after all? We all often adopt healthier eating habits. But most of the time it doesn't work out. With a personal online nutrition plan, this should be a thing of the past. But does it really work? This is my Upfit experience.

Actually, I am very happy with my figure. But... Do you know this too? Welcome to the club :)

That was also the case for me until three months ago. I'm very slim, but the fat deposits on my stomach are stubborn. And for my taste I could use a few more muscles.

I work out regularly 3-4 times a week. But when it comes to building muscle, I've struggled. I am a typical hardgainer, so someone who trains a lot but still can only build a little muscle.

I tried everything... But then I stumbled across Upfit. Today I'll tell you how I finally managed to get rid of my belly fat and build my first muscles. This is my Upfit experience!

Diet plan experience

Upfit - what is it anyway?

Upfit is a nutrition plan. But a very clever online nutrition plan. Instead of downloading a ready-made plan, Upfit lets you customize it to your goals and needs.

In other words, at Upfit you'll find individually designed nutrition plans.

Why this is important - well, everyone has a different starting point. While one has 80 kg and likes to eat meat, the other finds herself at 60 kg and a vegetarian.

You can be vegan and want to build muscle or eat flexitarian and lose weight. Or are you a vegetarian and want to finally eat "clean", i.e. healthier?

This works because you have to specify your destination and preferences. Allergies are also taken into account. Thus, you can specify that you don't tolerate fish and shellfish and you'll find alternatives for them in your diet plan.

How now: a nutrition book? No, not quite. In my Upfit experience, I noticed right from the start that it works mega easy. You don't need to carry a book around with you, and you don't need to save a PDF file.

You get an access and you can open the program on the laptop, tablet or on the cell phone in the app anytime and from anywhere.

So, in short, Upfit is a pretty modern and stylish online diet plan that adapts to your goal and eating habits. You always have the plan and the shopping list with you.

This will make it easier for you to keep the nutrition goals in mind and you will really follow through this time - Just like me :) Every day there are four recipes according to your taste.

As you can see, it sounds a bit promotional. But it can be, because I am convinced of the concept and have tried it myself. You can read the result of my Upfit test in the lower part of this post.

How much are the costs for Upfit

For my Upfit experience I have times fetched a 3 months access. That's enough for now, and you can extend it at any time. All it takes is two clicks on the website.

I have to pay the amount once and will be unlocked afterwards. This is very fast because I choose SOFORT bank transfer. But you can also pay with PayPal, credit card or direct debit.

For 3 months I pay 33 per month - so a total of 99 euros. I don't think that's too badly priced if you figure that for that you get online nutritional advice, a meal plan for every day, and shopping lists. And a plan that should contain exactly what I like and what my body needs.

After the three months, the meal plan simply expires, there is no automatic renewal.

Upfit experience

If you want to save some money in total, you grab the 12 months plan. It costs 149 euros so 12.43 per month and is therefore much cheaper. You also have a bit more variety in the recipes.

Why I wanted to have my own Upfit experience

So now that I've decided on the 3-month plan, it's clear to me: I want to do a detailed Upfit test. I invested the 99 euros because I realized that I had not made any progress with my own approaches.

Nutrition accounts for 70 % of training success. I know that I train a lot and correctly. So now it can only be the diet. I have resolved to bring my body a little more up to speed and to get rid of the belly fat.

I talked to a trainer about how I can best achieve this. He said that for me it's really down to my diet. And yes... I do like to snack quite a bit. 😁

Building muscle will help me make the belly fat disappear and build some muscle overall to feel more comfortable. I would like to lose weight only on the stomach and in no case overall. With just under 1.70 m and 50 kg, I'm already at the lower weight limit anyway.

So my goal is to build muscle and eat healthy.

While searching for an individual online nutrition consultation and a suitable plan, I stumbled across Upfit.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. So I simply went all in for 3 months and changed my diet. And lo and behold, things really did change.

But let's start from the beginning. :)

My Upfit Experience - How to Personalize Your Plan

First of all I have to decide for a target. Now that I know I don't want to lose weight, I want to tone my body through clean eating and building muscle.

You have the choice from

  • slimming
  • clean eating
  • Muscle building
  • or definition

Upfit experience

I briefly waver a little, but then decide for muscle building. This should really tighten my body now, besides, I need a lot of power for my further training.

