Pelvic floor training - That's why you should start now!

Exercise pelvic floor

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Strong pelvic floor muscles are very important. With these exercises you can train your pelvic floor. And here's what you need to know about them!

Did you know that Every fifth woman over 25 suffers from a weak pelvic floor? This is particularly noticeable through the uncontrolled release of urine. Be it with loud laughing flashes or when Hips on the trampoline.

So don't be embarrassed if you feel the same way. You can tell your Exercise pelvic floor and do something about it.😁

In fact, short Exercises and a few Aids to be able to train your pelvic floor.

The benefits you can gain from this are many and varied. And in the long term save you have some Worries.😊

What is the pelvic floor and where is it?

You may be wondering where the pelvic floor actually is and how you can find it. It's important that you know this, otherwise all the pelvic floor training won't help.

The pelvic floor is a muscular network that supports the Conclusion your Basin downwards. You will find the pelvic floor at the lowest point of the basin.

You can think of it as a hammock that holds your organs, bladder, bowel and uterus, securely.

The pelvic floor is a network of muscles and connective tissue that protects the overlying organs and holds them in place. It is about Large palm and consists of a total of three layers.

You can find your pelvic floor by briefly lifting the pelvic floor during urination or defecation. tense your muscles, as if you were holding something back. These are the muscles that form your pelvic floor.

The pelvic floor is also known as the Power center or Pelvic designated.

Why you should train your pelvic floor

The pelvic floor can be neither see still feel. Nevertheless, you can learn to consciously control it and move the muscles. You can train the pelvic floor in the same way as the biceps and triceps.💪🏼

Even if you would rather have a toned stomach or a Knack-Po wish - a strong Pelvic floor is by far more important.

But these muscles work in secret. And you can't see the result either, but it brings many Advantages strengthen the muscles at the bottom.

The pelvic floor

  • helps us to withstand high pressure. For example, when we sneeze, lift something heavy or laugh,
  • provides support for the abdominal and pelvic organs,
  • connects legs and upper body together and straightens us up,
  • supports the sphincters of the anus and urethra. It controls defecation and urination.

The muscles around the pubic bone are also involved in all of our movements, they ensure that we good posture and stable Balance.

Those who do pelvic floor training regularly build up a healthy tension in the entire body. This radiates strength and self-confidence.

When pelvic floor training is useful

Did you know that poor posture, being overweight or sitting a lot can weaken the pelvic floor? With us Women the muscles during birth and during pregnancy additionally stressed.

That's why exercising the pelvic floor is important for everyone.☝🏼

But especially when you

  • have bladder weakness,
  • are overweight,
  • are currently pregnant
  • or have given birth to a child,
  • have a connective tissue weakness (often occurs during menopause),
  • have a uterine descent,
  • just had an operation in the pelvic area.

The stronger your pelvic floor is, the more Fun you will also Bed have. This allows you to perceive and control many things much more intensively - let yourself be surprised!

It's best to start with the training, before you Problems have. Most prolonged problems occur when oestrogen levels drop during the menopause.

The pelvic floor muscles begin to slacken and incontinence often occurs.

What are the signs of a weak pelvic floor?

A weak pelvic floor can affect different ways become noticeable.

For example through involuntary loss of urine when coughing, sneezing or exercising. But also Pain in the pelvic area, in the back, in the groin or in the abdomen can be a sign.

You can often feel a Feeling of pressure in the pelvis or perineal area, as if something is pressing down. Also a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder or bowel may indicate a weak pelvic floor.☝🏼

Other symptoms include organ prolapse, sexual problems, constipation, frequent bladder infections, back pain, flatulence and incontinence of diapers, pain in the coccyx area and organ prolapse.

Training the pelvic floor with aids - what you need to know

There are gadgets for everything. But are there also useful aids for training the pelvic floor? The answer is quite simple: Yes. There are even a whole range of different ones.

What you should definitely bear in mind is that after using them clean thoroughly. There is a special cleaner for toys that has a disinfectant effect and is silicone and skin-friendly.

Pure water to use is too little and not a bad idea at all, because you bring bacteria into your vagina that have no place here.🙅🏼

Love balls for a strong pelvic floor

Love balls for a trained pelvic floor
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They all have the aim of Pelvic floor muscles at strengthen. Love balls are a very classic gadget.

These are one or more balls that hang together via a connecting piece. These balls are inserted into the Vagina inserted.☝🏼

Because they have weight, we unconsciously tense our muscles so as not to lose the balls. So the pelvic floor is actively strengthened without you having to do anything.

