The 11 best natural sleep aids in the world

This is how unhealthy too much sleep is

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Can't fall asleep, keep waking up, and have a whole host of sleep problems? Try natural sleep remedies! We have 11 home remedies for insomnia for you!

As soon as you lie in bed and close your eyes, the brain starts working at full speed. What we can only dream of during the day works perfectly in the evening.

Thousands of supposedly earth-shattering things come to mind. Will the customer like the project tomorrow? What will I eat for lunch? And why can't penguins fly?

Thoughts go on a merry-go-round and if we are unlucky, we can't get off all night.

Anyone who regularly finds themselves in this situation and simply can't fall asleep has certainly tried many things.

But we don't need any chemicals to be able to sleep through the night. Nature has everything we need for a restful night: natural sleep aids.

As the name suggests, natural sleep aids have nothing to do with medication.

Natural fatigue makers are unprocessed and therefore help the body and mind in a completely original way.

Natural sleep aids

How melatonin helps you fall asleep

Products that contain concentrated herbal active ingredients have the fastest and most natural effect. But always make sure that the sleep aids are really of natural origin.

In order for us to slumber deeply and soundly, the body needs the hormone melatonin. It controls our day-night rhythm, i.e. our internal clock, and brings it into balance if it has gotten out of hand.

Melatonin in the form of a small shot is particularly good in dosage and convenient to take. In the search for something that helps against my sleep problems, I came across Liposomal melatonin from Purazell stumbled. It is purely of plant origin and consists of secondary plant substances such as griffonia seeds, ginseng, lemon balm and rosmarinic acid.

Compared to other products, it is particularly effective because liposomes are involved. Lipo - what? 😅 I'll try to explain it very simply. If you want to find out all about it in detail, it's best to read about it on the Purazell website.

Liposomes ensure that the active ingredient in the shot is not broken down by saliva or stomach acid. Because this is exactly the problem that most conventional products have. Only a very small proportion of the active ingredient reaches the body - it is said to be only about 10%. The liposomes protect the active ingredient for this and make sure that it arrives in the intestine, where it can first be absorbed by our body.

In one bottle you will find 100 ml Liposomal melatonin from Purazell. You take 1x per day 2 ml before bedtime. The content is enough for 50 applications.

natural sleep aid Purazell

Why you need to watch out for herbal fatigue relievers, too

Although it is natural sleeping pills are, you should Not permanent take. Plants do not interfere with the natural course of our sleep phase. They no significant side effects.

But still, the same applies to herbal sleep aids: Take them only for a short time.

Who permanently natural sleep aids to fall asleep can quickly turn into a psychological dependence fall into lapses. The feeling can arise that without the herbal tiredness makers no longer come to rest.

Natural sleep aids guaranteed to make you tired

Here comes a list of plants and home remedies that help make us tired. Try your way through the tips - as with all home remedies, not everyone responds the same way.

1. valerian as a natural sleep aid

Probably the most time-tested remedy for problems falling asleep is valerian. The herb is a great home remedy for sleep disorders of all kinds and has been known for a long time.

If people could not sleep for days in the past, valerian tea helped them.

What used to be speculation has now even been proven by the University of Giessen in a clinical study.

Valerian against sleep disorder

Brewed as tea unfolds the natural sleep aids after about one hour its effect. So it's best to just drink it in the evening around 9 o'clock. From 10 o'clock you should feel the effect.

Valerian tea to fall asleep

  • 1 teaspoon dried valerian root pour 150 milliliters of hot water
  • Cover and let rest for 15 minutes
  • Drink up in one go

You must not hope for an instant cure. Because herbal sleeping pills need time to work. To get a good result, you need to drink valerian tea every day for 2 weeks.

If you want it to go faster, you can additionally do a valerian bath.

Valerian bath for a relaxing night

  • 100 grams of valerian root in
  • Boil 2 liters of hot water - infuse for 30 minutes
  • Pour the valerian bath additive to the bath water

Best to enjoy a nice warm cup of valerian tea in the valerian bath. So you play it safe :)

Make valerian tincture yourself for sleep problems

If you are not a fan of tea or bathing, you can also make your own valerian tincture.

  • Cut the root into small pieces
  • Place in a dark sealable jar
  • Infuse with at least 40% alcohol
  • Put the jar in the dark and shake 2x daily
  • After 5 days, drain the liquid and put it in dark vial

Take one teaspoon of the homemade valerian tincture every day before going to bed.