I work out 3-4 times a week - mainly because I need it as a balance to my job.

This is what my weekly workout looks like

  • 1x per week bouldering about 1,5-2 hours
  • 1x strength training with body weight 1 hour
  • 1x mountaineering - 5 hours and approx. 1000 meters of altitude difference
  • 1x cycling or running

Nobody can tell me that you can't get rid of the belly fat. Unfortunately, it is so if you like to eat sweets or do not think about what you have already eaten everything and how much protein or carbohydrates the body needs. That is honestly also much too much work for me.

So in short, I choose to build muscle.

Specify my diet

Mega handy for vegetarians with an occasional craving for fish is that I can specify the diet. I can choose from these options

  • Classic with meat and fish
  • Vegetarian and fish
  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan
  • Flexitarian (little meat and little fish)
  • Paleo
  • Intermittent fasting

For me it is immediately clear: My Upfit experience I would like to make of course as I usually eat: Vegetarian and fish. You should also choose that way, because then it will be easier for you.

If you're a meat eater and don't ever feel like eating meat, you can simply choose an alternative recipe.

In the next step, I have to indicate if I have any intolerances or allergies. These foods will not end up in my recipes later. You can choose from lactose, histamine, gluten, soy, fructose and sucrose (table sugar). Fortunately, because I tolerate everything well, I can skip this step.

For those who have an aversion to certain foods, the next step is wonderful. You can exclude foods that you don't like or can't tolerate.

But in any case, from now on it's do-it-yourself cooking. Sounds mega elaborate, but it's not. More about that in a moment.

Create Upfit Online Nutrition Plan

How often I eat

Yes, good question. How often do I actually eat? I tend to be one of those who like to snack in between meals and don't eat dinner or lunch at the same time every day.

But now I have to decide, and that's probably a good thing. Because if you have a regular eating rhythm, you will get your body in better shape.

I choose 1-2x hot food per day. If you want, you can also choose the category "Cheap". Since particularly cheap food is transformed into very high quality recipe.

And finally, I specify when I don't want to cook at this point. Also clear for me: in the morning. I am namely quite a morning grouch :)

My personal data and how sporty I am

In order for my Upfit experience to be truly customized to my body, I need to enter my weight and height. The explanation says that this calculates calorie and nutrient intake.

My age also seems to play a role. And then I still have to estimate my body fat percentage.


Upfit experience

Upfit in test - The first week

Now I can download the app or make my Upfit experience. Since I'm already mega excited. Hunger I would have at least already :)

Before I start, I get on the scale and measure my abdominal girth. Only then can I make a comparison at the end.

  • Kilogram: 50
  • waist circumference - I measure at the level of the navel: 78 cm

Unfortunately, I do not have a body fat scale. But I think that after three months I will also notice such progress.

When I log in, the first thing I get is a shopping list. I decided to go shopping only 2x a week and save myself a lot of time.

As an old savings fox, I like that I can set which store I will shop at and immediately see how expensive my week of meals will be. 36.20 euros costs me a whole week with four recipes each when I shop at Lidl. So on average, just a little over 5 euros per day. Or 1.29 euros per dish. Ingenious.

I grab my phone and have the shopping list here in the app. Now I can check off directly what I've already bought and what I'm still missing.

And lo and behold, I actually get all the products at the supermarket I trust. The price is not quite right. But comes with 37.30 euros very close to the proposal. I was just about to upload the bill as proof, but have bought so many other non-edible things - so that makes little sense.

So, fully motivated, I now start with the recipes. You can also access them via the app or your laptop. I decide to set up my laptop in the kitchen and start cooking.

If you want, you can get a Download sample plan on the Upfit page and view it. To do this, click on "Programs" and "View sample plan" in the menu.

Day 1 with Upfit

First I should prepare a lentil soup with feta cheese, and double the amount, so that I have enough for tomorrow. That's just what I need with my stressful job.

With the recipes, I can immediately see how many calories they contain, how much protein, carbohydrates and fats are in them, and how much they cost. Also mega practical: How long I need for the preparation.

