Red stretch stiffeners - That's what they really mean!

Stretch marks red

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Today we will go into the causes of stretch marks. What does it mean when stretch marks are red? And is there anything you can do about it? You can find out all about it here!

If you look more closely in the mirror, you will discover them on your buttocks, thighs or belly: white or red stretch marks. Very many women are affected by them.

Stretch scars appear under the surface of the skin and can appear in different colors. Their hue can be an indicator of your health condition.

But one thing in advance: stretch marks (stretch marks) are common and not a disease. More than half of all women are affected.

How do stretch marks develop?

Stretch marks are usually caused by rapid stretching of the skin, often due to sudden weight gain or pregnancy. They can also be caused by muscle growth or hormonal changes.

The collagen and elastin fibers in the skin break down when the skin is overstretched. This can lead to thinning skin, permanent scarring and red stretch marks. The red, white or pink stripes are caused by blood vessels showing through.

Do you have red stretch marks? If so, you may be wondering what they mean. Stretch marks are a common problem that can occur for a variety of reasons.

Is there a difference between stretch marks and stretch marks?

No, both terms refer to cracks in the skin, which are caused by a strong growth of the respective body part. These terms are often used as synonyms.

During pregnancy, it mostly affects the abdomen and chest. When gaining weight buttocks and thighs and when building muscle the respective body part - often upper arms or thighs.

Why do some women get stretch marks and others do not?

Stretch marks are partly genetic. Unfortunately, if you have weak connective tissue from birth, you will not be spared white and red stretch marks. Are you from loose connective tissue affected, a few tips and tricks will help keep the problem at bay.

What do red stretch marks mean?

Red stretch marks are a sign that the skin has recently been damaged. They are the result of freshly damaged connective tissue.

Your stretch marks seem to be fairly new, which suggests that your body has recently gone through a rapid change.

Pink to red stretch marks usually appear during pregnancy, but also with rapid muscle growth and weight gain. A poor diet and a lack of protein, vitamin C and minerals can also contribute to the development of stripes.

If your stretch marks are red, they stand out much more than their white variants.

By the way, during this time you can best treat the stripes and even remove them completely. Even if your stretch marks are already in the healing phase and appear purple, you can still fight effectively.

White stretch marks

The white or light gray lines run in the direction of the tension of the skin. They are caused by the aging process of pink stretch marks and are visible for a lifetime in many people.

Initially red stripes turn into silvery, white stripes after one to two years because the tissue scars.

White stretch marks are usually one to ten millimeters wide and several centimeters long. They indicate that the body has recovered from a vitamin deficiency, pregnancy or excessive activity.

At this stage it is very difficult to do anything about the stripes.

red stretch marks

How to prevent red stretch marks?

If you manage to prevent red stripes, you won't have to worry about white stretch marks later on. Because without red, there's also no white.

After pregnancy, red and purple stripes may appear on the abdomen. Plucking massage can help prevent and soften them during and after pregnancy.

It's important that you moisturize your skin regularly now.

For the treatment you will need a high quality body oil - first of all will be Jojoba oil against stretch marks recommended. Oils with almonds or wheat germ are also particularly suitable and should be massaged onto the areas particularly at risk (chest, abdomen, legs, buttocks) - preferably daily!

What can be done about it?

Although it is impossible to completely eliminate all scars, certain treatments can help reduce them. Peels can reduce the color and width of the stripes. Laser treatments can also help you improve the appearance of the stripes. And there are a few home remedieswhich many stars and starlets swear by.

These therapies help against red stretch marks:

  1. Laser
  2. Microneedling
  3. Ultrasound
  4. Scar care oil
  5. Acceptance

Laser treatment

This is the most successful method for reducing stretch marks. The laser fires tiny flashes of light into the skin that stimulate collagen growth. The scars are rebuilt from scratch by this technique. In addition, the laser also tightens the skin. This treatment is especially suitable for red stretch marks.

The number of treatments you need depends on the severity and age of your stretch marks, but usually six to eight sessions are sufficient. The cost of laser treatment varies from place to place, but is usually around 200 euros per session.


Micorneedling creates thousands of micro wounds in the skin. As with laser therapy, this stimulates the production of collagen and improves the appearance of scars. Microneedling is effective against all types of scars, including stretch marks.

The procedure takes about 30 minutes and costs between 200 and 400 euros per session. For an optimal effect you need three to four sessions.


The ultrasonic vibrations enhance the effectiveness of creams and oils by causing interstitial spaces in the tissue. At the same time ultrasound improves blood circulation, which accelerates wound healing.

Scar care oil

To treat the stretch marks, apply scar care oil on them. Taking zinc can also help reduce stretch marks. This won't completely eliminate the streaks, but it should at least cause them to soften in color. The sooner you start doing this, the better.


Remember: stretch marks are nothing to be ashamed of! They affect every second woman, and it's up to her how she deals with them. If you get them after giving birth, you can consider them a reminder of your pregnancy.

On her Instagram account, artist Sara Shakeel has discovered a technique for dealing with stretch marks that proves they don't have to be a visual flaw. Other women are also adopting this method.

The Instagram account "Love your lines" is run by two American women. They call on people from all over the world to share photos of their bodies after pregnancy or heavy weight loss. The motto is: love your lines. Isn't that a great one?

Our conclusion

Of course, you can reduce red stretch marks if you think it's worth the effort and cost. But it's much wiser to accept your body as it is. Stretch marks remind you that you've accomplished something great - whether it's weight loss, muscle gain, or pregnancy.

All the best for you!

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