12 Minibands exercises for effective abdominal legs butt workout

Minibands exercise arms

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Minibands exercises are just great! The workout with the mini bands gives you more strength, more endurance and stabilizes hips and knees.

Minibands exercises are true all-rounders. You can strengthen and train your entire body with them.

But there is more to a miniband workout. The small rubber bands are very inexpensive and very effective.

Minibands training does not require any previous experience. Anyone can start at any time.

Minibands - what is it?

Purely visually, minibands at first glance remind elastic fitness bands. The only difference is that the mini band is closed and smaller.

Like the elastic band, the mini band is very elastic and available in different strengths. Classic exercises can be enhanced by using the no bands.

If you have a small apartment and no training room of your own, you fight for every inch of space. That's where big Exercise equipment like gymnastic balls out of the question.

The smaller and more stowable the better. Here come Minibands exercises into play. they take practically no no place away and even fit in your pocket.

Or in your gym bag. Minibands are so light and flexible that you can take them anywhere, even on vacation. Or to work, to strengthen your muscles a little after office hours.

Who Minibands exercises are too monotonous, the bands can simply be plug in while running. After a few kilometers you take a break and do strengthening exercises.

Minibands advantages at a glance

  • Cheap to buy
  • no previous knowledge necessary
  • space saving in the apartment
  • many application possibilities
  • you decide the level of difficulty
  • Flexible in transport
  • strengthen and activate several muscle groups at the same time

The small rubber bands are a great alternative to large training devices. They are small and inconspicuous, but their effect is mega.

Why are minibands exercises so effective?

The principle of the minibands workout is actually quite simple. You stretch the rubber band around both feet or both arms. And then you build up tension.

So you pull it apart. The further you stretch itthe greater the resistance of the Minibands exercises. So you control all by yourself the power that you use and that you want to spend.

This makes minibands so ideal for activating muscles at the beginning of a workout. But also during the workout - for example, between running sessions.

Of course, you can do the same exercises without mini bands. But when you add resistance, you train much more effectively. Because of the high tension, your surrounding muscles have to work harder to stabilize your body.

The small lightweight elastic band will make your muscles burn properly. The German national soccer team also relies on this effect. The boys train regularly with the colored bands.

Slowly, however, exercises with minibands are finding their way into our living rooms. And even in fitness studios trainers like to use the rubber loops.

By the way: I also find these exercises very successful. If you like, you can join in directly with this YouTube video:

The resistance band for runners

The mini bands are very good for strengthening the butt muscles. This is very important especially for runners. Because for them, the butt muscles take on a very important role.

When you step up straight while running, the butt muscles stabilize you. This is important for our pelvic stability. With the rubber bands you can train the gluteus medius, maximus and minimus.

You can target the gluteus muscles specifically to activate them.

What does the color of the elastic mini bands say?

If you've ever tried minibands exercises, you've probably noticed that the rubber bands come in different colors.

The color indicates the strength of the tape and resistance.

And resistance is exactly what strength training with mini bands is all about.

For beginners to hobby athletes to professional athletes, there is something for everyone in the minibands exercises.

Minibands exercises - choose the right miniband color

Depending on your fitness level, the blue mini band may be good for arm exercises, but too strong for the legs. Then you just change the color.

  • Yellow mini band - very light
  • Green mini ribbon - light
  • Blue mini ribbon - heavy
  • Black mini ribbon - very heavy

Which band is the right one for your minibands exercises, you have to find out yourself in a test.

But that's not a problem, because mini bands are usually sold in sets. So either way you always have the right rubber band at hand.

If you want to buy mini bands, you will notice that there are many different manufacturers that offer the bands. The characteristics of the rubber bands are the same for all manufacturers.

But in length and width, they may differ a little. But the training always remains the same.

Depending on the resistance and manufacturer brings a Miniband between 10 and 25 gram on the scales.

The most effective minibands exercises at home

We have put together a mix of abdominal, leg, butt and arm exercises with mini bands. The following applies to all exercises: If you can easily do more than 20 repetitions, grab the next stronger band!

Triceps stretch with mini band

You train: Arms and shoulders

Minibands exercises - triceps stretch with elastic band

  • Stand up straight. Take a hip-width stance. Grasp the elastic band with your left hand.
  • Angle the left hand behind the back. So that the hand is at the level of the shoulder blade.
  • Pull the mini band behind your back as high as you can. Slowly bend your right arm again in a controlled manner until both hands touch.
  • For a stable stance and to avoid falling into a hollow back, tighten your abdomen.

The bridge with rubber band

You train: Thighs and buttocks

Mini band exercise the bridge with elastic band

  • Place the elastic band slightly above your knees.
  • Lie on your back and bend your legs.
  • Lift the pelvis off the mat.
  • Push your legs as far apart as you can.
  • Lower the pelvis again without resting it on the floor. And lift again.
  • The miniband is constantly under tension.