My first day looks like this:

  • Breakfast shake with blueberries - 553 calories
  • Green beans with salad, nuts, feta cheese - 732 calories
  • Snack - yay I can snack :) - Avocado pudding - 173 calories
  • Red lentil soup with feta cheese - 556 calories

Upfit test

The preparation is simple. The steps are specified exactly and also the quantities. So that I really stick to the quantities, I put me a kitchen scale. I'm usually more like the type: Oh, that will fit so :)

Important question: How does it taste?

So I must say that my Upfit experience is very positive. The four dishes meet my taste quite well. Especially the lentil soup I find mega delicious. I'm sure I'll eat it more often.

The portions are such that I get well full but do not feel overly stuffed. I'm not hungry between meals.

The next day we have cottage cheese with honey, kiwi and grapes for breakfast. Lentil soup for lunch. A healthy radish and nut snack, and in the evening my highlight of the day: fish with spinach leaves and pasta and zucchini.

Pasta with spinach and salmon

If I don't like something at all, I can click on "Change" and get a new suggestion. So I swap the afternoon snack "almond smoothie with blueberries" for an apple pie smoothie bowl and am mega motivated for the afternoon :)

Never again: What am I going to cook?

The week passes quickly. I get used to cooking. But then again, I've cooked fresh every day before. It makes no difference to me, except that I no longer have to ask myself one question: "What should I eat tomorrow?"

This question has often cost me some nerves. I love to eat and also to cook, but especially on stressful days it totally sucks. Especially when you have to go shopping first, because your stomach tells you: You absolutely have to eat pizza tomorrow :)

I no longer have that problem. Many dishes are pre-cooked, which also saves me a lot of time.

The only thing I don't stick to is pasta dishes. Here, I only pre-cook the sauce. Warming up pasta is not an option for me. But pasta is cooked in 10 minutes and therefore no effort.

How I am doing after 3 weeks online nutrition plan

I'm really good and follow through with the program. Even on weekends, when it's hardest for me. 1x I have but a cheat day inserted.

Because I was invited to a barbecue. I couldn't help it. But I just make sure that instead of greasy sauces and dishes, I eat more salads for muscle building, like lentil salad. And when it comes to desserts, I go for grilled melon instead of cake.

What I have noticed: Somehow you get used to it and pay much more attention to your diet.

I don't notice anything yet with my muscles and body fat percentage. But is logical, that takes quite a while. I still do my training 3-4 times a week.

By cooking and shopping in advance for the whole week, I save a lot of time. And it's also noticeable in the wallet.

I tend to go shopping quickly after work and then buy too much and expensive because of hunger. My expenses for food are now every week between 30 and 40 euros. So the Upfit costs pay off again at the end of the plan. :)

Done: 3 months diet plan

Today is the day of all days - did my Upfit Test bring anything? Do you notice anything on the body?

Yes, I actually notice something. Namely, that I am no longer so tired. Somehow I have the feeling that I have more energy.

That's why I can hold out longer during training. It's especially noticeable when I'm bouldering. The strength in my hands doesn't leave me so quickly.

And also my belly fat seems to be less. But let's ask the scale and the tape measure :)

  • Kilogram: 53
  • Abdominal circumference - I measure again at the level of the belly button: 75 cm

Upfit diet plan experience

Ouch, three kilos more but 3 cm less abdominal girth. That's exciting. I talk to my trainer about this result and what he says about it. We have a very long conversation.

Here is the short version:

It is possible to have less belly fat and more kilos because I have built muscles. Muscles weigh more than body fat, so now the number on the scale is also higher.

Because muscles need a lot of energy to not be broken down, the body goes after the belly fat and uses it as an energy source. This is a very simplified representation of what happens in the body, but I don't want to go into too much detail here. After all, that would make for a blog post of its own and has nothing to do with the Upfit experience.

My conclusion

Online nutrition plans are many. But I could not discover one that is tailored to personal goals, taking into account your own starting point.

I actually managed to get more muscles and reduce the belly fat. And that is: Slowly but sustainably. I am totally motivated to continue the plan. 😃

Because my Upfit experience was so positive, I got in touch with the company. And together we developed the WeGoFit online nutrition plan launched. You can read up on our site and write us anytime if you have questions. I am looking forward to your messages!

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