Stretch marks on the inner thigh: what you can do!

Stretch marks inner thigh

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Are you looking for a solution for stretch marks on the inner thigh? Then you are certainly also affected by the unsightly stripes on the legs. You are not alone! A lot of women have them. But why do you get stretch marks on the thigh? And can you do something about it? Find out here!

Almost every woman is affected by tissue tears. A closer look in the mirror reveals them especially on the buttocks, thighs or abdomen. They weigh us down and are simply not pretty.

But it doesn't matter whether you have a few extra kilos on your hips or are one of the slim models - anyone can get them. Even men are not spared.

But it is not hopeless. There are a few tips and tricks that can help you.what helps against it and how you can prevent stretch marks on the inner thigh, you can learn here.

How do tissue tears develop?

Stretch marks are fine cracks and scars that appear under the surface of the skin. They are most common on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and sides of the hips.

The stripes are the result of loss of elasticity and thinning of the lower layer of the skin.

Stretch marks often appear when the skin expands and overstretches quickly - for example, as a result of excessive weight training, pubertal growth, major weight fluctuations or even pregnancy.

Overstretching causes lasting damage to the subcutaneous tissue, which can lead to tears. The fine stretch cracks scar and so-called stretch marks appear. The stripes can be light pink or white in color.

Tissue tears during puberty

Puberty can also be to blame for stretch marks. Due to rapid growth, the skin may be overstretched and strained.

Therefore, especially during puberty, tissue tears appear in the area of the breasts and thighs.

Stretch marks from the pill

Some women report that they got stretch marks when they started taking the pill. Usually you don't get any from the pill.

However, taking the pill can lead to cravings. Due to cravings, many women gain weight and this weight gain then leads to stretch marks.

Why do stretch marks on the inside of the thigh have different colors?

Although most stretch marks are relatively inconspicuous, they vary in appearance. It doesn't matter if they are on the inner thigh, abdomen or buttocks: In some people they are light pink, in others white. The reason for this is the age of the torn connective tissue.

But there are more causes of different colors of stripes.

Pink stretch marks

Pink or reddish colored stretch marks show a recently damaged connective tissue. They are a sign that your body has undergone a significant and rapid change.

Pregnancy, rapid muscle gain, or rapid weight gain are examples.

However, if the stretch marks are light pink, they may also indicate an unbalanced diet or a lack of protein, vitamin C and minerals.

At this stage you can still best treat and even completely eliminate the stretch marks.

White tissue cracks

If the stretch marks are white, it means that they have been there for a long time. They are already completely healed and indicate that your body has recovered after a deficiency or rapid change.

You can't get rid of these stripes.

What do stretch marks on the thigh mean?

Stretch marks on the inner thigh occur when the connective tissue is overstretched and the elastic fibers of the subcutis tear. This overstretching can have different causes.

Often the stripes on the thigh are caused by rapid or excessive growth during puberty or by being overweight.

You should also know that tissue tears can also be hereditary.

This is because there are a variety of different types of connective tissue. Some women are born with weak connective tissue, which is more prone to stretch marks.

How to get rid of stretch marks completely?

Stretch marks are similarly stubborn and deep as small scars. Ointments and oils can help to fade them somewhat. But you will not get rid of them completely.

However, there are ways to fade them a bit and make them less visible. But you should know that stretch marks are not a health problem and are completely natural.

Stretch marks thigh

What can you do about stretch marks on the inner thigh?

Right up front, it is impossible to make all the stripes disappear, yet there are certain treatments that help fade the stretch marks on the inner thigh.

Peels are applied to the skin to reduce the color and width of the stripes. Lasers can be used to improve the appearance of the stripes.

In addition there are also a few home remedies, which many stars and celebrities swear by.

Laser treatment

The most effective method of treating stretch marks is with a laser. The laser produces short bursts of light that stimulate collagen production in the skin. This technique repairs scars from scratch. The laser also tightens the skin.

