Squats: How deep do they really need to be?

Squat how deep

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You want to really get started with your workout and ask yourself questions about the perfect squats. How deep, how long, how many squats - you can find out here.

There is hardly any exercise that challenges the entire lower body as much as squats. So it's no wonder that they can be found in every workout.

You don't need a lot of prior knowledge or space, and you don't need any equipment. With your own body weight, this simple exercise can crisply train the buttocks and tighten the legs.

However, especially as a beginner, you ask yourself many questions. A typical question is about the optimal depth of the exercise.

How deep do squats need to be to be effective? Is there anything you can do wrong? And why is it not only depth that matters? We want to explain all this to you today.

Why do we find deep squats so difficult?

When squatting, maximum depth should be achieved while keeping the back straight and erect. However, due to our sedentary lifestyle, most do not have the flexibility to use the full range of motion.

It doesn't happen overnight - even though we routinely did deep knee bends as toddlers with no problems. As we get older, however, these skills are often forgotten - we become less mobile and rusty.

Observe consciously the movements of small children while they do a squat. Thanks to their naturally flexible muscles and tendons, even the extreme Russian squats are easy for them with a completely straight spine.

Try it out for yourself and see how you feel. Do a squat without weight in front of a mirror. Stand slightly to the side of the mirror so that you can see your back and legs clearly.

Do the squat very slowly and deeply. Do you notice how at a certain point your lower back folds inward?

This is exactly what you should avoid when doing squats with weight or many reps (without weight).

In the past, the general assumption was that you must not go low at all when doing squats. An angle of 90° was considered perfect - that is, the thighs parallel to the floor.

Today, however, we know that the squat, however deep it turns out, is good for the body. Depending on the depth, it uses different muscles. But we'll look at that in detail now.

Squat: how deep should it be?

Squat how deep should I really go? The answer is: as deep as possible, provided you can still perform them cleanly.

A squat is considered deep when your hips are lower than the kneecap in the lowest position. That is, when your calves and thigh are so far apart that your rear end is almost touching the floor.

But be careful: the depth of the squats should never be at the expense of stability in your back. The back must be straight!

Your back posture therefore determines the maximum possible depth. With practice, you can get a little deeper each time.

For a long time, the rumor has persisted that it is dangerous for the knees if you squat very low. It was said that you should only squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

This statement is not wrong, but it is especially true for those who are just starting to exercise. If you train regularly, then the squat may also be a little wider.

There are a number Advantages, the Squats if they turn out to be deep. We'll now take a look at exactly what these are.

Click here for the exact Step by step instructions for the deep squat!

You can watch a great video on this topic here:

Advantages deep squats

More muscles used

When you extend your range of motion as far as possible and squat deeply, the target muscles - in this case, the front of the thigh - are equally or even more stressed.

Generally, when stretching is increased, tension on the target muscle groups also increases!

This mainly affects the gluteal muscles. If the squat is low, your buttocks will benefit. The further down you go, the more muscle mass you can build here.

For advanced users: less risk of injury

For those who train with weight, the following applies: The risk of injury is comparatively lower with deep squats.

You can never squat low with heavy weight, so you use lighter dumbbells and minimize the risk of injury. Technique errors will therefore hit you less hard.

Good for the nervous system

In addition, deep squats help relieve pressure on your nervous system. This is because this type of squat decreases the load on your neck, putting less pressure on your spine or spinal cord.

Part of the central nervous system is located in the spinal cord, and it becomes highly stressed when the spinal cord is subjected to a heavy load.

Therefore, it is important to do deep squats with lighter (or no) weights to protect the nervous system and have more energy for other exercises.

Performing squats cleanly without weight is always a preparation for the execution with barbell. How this can look in weight training, you can see here:


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So how deep the squat turns out is important in training on several levels. However, it is very difficult for us adults and here especially for sports beginners to achieve the appropriate range of motion. How you can still succeed, we look at now.

How can I achieve the deep squat?

You already work out regularly, but the deep squat doesn't work out for you? It could be that your anatomy doesn't allow you to squat all the way down and keep your back straight.

But the fact is: for most of us it works quite well after a bit of practice. Due to a lot of sitting and a lack of mobility training, we are just a little rusty - but this problem can be solved by three points in particular:

  • Observe maximum hip mobility
  • Regular practice
  • Clean technology
  • Adjusted training frequency
  • Use weight plates
  • Vary crotch width

Practice regularly

There are many Agility exercises you can do regularly, to become more flexible. However, the most valuable approach is to do squats regularly and try to go deeper every time - without any frills.

Do not use weight and pay attention to the technique. It is important that you do the repetitions very slowly when practicing.

Keep the number of reps the same for 3 weeks. The goal is to get a little lower each week. If your back thighs are resting on your calves and you can stand up cleanly, then you have reached your goal.

When you practice, your tendons and ligaments and the ankle joints more mobile and the balance improves.

Clean technology

It is also important to have good technique. Squat with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your knees pointing outward and in the same direction as your toes.

Your back should always be straight - this takes practice! Make sure you don't pause too much between sets so you can maintain tension for a longer period of time.

Adjusted training frequency

The squat is an exercise that often puts us under pressure. It's important to be mindful of how often you do them. If you overdo it, it takes more energy than necessary and makes it difficult to go deep without breaks or risk injury.

That's why three days of squats per week is usually enough - especially if you're just starting out. However, it depends on how far you can squat, how fast you want to get there and how flexible you are.

You should increase the frequency only when the technique sits 100 %ig. Ensure regularity to internalize the technique and become more agile.

Use weight plates

Place thin weight plates under your heel. This slight elevation will help you get lower during the squat. Alternatively, you can use a wooden board. This trick works wonders!

Vary crotch width

Every person is a little different. With the deep squat, the mobility of your hips plays a big role. Hip joints are shaped differently from person to person. Some therefore find it easier to perform squats tightly, while for others this is exactly what leads to pain.

Therefore, it helps very many to experiment with the width of the step. As a guideline, stand shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing slightly outward. Even 2 cm can make a huge difference. Try it out!

If you stand too wide, you may not be able to keep your knees in line with the tops of your feet. Make sure that the knees do not fall inward. If you have this problem, focus on not letting the knees go inward - consciously push them outward.

Do yoga

Most who wonder how deep squats should turn out and who are just practicing, it fails mobility. This is where yoga can help.

It's a great way to improve mobility and flexibility, which are key requirements for mastering a deep squat.

How often should I do deep squats?

This is indeed a very common question, but the context and your goal should be considered. First of all, think carefully about what you want to achieve. If your goal is to keep your leg muscles healthy, doing a few exercises once a week is enough.

But if you want to build muscle and tone the legs, then the total volume is crucial. It is composed of the number of workouts per week. In addition, the number of sets and the repetitions of the individual sets. And if you train with dumbbells, the weight also plays a role.

If you want to progress, you should train your legs at least 2x a week. At least ten sets per week are recommended, although 15 is better. If you train with weight, then it should be so heavy that you can do 8 repetitions.

When doing the squat, no matter how deep it turns out to be, listen to your body. If you feel pain, stop the workout!

Our conclusion

Squat how deep, how often and why at all? I hope you now know the answer to these questions. The depth depends on how flexible you are. You should give your body time to train and take the project slowly.

If you want to do deep squats, it's important that you practice regularly, pay attention to your technique, vary your stride width, and use weight plates for extra help. Deep squats may seem difficult at first, but with regular practice and proper instruction, you'll soon see results!

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