You can find a large selection of love balls at - Don't let this put you off, they are often sold as toys, but they are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

Which also benefits your love life.😉

By the way, there are also Love balls with vibrationwhich further enhance the training effect.

Vibrating miracle eggs

Luna Smart Bead
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The things there are. I'd never heard the term until recently.

But it's worth taking a closer look here. Because a miracle egg is nothing more than a Mini vibrator, which can be introduced as a whole.

It starts to vibrate 30 seconds after insertion. The different vibration intervals and strengths improve the Vaginal muscles.

The sensor in this gadget recognizes how tense or weak your muscles are and automatically adjusts the vibrations to suit you. The Wonder Egg is a gadget that especially for Pelvic floor was developed for training.

When the workout is finished, it turns off automatically.

The pelvic floor trainer with app

Emy smart pelvic floor trainer with app
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If you want to use aids to train your pelvic floor, you will also stumble across Emy. After inserting the gadget, you can use the Bluetooth in a App control. This has the great advantage that you can track your progress precisely.

If you decide to do this, you can choose from 20 personalized mini-games and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles with ease. Emy was developed by midwives and physiotherapists.😊

By the way: If you rbounce regularly on a trampolineyou can also train your pelvic floor.

Lifting boxes, climbing stairs, walking or gardening also have a positive effect on the pelvic floor.

12 effective exercises for pelvic floor training

Of course you can also without aids do something for your pelvic floor muscles. Very simple exercises without equipment will help you.

What you need to know in advance, however, is a few things about breathing. Because with pelvic floor exercises, the correct breathing technique important. This is because the diaphragm and pelvic floor are very closely connected.

At Inhalation lowers the Diaphragm, the organs are pressed downwards. The pelvic floor expands and sinks downwards. And when Exhale lifts the diaphragm contracts. This causes the muscles to contract and the pelvic floor to move upwards.

  • That's why you should always be completely aware and deep one and exhale.
  • When you exercise, you tighten the pelvic floor and hold the tension for some time before releasing.

Make sure that you train your pelvic floor do not cheat and accidentally tighten your stomach or bottom. Only your pelvic floor muscles should really be working.☝🏼

One more little thing, then it's straight on to the exercises: Take regular Time for it. And if things get very stressful, it's better to invest less time than none at all. Already 5 minutes every day make a very big difference.

Contract ischial tuberosities

You need an armchair for the first pelvic floor exercise. Even a sofa will do. The only important thing is that your legs right angle form

Exercise pelvic floor

  • Sit on a chair with your legs hip-width apart.
  • Place your hands on the inside of your knees.
  • Tense the pelvic floor.
  • Try to push your legs outwards with your hands.
  • Hold pressure and release again.

Tense pelvic floor

Tense pelvic floor

  • Sit on your hands. The back is straight.
  • Try to contract the ischial tuberosities and maintain tension.
  • Loosen and tighten again.

Lift one foot, train for pelvic floor

You can make this exercise more intensive if you use a Weight cuff on the leg.

Leg lift strong pelvic floor

  • Sit on a chair with your legs bent.
  • The pelvic floor is tense and the back straight.
  • Alternately lift one foot a few inches off the floor at a time.
  • Hold it in the air for a few seconds and slowly set it back down.

The bridge for strong pelvic floor muscles

You probably know this exercise from your normal abdominal-leg-buttocks workout, right? It strengthens your core and pelvic floor. Also the lower back and the Thigh benefit from this.

Bridge exercise

  • Lie down on the exercise mat. Place your hands parallel to your body.
  • Angle your legs so that your heels are under your knees.
  • Push the pelvis away from the mat as far as you can.
  • Hold this position for at least 20 seconds and make 3 passes.

Circling the pelvis on the exercise ball

If you have an exercise ball at home, you should incorporate it into your workout. The exercises with it are particularly easy and also suitable for Beginner or Pregnant women well feasible.

Circling pelvis on exercise ball

  • Sit on the exercise ball.
  • Stand with your legs about hip-width apart.
  • You can fold your hands in front of your chest or place them on your hips.
  • Now make circular movements on the ball. The upper body remains upright. Circle only from the hips.
  • Try to make circles as big as possible.

Lateral leg lift lying down

Looks simple, doesn't it? That is also not complicated. It is important that you build up a lot of tension in the pelvic floor and do the exercise very slowly.