How often you need to do the treatment depends on the strength and age of your tissue tears. Normally, however, six to eight treatments are sufficient.

How much you pay varies from country to country. But you can expect about 200 euros per treatment.


Microneedling creates a large number of tiny wounds in the skin. It promotes collagen production and improves the appearance of scars, similar to laser treatment.

Microneedling can help with all types of scars, including stretch marks on the inner thigh.

The whole thing costs about 200 to 400 euros per treatment. To be really satisfied with the result, you need about three to four treatments.


The ultrasonic vibrations create interstitial spaces in the tissue, which increases the effectiveness of lotions and oils. Ultrasound also promotes blood circulation, which aids wound healing by accelerating the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to damaged tissue.

Scar care oil

Scar care oil can be used to treat stretch marks on the inside of the thigh. Zinc can also help reduce stretch marks. This won't make the stripes disappear completely, but they should at least become colorless. The sooner you start, the better.

What else can you do?

Conceal with clothes

If you are very uncomfortable with your stretch marks, you can also conceal them with clothes. Wear skirts or shorts that cover your thighs.

It's best to choose wider cut styles that don't accentuate them even more.

Self tanner helps

At tanned skin the stripes appear less present. So off you go into the sun. But apply sunscreen properly so you don't risk sunburn.

A good self-tanner can also help and will make sure your stretch marks aren't as visible.

Accept your stretch marks

Tissue tears are nothing to be ashamed of! Every second woman is affected and has to find a way to deal with it. If your stretch marks on the inner thigh are due to weight loss, you can also see them as a reminder of this important time in your life.

Stars and celebrities are also proudly showing off their stretch marks more and more often and artfully showcasing them. They remind us that stretch marks should not be seen as an optical flaw.

So: love your stripes!

Of course, you can try to remove tissue tears if it is worth your time and money. But don't fight with nature, accept your body as it is. Stretch marks are just a reminder of how fantastic your body has been!

How can I prevent stretch marks on the inside of the thigh?

Stretch marks are difficult to remove and in most cases the treatments are very expensive. Therefore, it is ideal if they do not appear in the first place. But how to prevent stretch marks on the thigh?

Red and purple stripes may appear on the abdomen especially in case of rapid weight change. With a plucking massage you can prevent them and reduce them afterwards.

A high-quality body oil is needed for the massage. Body oils from jojoba, wheat germ and Almond oil* are particularly beneficial as they can be applied to the most sensitive areas (chest, stomach, legs, bottom) after showering - preferably at least once a day!

In addition, can help:

  • cold shower
  • healthy diet
  • Drink enough
  • Sport and exercise
  • an optimal fit bra to protect the breast tissue
  • Dry brush massages
  • various creams and lotions with the active ingredient alpha-tocopherol

These suggestions can help improve the suppleness of the skin, promote blood circulation and reduce the formation of stretch marks.

When should I go to the doctor?

Stripes on the thighs are not a reason to go to the doctor. They are only an external and harmless appearance of the skin.

The stripes on the thighs may possibly develop into tiny fractures that do not heal together on their own. In such a case, it is important not to ignore them and have them looked at by a doctor.

In fact, the small cracks can develop into fissures.

Chapping refers to deep cracks in the skin that can no longer grow together on their own. These cracks provide ideal conditions for bacteria and viruses to multiply, so that inflammation can develop very quickly.

However, if you see a doctor early, you can easily avoid this complication.

The following applies: Stripes on the legs do not need to be treated by a doctor. However, if tiny cracks can be seen in the skin, which no longer grow together, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

Our conclusion

You have stretch marks on the inner thigh? You are not alone. Almost every woman suffers from them. But you can't get rid of them completely. You can only help with certain treatments and home remedies to improve the skin, strengthen the connective tissue and thus make the cracks less visible.

Don't be put off by the small tears in the fabric. Cheer up and focus on your assets, you have a lot of them to offer!

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