My boyfriend doesn't want to sleep with me anymore!

My boyfriend does not want to sleep with me anymore

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You've been together less than a year and already he doesn't want sex anymore? A horror scenario for many women: My boyfriend doesn't want to sleep with me anymore. But what happened? And does your relationship still have a chance?

Men are always ready and always in the mood - my ass! The evening had started so promisingly. A romantic dinner, a few glasses of wine, funny jokes and good humor.

At home in bed then pure disappointment: listlessness. My boyfriend does not want sex.

Even in the best relationships, it happens that there is a lull in bed.

But why is that? Does he not love me anymore? Am I doing something wrong? Does he not find me attractive enough anymore? Or does he even have someone else?

Such self-destructive thoughts are anything but helpful and make you increasingly unrelaxed in bed.

It's no secret that good self-esteem and the ability to let yourself go are the best recipe for good sex.

Therefore, do not suffer in front of you, but do something about it. Otherwise the problem will get bigger and your relationship will go down the drain.

Why doesn't my boyfriend want to sleep with me anymore?

The fact that your boyfriend does not want sex can have various reasons. It doesn't necessarily have to be that he doesn't find you sexy. Don't worry. Stress, sleepless nights or physical problems can also lead to a lack of desire.

Dissatisfaction affects love life

One possibility why your boyfriend doesn't sleep with you anymore could be dissatisfaction. Maybe his job is not going well, he is unhappy in his relationship, or some other problem is bothering him.

It can also be related to the fact that your boyfriend is a little overwhelmed with the frequency of sex demanded of him. Because men also want to have a break from sex and you should understand that.

Dissatisfaction can affect not only sex, but the entire relationship. So talk to him and clarify the problem in a joint conversation.

My boyfriend doesn't want to sleep with me anymore: stress is the reason

Your boyfriend used to be more sexually active, but for a long time he has not felt any desire at all - neither with himself, nor with others? Then maybe it has something to do with his current life situation.

Does he have a lot on his mind right now?

Because high stress and pressure can also ensure that sexual desire decreases. According to a survey, everyday stress is the lust killer par excellence for men. At least, that's what 42 percent of respondents say.

Medication causes listlessness

Medication could also be a reason why your boyfriend doesn't feel like having sex. Antihypertensives or pain and rheumatism medications affect libido. It's best to talk to your doctor about whether the prescribed medication could be behind the loss of desire.

My boyfriend does not want to sleep with me anymore reasons

From infatuation sex to everyday life

Your boyfriend doesn't want to sleep with you anymore? Male listlessness can also arise because for many the transition from infatuation sex to the next stage is not easy and the (couple) sex thus decreases more and more or falls asleep completely.

You get the infatuation sex as a gift, so to speak. The sex that comes after infatuation needs more care, attention and confrontation.


My boyfriend doesn't want to sleep with me anymore or does but reluctantly?

Then it may be that your boyfriend is simply asexual. Being asexual means that you don't feel any desire for sex and therefore don't want to have any. This could be a possibility that you best discuss with your partner.

What you can do about listlessness

To get your Freshen up your love life a bit and reawaken your partner's desire, you should follow a few tips.

1. talk with your partner

Instead of carrying your problems around with you for years and keeping them quiet or talking them up, you should talk to your partner about them. Ask him what his worries are and try to solve them together.

2. pay attention to yourself

During a long relationship, people like to let themselves go a bit. Sport is renounced, one runs around only in dirty clothes and the hair is only quickly tied up.

If you take care of your body and fitness, it's a sign to your partner. You invest something in your partnership and don't just let everything go.

3. my boyfriend does not want to sleep with me anymore: create distance

If you both see each other very often, eroticism and desire may be absent. Everything is familiar instead of exciting.

In this case, you can go a little distance to see each other again more consciously. Arrange dates to finally feel again how it is to miss the other - physically and mentally.

4. be open-minded for new things

My boyfriend doesn't want to sleep anymore and there is listlessness instead of sex. What can I do?

Try new things together in bed and seduce each other. Banish habitual sex from your life and be more open-minded. Sex toys or new positions - try everything you feel like.

Tip: Toys for more fun

By the way, sex toys also bring variety into your love life. And, if you regularly treat yourself to a little fun. You don't always need a partner for that. We women have it in our own hands!

The Womanizer Liberty helps you with 6 intensity levels and pressure wave technology to a few wonderful hours - either alone or with partner.

Womanizer Liberty
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5. my boyfriend does not want to sleep with me anymore: give closeness

Of course, there is also the other extreme: Both see each other too rarely and actually lead separate lives side by side. In this case, you should take more time for each other. Extend tenderness and physicality and thus get used to a relaxed approach to sex and closeness again.

Refresh love life

6. just do it

Sometimes there's only one thing that helps: Don't think about it for long, just do it. Even if it may seem a bit forced at first. After all, sex gets your hormones going and relaxes you and your partner.

The longer the lull in bed lasts, the more difficult it becomes to break the ice again and move towards each other - as stupid as it sounds.

Let's go!

Why listless phases are normal

Whether it comforts you or worries you: lustless phases are also quite normal for men. They are part of every love relationship.

You are often part of an adjustment process that almost never goes smoothly. It is a common misconception to believe that our sexuality is just there ready-made. It is not a biological reflex, like breathing or digestion.

Human sexuality is largely learned: what arouses us, how we arouse ourselves, how we combine sexual pleasure and emotional closeness.

None of this is innate. We develop it in the course of our lives. However, sexuality also changes in the course of our lives, and listlessness can be an invitation to readjust our sexuality to our lives.

My boyfriend does not want to sleep with me: the last resort

If all these tips don't change your sex life, then the only thing that can help is a clarifying conversation. In this conversation, you should clarify whether you can imagine a long-term relationship without sex.

Here you should also make it clear that it makes you personally very unhappy and gnaws at your self-confidence.

Because it's no good if you are permanently unhappy and put aside your needs for his sake. Make your friend aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Lack of sex can destroy the relationship.

Our conclusion

Many women have the problem that their boyfriend does not want to sleep with them anymore. Especially with younger women, you get to hear the phrase "My boyfriend doesn't want to sleep with me anymore" more often. Often a few simple tips or a conversation with your partner are enough to reactivate your sex life.

If it turns out that the listlessness is due to a disease-related problem, they should strongly advise their friend to visit a doctor.

Good luck!

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