Lateral leg lift

  • Lie sideways on the mat.
  • Place the lower arm under your head. Place the upper arm in front of your chest.
  • Angle your legs. Now raise the upper leg very slowly. The feet touch during the entire exercise.
  • You only work with your knees. Don't forget to keep your pelvic floor tight during this exercise.

Planks for the pelvic floor muscles

Do you know Planks from conventional training? Well, you see, then you have trained your pelvic floor, even though you didn't know it.

Plank as pelvic floor exercises

  • Lie down on the exercise mat.
  • Place the elbows under the shoulders.
  • Lift the body off the mat and tighten the abdomen and legs.
  • Your body forms a line.
  • 3 repetitions of 30 seconds each.

Leg pushing as pelvic floor training

This exercise falls Beginner very heavy. The abdominal muscles have to work hard. Nevertheless, beginners should give it a try and not get discouraged so quickly.

Leg pushing as pelvic floor training

  • Lie on your back.
  • The arms lie next to the body.
  • Draw the knees so that there is a right angle.
  • Pull the toes towards the body.
  • Now push the legs forward. Hold briefly and tighten them again.

Leg lift in the bridge

You already know this exercise in a similar form. It is the bridge with one leg, which is also more suitable for Advanced is suitable.

Single leg bridge

  • Lie on your back.
  • Angle your legs and lift your pelvis until your body forms a straight line.
  • Lift the right and left leg alternately 5 times in the air.
  • Make sure that the hips always remain at the same height and do not sink.

Tilt upper body back

If you are doing this exercise Knee pain squat on a cushion or double up on the mat.

Recline upper body - exercise pelvic floor

  • Kneel on the exercise mat. Place the top of your feet flat on the mat.
  • Straighten your upper body and place your hands on the back of your neck.
  • Now lean back 10 to 20 cm and then go forward again.
  • Do not forget to tighten the abdomen and buttocks!

Cycling as pelvic floor exercises

If you don't have time for a real bike ride, you can also cycle in your living room and exercise your pelvic floor.

Cycling as pelvic floor gymnastics

  • Lie on your back and tighten your legs.
  • The arms are parallel to the body.
  • Tighten the abdomen and start cycling in the air.
  • To do this, alternately pull your knees toward your body and then bring them forward again. The movement is quite the same as on the bike.

Lifting pelvis in quadruped position

Lift pelvis

  • Place your arms under your shoulders and your knees under your pelvis.
  • The top of the feet rests on the mat.
  • Tighten the abdominal muscles.
  • Lift the pelvis off the floor. But be careful not to tilt forward, but keep your arms really straight.
  • Lower the pelvis again and raise it again immediately.

The Sequence of the exercises you can yourself. You don't always have to do them all, but can choose 3-4 every day.

The important thing is that you always train your pelvic floor different exercises do. And remember: even if you don't have much time and can only manage a few repetitions: Anything is better than doing nothing.😊

How to strengthen your pelvic floor in everyday life

Did you know that you can keep your pelvic floor completely simply in everyday life?

No time for extensive training? No problem! Even small exercises in between can make a big difference.☝🏼😊

Turn waiting times into training time: use the time you spend at the bus stop, on the phone or brushing your teeth to improve your fitness level. Tense the pelvic floor and let go again.

Consciously tighten your pelvic floor when lifting heavy objects to stabilize your core.

Sports like Jogging, walking, swimming and Cycling strengthen the pelvic floor at the same time. Yoga and Pilates are also ideal as they gently strengthen the core and pelvic floor.

Is pelvic floor training also suitable for men?

Attention men: Pelvic floor training is Not just a women's issue! A strong pelvic floor can also work wonders for you.💪🏼😊

Men have a pelvic floor just like women. The muscles of the pelvic floor ensure that you can control your bladder and bowels, and also play an important role in the Erection and Ejaculation.

A weak pelvic floor can lead to various problems in men:

  • Incontinence: Involuntary loss of urine, especially after prostate surgery.
  • Erectile dysfunction: Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection.
  • Premature ejaculation: Inability to control ejaculation during sexual intercourse.
  • Pain in the pelvic area: For example, back pain or groin pain.
  • The good news: With targeted training, you can strengthen your pelvic floor and improve these problems or even avoid them altogether.

Our conclusion

It's worth it if you want to Exercise pelvic floor sets. This will not only improve your love life, but also prevent many typical women's problems.

From the Menopause many women struggle with incontinence. But even at a young age, strong pelvic floor muscles can help you a lot - especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy or after the Birth.

All the best!💪🏼🩷

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