How do birthmarks develop? Everything about the birthmark

How birthmarks are formed

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At around two square meters, the skin is your largest sensory organ. Among other things, moles form on it during your life. But what exactly are moles, how do they develop and when do you have to have them removed?

You have them, your friends have them and we have them too. On average, every fair-skinned person has 30 to 40 moles. This also includes the teeny tiny freckles or grandma's age spots.

Some moles you have had since birth. But the majority of your birthmarks develop during your life.

But what exactly is it? How do birthmarks develop? And can they really be dangerous?

You'll learn in this post,

How do birthmarks develop?

Almost everyone has them, but how do moles develop?

The term mole describes an accumulation of skin cells. Together, they form a yellow-brown pigment that is Melanin calls. It gives the birthmark the typical brown coloration.

A birthmark is usually a benign, but not curable irritation of your skin. Due to blood vessels, sebaceous glands and other skin cells in a mole, the shape, texture and color of mole and mole change.

The medical term for a birthmark is pigment nevi or nevi for short.

So how do moles form? Color-giving cells, get from your body into the skin. There they settle between the epidermis and subcutis and multiply.

They form a so-called nest. When the pigment cells from this nest reach the upper leather skin layer, a brownish spot is formed - the birthmark.

The appearance of the mole may change over time.

Remove and lighten moles naturally

What is a birthmark?

Typical birthmarks appear as brown or reddish spots. They are usually about five millimeters in size. Moles can be completely flat but also raised, somewhat rough or hairy.

From the age of 30, birthmarks rarely appear. At an older age, it even happens that birthmarks recede again and their coloration decreases.

Birthmark or mole?

What is a birthmark and what is a mole? How are moles formed and how are moles formed? Is there any difference at all?

There is no difference between a birthmark and a mole. Both terms are not clearly defined medically. They differ only in their formation. The birthmark is congenital. The mole, on the other hand, appears later.

In both the mole and the mole, cells accumulate and overflow the upper dermal layer.

The different moles

Medically, birthmarks are divided into different types. A distinction is made between common, uncommon, raised and blue moles.

The common birthmark is smaller than five millimeters, unicolored and has a uniform border to the skin.

How birthmarks are formed

Unusual birthmark are larger than five millimeters. They can be flat and raised. The coloration is different and the demarcation is irregular.

These moles make it difficult to distinguish them from a malignant tumor. Therefore, unusual moles should be regularly examined by a family doctor.

The third type are the raised birthmarks. They are unicolored and the surface is rough or wart-like. Hair often grows from these marks and they often attract negative attention.

The Blue birthmark is conspicuous by its striking blue-gray coloration. It can appear flat or also raised.

Causes of birthmarks

There are several causes of moles. You can inherit the predisposition for the marks from your parents.

Your hormones also play a role in the development of moles. During puberty and pregnancy they often multiply very strongly. The birth control pill also promotes their formation. Another cause of birthmarks can be a weak immune system.

Your skin type also determines whether and how many moles you get. Especially lighter skin types often have many moles.

Besides genetic and hormonal causes, your environment also influences the formation of pigment spots. Intensive and permanent exposure to UV light is responsible for moles. The sun stimulates the production of pigment-forming cells in your skin.

Attention: Regular visits to solarium are a trigger of skin cancer, which can be caused by moles.

But other harmful environmental factors can also cause moles on your skin.

What to look for in moles and are they dangerous?

How birthmarks are formed - you already know that by now, but are they also dangerous for your health?

All clear! Ordinary moles are not dangerous for you. They have no effect on your health.

Nevertheless, in connection with moles there is always a risk that they will develop into a malignant tumor. Approximately 25 percent of all tumors develop from moles and black skin cancer occurs. The skin cancer is dangerous because it can spread very quickly and makes healing much more difficult.

But you don't need to worry. Your dermatologist can quickly determine whether your mole is benign or malignant with the help of a special magnifying glass. The diagnosis is made according to the ABCD rule.

  • A - Asymmetry
  • B - Limitation
  • C - Color (Color)
  • D - diameter

Moles that are asymmetrical, unevenly colored or particularly large may have developed into skin cancer. An examination brings the final certainty.

So you should keep an eye on your moles from time to time. Keep the above criteria in mind.

Of course, an independent check-up does not replace a visit to the doctor. You should go for a check-up once a year.

Home remedies for birthmarks

Besides the medical removal of a mole, there are also many home remedies for moles.

However, if it is necessary to remove the mole for health reasons, you should definitely have the procedure done. Fortunately, it is often not absolutely necessary to remove a birthmark.

Moles cause and home remedies

With the help of home remedies you can lighten the stains. It is important for a good result that you apply the home remedy over a longer period of time.

1. apple cider vinegar for a lighter birthmark

The acid contained in apple cider vinegar is known for its whitening effect. It can bleach dark spots on the skin.

For the application, mash an onion and mix the paste with apple cider vinegar. Apply the paste on the mark and let it soak in for at least an hour. Rinse with lukewarm water and apply daily.

Tip: I ordered an organic apple cider vinegar from Amazon. 

2. lighten birthmark with lemon juice

If you can't stand the smell of onion and vinegar, you can use lemon juice. The citric acid gently lightens pigment spots in your skin.

Simply apply the juice to the affected area and rinse off after 30 minutes. Since the Citric acid* works much more gently, you have to do this application several times a day.

3. aloe vera juice against birthmarks

A great home remedy for liver spots is a mixture of a teaspoon of lemon juice, aloe vera juice and apple cider vinegar. For easier application, add two tablespoons of yogurt. Apply the paste to the stains for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Tip: You can order aloe vera juice at Amazon. 

4. get rid of birthmarks with a healthy diet

Your diet can help get rid of moles. A balanced diet always contributes to a healthier skin appearance. Here you will find 13 simple tricks for a healthy diet.

5. drink away your mole

For internal use, you can drink a mixture of three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water. This way you support your skin from the inside and drink more water at the same time.

6. prevention

The best and simplest home remedy against moles is probably prevention. Protect your skin from harmful sun rays and always apply a sufficient sun protection factor - even in winter.

When do I need to have a birthmark removed?

As a rule, you do not need to have moles removed. The treatment is only necessary if skin cancer could arise or has already arisen.

If your birthmark is visually very disturbing, you can of course have it removed. However, the costs are not covered by your health insurance.

How birthmarks are formed

You should definitely go to the dermatologist if you see these signs.

If your birthmark...

  • increased,
  • itches, weeps, or bleeds,
  • forms an irregular edge,
  • has several colors,
  • grows irregularly.

There are several types of removal. Most often, the surgery is performed in the doctor's office on site. You do not have to be afraid of it. Under local anesthesia the marks are removed by a laser.

The affected area can also be punched out through a surgical procedure using a scalpel.

Another variant is electrosurgical treatment. Here, electric current is used to remove skin tissue with a fine wire.

After removal, further treatment is often necessary. The treatments are successful in most cases and do not lead to further complications.

Our conclusion

Prevention is the be-all and end-all - because skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. Black skin cancer can be detected early and treated well by regular visits to the dermatologist.

We have already explained how birthmarks are formed. It is quite normal that you have moles and new ones appear. Don't get crazy about it. Just keep an eye on your skin.

Try to avoid harmful environmental influences, strengthen your immune system and take care of your skin. This will not only help you deal with moles, but will keep you and your body fit.

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