Too much air in the stomach - What you can do about it

Air in the stomach - belching after eating

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If the stomach is full of air, it can be very unpleasant. But where does it come from and what can you do about too much air in the stomach? Here's the solution!

First, the good news: air in the gastrointestinal tract is nothing unusual.

The stomach and intestines are hollow organs. It is therefore quite normal that they contain air.

But if Too much air in the stomach is, we feel bad, we have to burping and get a Bloated belly.

But why is it actually like that and what can you do? Everything you always wanted to know about air in the stomach is here :)

This much in advance: A stomach full of air can have numerous causes. An unhealthy diet, stress or food intolerances are among the most common causes.

Get rid of air in the belly

How the air actually gets into the stomach

Through Drinking, eating and talking arises daily Stomach air. Because through these activities you swallow air. Especially by eating high-fiber food and carbohydrates.

Do you drink beverages that Carbonic acid you promote a bloated stomach as well.

Too much gas in the stomach also forms when you have too much air in the intestines. It can rise into the stomach.

Are you from frequent belching you should check whether you are not suffering from reflux. It can be responsible for the Air accumulation in the stomach be responsible.

But it is also possible that there is an inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) or an infection with a certain stomach germ (Helicobacter pylori). If you have been suffering from air in your stomach for a long time, you should definitely seek advice from a doctor!

How you can tell if there is air in the stomach

If there is too much Stomach air your body will try to get rid of them either downward by bloating or upward by frequent belching. get rid of.

Air and gas are constantly collecting in your stomach. If you have too much air in your stomach, you will burp.

In the past, burping was considered a compliment for good food. Today, however, it is perceived as embarrassing. Gas in the stomach leads to stomach pressure, belching or flatulence.

Stomach pressure with too much air in the stomach

Stomach pressure should not be confused with classic stomach pain. If your stomach is pressing, then it is not only causing you pain, but also seems to be under a lot of pressure.

Air in the stomach - flatulence causes

Depending on how sensitive your stomach nerves are, this can feel like a more pronounced feeling of fullness or it can be associated with immense pain.

A feeling that your stomach is about to burst is also possible in this situation.

If you suffer from frequent stomach pressure, the pain can severely limit your everyday life. In addition to the symptoms already mentioned, the stomach pressure can also cause this:

  • acid regurgitation
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Gastrointestinal cramps
  • Flatulence

Flatulence due to too much air

Air in the stomach is also manifested by a flatulent stomach. In medicine, flatulence is also referred to as "flatulence". Beautifully paraphrased, flatulence is the escape of gas accumulation in the intestine.

It's normal for air to escape through your rectum every now and then. This can be embarrassing, but it is a natural process in the body.

Only when a distended stomach your constant companion and flatulence becomes a permanent condition, you should go to the Doctor go

However, flatulence is also accompanied by other side effects.

In addition, you may be plagued by abdominal pain but also constipation, diarrhea or unpleasant bowel sounds.

A bloated abdomen may also be accompanied by a feeling of fullness, constant belching or loss of appetite.

Generally, air in the stomach or intestines escaping through belching or flatulence is quite normal.

If these unpleasant reactions of the body happen to you more often, it is usually due to harmless digestive problems.

To restore calm to the intestines and stomach, it may be enough to make small changes in eating habits.

In some cases, however, serious gastrointestinal disorders are hidden behind these symptoms, which you should definitely have checked out by a doctor.

Belching as a sign of air in the abdomen

If there is too much air in your stomach, your body wants to get rid of it quickly.

For this purpose, your stomach has developed a very simple mechanism.

It pushes the excess air upwards. Through your esophagus and mouth, the accumulation of gas leaves your body again.

The process is called "burping".

In moderation, belching is quite natural; if it occurs frequently, it can become distressing for those affected.

Air in the stomach - belching after eating

In many cases, even small changes in the diet are enough. However, if the symptoms persist for a longer period of time, you should have possible diseases clarified.

It can also happen that not only air but also solid stomach contents come back up. You push up food mush with stomach acid.

This process can be very uncomfortable and usually occurs in the course of reflux disease.

