Stair training - The 13 best exercises with steps

Stair training exercises to warm up

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With stair training you will quickly gain more endurance and strength. Here's how to incorporate stairs into your workout!

You don't need dumbbells, a rowing machine or an expensive bike to get in shape. Very simple stair training is mega effective.

You will get more endurance and you can also train muscles with steps.

And if you want, you can even participate in a stair run afterwards.

You might be wondering where the next staircase for training is? Mostly right in front of your nose. You just don't see them or like to overlook them.

If you go through your day with your eyes open, you'll soon find plenty of opportunities for stair training.

By the way, it does not have to be a big staircase over many floors.

As few as 20 to 30 flights of stairs are perfectly sufficient to put together an effective stair workout.

Stair training

  • makes the pulse race upwards
  • strengthens your condition
  • Improves coordination
  • can be performed on pretty much any staircase
  • is an affordable way for an effective workout
  • and improves your strength endurance

Tip: For the beginning, flat and wide steps are optimal.

Stair training exercises

The 13 best exercises for stair training

If you want to train your endurance and strength at the same time, you'll love training with stairs.

And the good thing about it: You determine the intensity yourself. We've put together the best ones for you.

Tip: If you have problems with coordination or balance, practice on a staircase with a railing.

You can hold on to it in the worst case and save yourself from a fall. We don't want the stair workout to end in injury.

Very important: Comfortable and well-fitting training shoes! The shoe must enclose your foot tightly and provide good support, otherwise it can end painfully!

1. warm up and stretch

Stair training puts a lot of strain on your legs. So prepare them for the workout. And do so with a very simple stretching exercise.

Stair training exercises to warm up

  • Stand on the lowest step.
  • Lift your heels off the floor and lower them again.
  • Rock up and down at least 12 times. Pause briefly and repeat the process a total of 3x.

2. take each step

We start with a very simple exercise. But already with it you improve coordination, strength, running technique and condition.

Stair training run

  • Stand by the stairs.
  • Run up the steps at a relaxed pace.
  • Touch the stairs only with your toes and the balls of your feet.
  • Let your arms swing along and go full throttle.

Run continuously for at least 30 seconds. Do 3 repetitions.

As a beginner, you should only walk up the stairs. Down you go. Here, the risk of tripping is quite high.

As a beginner, start slowly. The more comfortable you feel and the fitter you are, the faster you will become. You can even do sprints on the stairs.

How about this: 3×30 second easy runs and then 3×30 second stair sprints?

3. knee lift as stair training

This exercise is perfect for those who run regularly and have already studied the ABC of running. For this stair training exercise you need to have good concentration and strength in your legs.

stair training knee lift run

  • Start again at the beginning of the stairs.
  • Take each step while pulling the knee higher than normal walking.
  • The arms swing along bent. If you have the right knee in the air, the right arm swings back and the left arm swings forward.

This exercise will help you especially if you have always wanted to run faster but have not had the strength to do so.

4. take two steps

Taking two or more steps when training for stairs will improve your endurance and strength. Depending on the size of the steps, their nature and, of course, the length of your legs, you can also take three or four steps at a time.

staircase training

But be careful: There is a great danger of twisting your ankle or slipping on steps with lots of stones or leaves!

If you take several steps and do it slowly, you will train your buttocks and legs.

5. squat stretch jumps as a stair workout.

Good for legs, buttocks and bounce are jumps that you perform with both legs.

Squat stretch jump in stair training

  • Stand in front of the steps.
  • Squat down. Bring the arms back to gain momentum.
  • Jump one step further with a single leap. Land on the balls of your feet. And stretch the body. If you can, bring your arms up in the air.
  • And squat again and repeat until you get to the top.

6. one-legged jumps

You get a little more challenge when you perform the jumps with one leg. This will improve your jumping power enormously. But beware: Not for those who have problems with balance!

Single leg jumps on the stairs

  • Stand in front of the steps and lift the left leg backwards.
  • Jump up a flight of stairs with your right leg. Land on the balls of your feet again.
  • You stretch your arms slightly to the side to keep your balance better.
  • Go back to the start. And repeat the exercise with the left leg.

7. lateral runs in stair workout

You can also climb the stairs sideways. This is a good exercise for coordination.

Stair workout exercise

  • Stand to the side of the stairs.
  • Step very deeply into the step with your left foot.
  • Add the right foot.
  • Now lift the left foot again and place it one step further. Go down and start with the other leg.

You can do this exercise either slowly or quickly. Just adjust the speed to your fitness level.

8. crossleg for the inner and outer muscles of the thighs.

When running crosswise, you train the coordination and the inner and outer muscles of the thighs. Your endurance will also improve a little.

  • Cross one leg alternately in front of and behind the other leg.
  • Attention: Do not lose balance!

Stair Training Cross Leg

9. the lunge as a stair exercise

Butt and thighs will thank you for this exercise from stair training.

  • Place feet two to three steps apart in step position.
  • Lower the buttocks. Stretch the back leg through.
  • The front leg is bent at a 90° angle.
  • And again return to the starting position. Do at least 15 repetitions per leg.

Lunge with steps

10. the crab walk on the stairs

But you can use stairs much more extensively than just going up and down quickly.

You can also do a whole range of exercises for the arms and torso with them. A good example is the crab walk.

Stair training crab walk

  • The easiest way is to start at the bottom.
  • Place your legs on the lowest step.
  • The buttocks are two steps further at the same height as the hands.
  • Now reach with your hands one step further and at the same time lift one leg to the next step.
  • Move like this to the top of the stairs.
  • You should feel your upper arms properly while doing this.

If you want, you can also go down in the crab walk. But beware: the risk of landing on your tailbone is so much greater.

11. push-ups with the stairs

Stair climbing pushups for beginners

Have you ever tried push-ups with elevation? No? Perfect! A wonderful exercise for those who want to really challenge their upper body!

There is a variant for beginners and one for advanced.

Variant for beginners

  • Place the arms on the second step. The feet are on the straight or also on a step. Just see what you find easier.
  • Reach wide and do push-ups. Pay attention to the body tension.

Too easy? Lift one leg off the ground!

Variant for advanced

  • Place the feet on the second step. The hands are on the straight or also on a step. Just see what you find easier.
  • Now your feet are elevated and you have to fight really hard.
  • Start with push-ups and do as many as you can!

Too easy? Try it with one leg!

12. side planks with stairs

And finally, an exercise that strengthens your trunk and arms.

Side Planks with Stairs

  • Place one hand on the stairs.
  • And the upper foot on the lower.
  • Tighten your abs and butt to form a nice straight line.
  • Extend your upper arm to help you keep your balance.
  • Hold this position for at least 30 seconds before switching sides.

Variant for advanced

Raise the upper leg in the air

13. squats on the stairs

With this exercise your legs will benefit especially from the stair training. Because you put one leg higher than the other, both legs are much more challenged.

Calorie consumption stair climbing

  • Put your legs one stair apart.
  • Squat down until the lower leg forms a 90° angle.
  • And up again! Do at least 15 repetitions per leg.

What to look for after stair training

Stair workouts are very hard on the muscles. So you're guaranteed to get sore muscles.

It helps if you loosely run out afterwards. This promotes regeneration.

A fascia roller is also a benefit for the legs. Roll out the thighs, buttocks and calves with the massage roller.

Don't forget the front of the thighs. They were also firmly challenged during the stair training!

Our conclusion

A stair workout is an inexpensive way to exercise very effectively. The workout on the steps builds endurance, coordination and strength. You can strengthen your entire body.

Come on, let's go! :)

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