Mountain climber with mini bands

You train: Buttocks, legs, arms

Minibands exercises - Mountainclimber with miniband

  • Thread the rubber band around one shoe.
  • You start in a full plank. The arms are under the shoulders.
  • Pull the knee as far as you can to the chest.
  • Return to the starting position and now pull the other leg forward.

Squat with elastic band

You train: Thighs and buttocks

Minibands Exercises Miniband Triaining

  • You start with a simple squat. The band is at the level of your ankles.
  • Stay in the squat and step to the side with the left leg. The miniband is now on tension.
  • Walk three steps to the left, then three to the right. You remain in the squat position throughout.

Side planks with elastic band

You train: Legs, buttocks, abdomen and arms

Minibands exercises - lateral planks with miniband

  • Thread the mini band around the ankles.
  • Lean sideways on the exercise mat.
  • Lift the body off the floor until only the elbow and the lower leg touch the mat.
  • Now lift the upper leg until the band is firmly in tension.
  • Slowly lower the leg again and repeat the minibands exercise.

Leg lift for the buttocks muscles

You train: The buttocks and thighs

Minibands exercises for buttocks

  • Lie on your stomach. Angle your arms so that your elbows are under your shoulders.
  • Straighten your upper body.
  • Now pull the right leg as far as you can towards the buttocks.
  • With the left leg you press against it. The toes of the left foot must not leave the mat.

Bicycle crunches with mini band

You train: abdomen and legs

Bicycle Crunch execution with mini band

  • Place the mini band around your feet.
  • Lie on the floor and put your hands behind your head.
  • Straighten your upper body.
  • And bring the right elbow to the left knee.
  • The right leg is stretched out. It is not on the ground, but is in the air.
  • And change sides: the right knee to the left elbow.

Standing lateral leg raise

You train: Buttocks and legs

Minibands exercises - standing lateral leg raise

  • Stand hip-width apart on the exercise mat.
  • You can place your hands in front of your body or on your hips.
  • Lean a little to the left and lift the right leg as high as you can to the side.
  • Make sure that the tape is well tensioned.
  • Do 10 reps per side before switching standing legs.

Minibands exercise for the arms

You train: Arms, abdomen and legs

Minibands exercise arms

  • You start in a full plank. The body forms a line. Tighten the abdomen!
  • Lift your left arm off the mat. Pull on the mini band.
  • Put the arm back down and repeat the exercise with the other arm.

Strong shoulders with mini bands

You train: Shoulders and arms

Minibands exercises shoulders

  • Thread the rubber band around your hands.
  • Hold your arms straight in front of your body. They are at the level of your shoulders.
  • Pull the band apart as far as you can. Hold the tension and then slowly return to the starting position.
  • And pull on it again.

Minibands exercise for professionals

You train: the whole body

Minibands exercises

Thread the mini band around your feet.

You start in a full plank. Bend your elbow until your shoulder is about level with your heels. You are almost lying on the mat. However, without touching it.

Hold this position and now alternately pull the right and left knee to the elbow.

The body forms a line. Try to do as many repetitions as possible.

Planks with mini band

You train: Legs, arms

Planks with minibands

  • You start in a very simple full plank. The band is at the level of the ankles.
  • The right leg remains in position. Pull the left leg as far to the left as possible.
  • And back to starting position. Do all repetitions with the left leg first before switching sides.

Your mini band exercises workout plan

Well, have you memorized all the exercises well? Then you can use them to tone your stomach, legs, buttocks and arms. We have put together a small training plan for you from these exercises. Depending on your fitness level, you can of course adjust the repetitions and passes. But it can be a little challenging.

If you find an exercise too easy, use the heavier band. It offers more resistance and adapts to your fitness level.

Training plan with miniband exercises

Here your workout plan consists of 3 sets per exercise. So you perform three sets of all the exercises presented. To get more variety in the workout, you always pull three exercises together.

In between, of course, rest is allowed. Take a breather after each exercise, and after the first block you can rest for 40 seconds before moving on to the second.

This can then look something like this:

Passage 1:

12 repetitions of each

  • Exercise A
  • Exercise B
  • Exercise C

Passage 2:

12 repetitions of each

  • Exercise A
  • Exercise B
  • Exercise C

Passage 3:

12 repetitions of each

  • Exercise A
  • Exercise B
  • Exercise C

Now switch to exercise D, E and F. And so on.

Our conclusion

Minibands exercises are a great addition for endurance athletes and anyone looking for a little variety in their workout. They are super lightweight and very easy to store. Perfect for the workout bag and a small living room!

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