These are the most important preventive examinations for women

Preventive examinations for women

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If you want to stay fit and healthy for a long time, you should have regular check-ups. Doctors recommend these check-ups for women.

Prevention is better than cure - you probably know this old saying.

Yes, the phrase is getting a bit old, but it's still true. If you do certain examinations every year, you can detect diseases early and get well quickly.

Yes, no one likes going to the doctor. There are better things to do than sit in the waiting room and flip through old magazines. But make an effort. Preventive checkups are mega important for your health.

Find out now which preventive examinations for women should be on your To Do list.

Why preventive examinations are so important for women

You only have one body, so take good care of it. Exercise and healthy eating are things you can do yourself. However, check-ups should be a regular part of your schedule.

That's just part of being an adult. There are many diseases that can be detected at an early stage and treated without any problems.

Putting screenings on your To Do list will benefit you across the board. The earlier diseases and abnormalities can be detected, the better your chances of recovery.

In Germany and Austria, the health insurance companies cover different examinations. But even if you have to pay for a checkup yourself, you should do it. Health is more important than money.

The most important preventive examinations for women

Let's see right here what dates you shouldn't miss.

2x per year to the dentist

Ah yes, the dear dentist. Not exactly my best friend, but what the heck. During a checkup, the dentist can immediately tell if something is wrong with your teeth or gums.

The earlier caries is found, the less painful the procedure is.

I have oral hygiene done 2x a year, during which the teeth are thoroughly checked and cleaned. They are ground and polished for all it's worth. So you can prevent tartar and the teeth stay healthy.

Small bonus: The teeth get nice and clean.

So it's clearly a must if you're thinking about preventive checkups for women. Who doesn't want to have a radiant smile?

1x per year gynecologist

Probably the most unpopular doctor of all. But close your eyes and get through it. Even if you have no problems, you should go to the gynecologist once a year.

The check-up is recommended for the first time after the first menstrual period. Mothers often do this together with their daughters to ease their fears. So if you have a daughter, talk to your doctor about the first appointment.

From the 20. year of life early detection against cancer is recommended for every woman. Have a Pap smear done once a year by your gynecologist, it is for cervical cancer screening.

From the 30. year of life an annual breast exam is on the schedule. This is done by your gynecologist. They will also show you how to check your breasts for lumps yourself.

From the 40. year of life doctors recommend a mammogram once a year.

1x yearly health examination

Your family doctor or even internal medicine specialists offer health exams. I do this examination every year. Blood is taken and checked - you can see the number of blood cells, the iron level, the vitamin D level, vitamin and nutrient deficiencies and also inflammations can be detected in the blood.

Also controlled are

  • Blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight
  • Liver and kidney diseases
  • Heart and lung diseases
  • Lipid metabolism disorders
  • Vascular calcifications

An ultrasound of the heart, kidneys, liver and other internal organs is also scheduled. And an ECG to see if the heart is beating properly.

I really recommend this examination to you. With ultrasound, the doctor can immediately see whether everything is right with your organs and react immediately in an emergency.

Everyone can have a health check-up from the age of 18 - in Austria, the health insurance fund covers this check-up once a year.

1x yearly colon cancer check

From the 50. year of life screening examinations for women and their bowels are recommended. Specifically, the aim is to detect colorectal cancer early and to examine the bowel. This is a very simple and painless test that examines your stool for blood.

Alternatively, this can also be detected with a colonoscopy. This is recommended every ten years from the age of 55.

Every 2 years to the dermatologist

Every two years, have a dermatologist take a look at your Moles throw. They can change over time and become larger. Additionally, go to the doctor if you notice such a change yourself - either in size, color or texture.

The doctor will check if everything is okay with the birthmark. If not, you will have to remove it. It does not hurt and it is done under local anesthesia. I already had to remove 5 of them - half as bad.

Because I have a lot of moles, I go to the doctor every year.

Skin cancer screenings i.e. preventive examinations against skin cancer are being From 35 years recommended.

Every 2 to 3 years to the ophthalmologist

If you don't have any problems with your eyes, you should still get regular checkups. From the age of 10 to 40, you should see a doctor every 2 to 3 years.

Here, a quick eye test is done to see how your vision is developing. This often detects mild vision problems that can have a big impact on your everyday life. For example, did you know that headaches often occur because you have poor vision?

Concentration problems are also often related to poor eyesight. Preventive examinations for women and men at the ophthalmologist are often associated with a lot of waiting time, so make the appointment as early as possible.

How not to forget about a check-up

You now have a list of all the important appointments. It's best to make an appointment with each doctor today. Then save in your cell phone when your new examination is necessary.

If you don't set yourself a reminder, there's a good chance you'll forget about it and not get regularity in your screenings.

I have a reminder in my phone when to make the next appointment. That works every time.

And with some doctors, you can make appointments a year in advance. Or at least the dentist's appointment for the next six months.

Our conclusion

Anyone who wants to stay healthy has a check-up. The check-ups usually only cost a little time. The doctor can detect many diseases in advance and you can take countermeasures ahead of time. Doctors recommend check-ups for women at regular intervals.

Stay healthy and all the best!

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