Why you should take a test

Have you ever thought about getting tested? It could be that your stomach has problems processing certain foods.

Often diarrhea or constipation also come into play. If it's pinching and twinging, it could be that your intestinal flora is out of balance.

If you then feed an intestinal bacteria additionally with food that is not good for them, you get air in the stomach and intestines.

If you don't know where the bloating and discomfort are coming from, a quick test can help.

Cerascreen Food Test

Many Self-tests, such as the one from Cerascreen can be performed at home. You need to take a small blood sample and send it to a laboratory.

This is a test to see if your body reacts with antibodies to food. These antibodies are responsible for most allergic reactions.

After the evaluation, you will receive a list of foods that your body has difficulty processing and know what you should better avoid in the future.

With the code "Wild10" you get 10% Discount on the test!

What you can do about air in the stomach and a bloated belly

A bloated belly can also be reduced by exercise. Instead of sitting lazily on the couch with a full belly after a meal, you can also take a walk for digestion.

This is not only good for your stomach, but also for your entire body.

Heat can also have a positive effect on the symptoms. Whether it's a hot water bottle, a cherry stone pillow or a heat wrap, your digestive organs will relax.

Tip: Certain teas like Fennel Anise or Caraway, which you can order from Amazon, help reduce the bloated belly.

Bloated belly - How you can prevent!

In most cases, it is enough to pay attention in the diet. What is important is the right choice of food and its preparation.

If you have problems with air in your stomach, it is better not to eat these foods in any quantities or even at all:

  • Whole grain products, such as whole grain bread or whole grain pasta
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Fruit like peaches, pears or apples
  • Legumes such as peas, lentils or beans
  • Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower
  • Sugar and sugar substitutes such as mannitol, Xylitol* or sorbitol
  • Onion, leek and garlic
  • Yeast
  • Alcohol

You should avoid carbonated drinks at all costs. Instead, use tap water or herbal teas.

If you have air in your stomach, fennel, caraway or anise tea can help you.

Air in the stomach - What helps against flatulence

Drinking a lot of coffee and smoking have a negative effect on your gastrointestinal tract. Smoking causes a lot of air to enter the stomach.

When eating, be careful not to gulp down food too hastily, but to chew each bite thoroughly and consciously.

Stress can affect digestion. It is important that you eat as relaxed as possible, concentrate on your food and taste everything consciously.

Eating slowly also has the advantage that your feeling of satiety sets in faster and you automatically eat less.

The same applies to drinking. To avoid air in the stomach, you should take small sips.

Also, be careful if you chew gum frequently or if you suck sugar-free candies often, as this can lead to increased gas buildup.

Tip: You should definitely order the book "Gut with Charm". 

How you can tell if there is air in the stomach or intestines

It is often not possible to say one hundred percent whether the air is in the stomach or intestine. Generally, air is formed in the intestine only to a very small extent via air swallowing.

Slightly more gas accumulates when carbonated beverages are consumed.

Predominantly, the accumulation of air in the intestine is caused by a bacterial breakdown of non-absorbable food. This is especially common when you eat a lot of fiber.

If there is air in the bowel, then there is a feeling that your clothes are too tight. Often the discomfort is also accompanied by irregularities in bowel movements.

Relief after bowel movements is also a sign of excess gas in the bowel.

Air in the stomach or abdomen

When you suffer from air in your stomach, you usually experience bloating in your mid and upper abdomen. In addition, you get full quickly.

Together with the feeling of fullness, nausea may also occur. In addition, slow digestion is also a sign of gas accumulation in the stomach.

In addition, excess air makes itself felt through stomach pressure and frequent belching. In many cases, the stomach is simply overburdened and then reacts with stomach grumbling.

Our conclusion

Too much air in the stomach is usually noticeable by frequent belching. Stomach pressure and a feeling of fullness are also among the most common symptoms.

You can successfully prevent this if you eat slowly. It is also important to eat the right foods. Avoid flatulent foods and carbonated drinks. It also makes sense to get enough exercise.

However, if you do experience air retention, you can combat it with heat. Drink caraway, fennel or anise tea regularly if you are prone to flatulence.

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