2. passion flower for more relaxation

Passionflower is also an old acquaintance when it comes to natural sleep aids.

The climbing plant blooms from June to September and contains many valuable substances for those who suffer from sleep problems.

She is my absolute Insider tip and works reliably with inner restlessness and problems falling asleep. Passionflower calms our nervous system and thus promotes deep sleep.

I take it myself on a regular basis. Either dried passionflower as a tea with a little honey in the evening about an hour before bedtime. Or as a dragée.

You can Dried passion flowers at Amazon* order.

Passion flower tea preparation

  • 1-2 tsp dried passion flower
  • pour hot water over
  • Infuse for 10 minutes, strain and drink in small sips

However, passionflower lozenges are much more practical. They contain a high concentration of the active ingredients. On days when I feel anxious, I take one lozenge an hour before I go to bed. Within an hour, the passionflower has a relaxing effect.

It also helps me to turn off the mental cinema, and in doing so, to be more relaxed about things that are really unimportant, but grow into a huge thing in my mind.

I have tried a few preparations, but I am stuck with Dr. Boehm Passionflower Coated Tablets* got stuck. Thanks to the coating, they are very easy to swallow and work best for me. Just give them a try. They are currently on offer at Shop Apotheke.

3. bananas make us sleep well

Like almonds, bananas contain the amino acid tryptophan. This acid ensures the formation of the two sleep hormones melatonin and serotonin in our body.

Bananas against sleep disorders

Banana drink to fall asleep

It is often recommended to mix bananas with hot water and drink that. But why not combine the benefits of almond milk and banana?

  • Peel a banana
  • Take 1 tsp almond paste
  • Pour with water and off with it in the smoothie maker
  • A little Cinnamon* to taste - the nightcap is ready

If you're not a fan of hot drinks and prefer something bite sized, you can try this recipe:

  • 1/2 banana cut into slices
  • Mix almonds and walnuts with oatmeal
  • Infuse with milk

And enjoy the cereal as a natural sleep aid. In it you have the full load of sleepy foods.

4. lavender and lemon balm relax body and mind

Lavender not only smells wonderful, it also has a calming and anxiety-relieving effect.

If you have fresh lavender at hand, you can make a delicious lavender lemonade. For this, lavender syrup is mixed with mineral water. Super tasty!

Natural sleep aid lavender

If it's not lavender season, a dried lavender bouquet will do the trick. Or Lavender oil* in the fragrance lamp.

Tip: Lavender oil* You can order it from Amazon! You can use it for DIY cosmetics such as creams, ointments, bath additives or the fragrance lamp.

The effect of herbs as natural sleep aids is enhanced if you rub a few leaves or flowers between your fingers. This is how the scent really comes out.

And lemon balm not only tastes great in summer drinks, but also helps you sleep. I take fresh lemon balm and pound it in a mortar. Infuse with water and enjoy.

5. vanilla against insomnia

Especially delicious can fight insomnia with vanilla. Tense nerves are history when you counter them with the tastiest spice in the world.

Vanilla against sleep disorder

The tropical pod of an orchid species has an effect on stressed nerves and has been used since the 17th century for sleep disorders.

In aromatherapy, the vanilla bean has reclaimed its place.

The best way to take vanilla is with a little nightcap.

  • Scrape out 1/4 vanilla pod
  • Mix with almond milk and bring to a boil
  • If you like, you can add a little honey
  • Sit back and enjoy

It is important that you use a vanilla bean. Most vanilla sugars or other variants do not contain real vanilla. Here are usually only vanilla extracts in it.

No matter what the cause, we must succeed in switching off and finding peace. And that stresses us out and again. A vicious circle.

What helps me very well is the snuutje sleep aid. Light and sounds help you to fall asleep deeply. The gadget is particularly good for me in stressful times or when I'm very agitated inside and can't switch off the head carousel. In other words, when I'm constantly thinking about something and my head just can't rest. You can choose from 6 sounds and 3 timers. If you want, you can listen to the sound of the sea, rain or wind for 30 minutes. It's a wonderful way to get rid of the constant thoughts of random things.

You concentrate fully on the sound of the sea and then fall asleep. I love the sound of rain :)

Or you can choose the light metronome function and breathe to the rhythm of the light that appears on the ceiling. Because the device works on battery power, you can take it with you on vacation or use it where there is no electricity.

snuutje light metronome with nature sounds
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Try it, if you are not satisfied you can return it for free. All I can say is it helped me get through stressful times. :)

6. herbal pillows make us feel calm

Anything that contributes to a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom helps us fall asleep. The scent of herbs can make us relax and feel tired.

Herbal pillows are filled with soothing flowers, leaves, seeds and also roots.

The perfect herbs for DIY herbal pillow

  • Lavender flowers*, mugwort and marjoram
  • Dill seed
  • Valerian root pieces
  • Melissa and passion flowers

Rose and orange blossoms provide the particularly heavenly fragrance.

7. radicchio and bitter salads make you tired

All those who like to eat a little bitter should now pay close attention. Salads such as chicory, endive, radicchio or romaine contain bitter substances. One of them is lactucin. This bitter substance has an opiate-like effect on the nervous system.

Radicchio salad against insomnia

Eating this salad dampens states of agitation, reduces stress and thus promotes sleep.

By the way, chicory also tastes bitter and mega delicious. This brings the additional advantage that you are spared from cravings. Because bitter salads are known to spoil our appetite for sweets. Two birds with one stone :)

8. red grapes make you tired

We get tired when we have enough melatonin in our body. Normally, the body produces it on its own when it gets dark outside. If that doesn't work so well, you can help it along with grapes.

Red grapes have proven to be a natural way to provide our body with missing melatonin.

Just 300 grams of grapes in the evening can have a positive effect on our sleep patterns.

If you've ever wondered why you yawn after a glass of red wine: it's because of the high levels of the sleep homone melatonin.

9. jasmine flower oil against sleep problems

Just recently, researchers at the University of Düsseldorf discovered the connection between jasmine and our sleeping habits.

The sweet heavenly scent of jasmine flower has a valium-like effect on the body.

Jasmine flowers against sleep disorders

Our Tip: Jasmine oil* you can order from Amazon!

Puts a few drops of jasmine oil on your pillow or in a fragrance lamp. This smells heavenly of summer and vacation.

And at the same time, the scent of jasmine flower soothes on many levels. It also has an anti-anxiety, anti-excitement and anti-aggression effect.

10. warm milk with honey helps to fall asleep

Probably the most famous nightcap is hot milk of honey. Many feel transported back to childhood just thinking about it.

The effect is not 100%ig proven. However, for sleep problems it is often simply important to introduce certain rituals and thus prepare the body for bedtime.

Honey against sleep disorder

One of these sleep rituals can be drinking hot milk with honey.

Researchers are not sure why we get tired from honey and milk. Tryptophan, which is found in cow's milk, could play a role.

The honey should accelerate the effect even more. The effect should be best when the milk is lukewarm.

11. nuts are natural sleeping pills

Many nuts contain substances that make us really tired. Especially walnut, cashew and almond are known to bring us faster into the land of dreams.

Nuts against sleep disorders

Almond drink with vanilla and cinnamon

A delicious drink before bedtime can work wonders. Especially if the nightcap is made from almonds.

Almonds contain tryptophan and magnesium. This helps our body to get tired and relax.

Almond drink to fall asleep:

  • Mix one teaspoon of almond paste with warm water
  • A pinch of vanilla and Cinnamon* calm the mind
  • If this is not sweet enough for you, you can add honey or dates.

Cinnamon* calms the nerves and the almonds make us feel really relaxed. It tastes best lukewarm.

Alternatively, you can just snack on a 20 almonds. Or combine them with oatmeal and mix a muesli.

Walnuts contain melatonin

You can support your day-night rhythm with food. A good example of this is the walnut.

Neurologists at the University of San Antonio in Texas have turned their attention to walnuts and found that they contain a large amount of melatonin.

The sleep hormone in the nut can be absorbed by our body very easily.

Why women suffer more often from sleep problems

A study by the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases looked at the sleep habits of women and men.

According to the study, women are said to suffer from sleep problems much more often than men.

The reasons for this are manifold. Mostly stress is the trigger. Followed by poor nutrition and too little physical exercise.

But why this is more pronounced in women than in men, science does not know yet. Probably it's because we just think too much :)

That it will be difficult to sleep today, you often notice some time before you go to bed. I realize already around 7 p.m. that this time it will be another long night. Then I start with herbal helpers and turn off the TV, put away the cell phone and grab a book.

A relaxing bath can also help to calm the mind. But that doesn't work for me at all.

A walk in the evening helps better.

Our conclusion

What we eat or drink before bed has a big impact on our night's rest. Try to get used to sleep rituals and reach for our 11 natural sleep aids before going to bed.

Good night and sweet dreams! :)

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