That's how you know your relationship is on the rocks!

Relationship at the end

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The relationship is becoming too stressful, you have nothing more to say to your partner and interest in each other is waning? That's how you know that your relationship is at the end.

Quarrels and arguments happen in the best relationships. But that doesn't mean that love is about to break up. Often they weld you and your partner together even more.

Even if you ask yourself from time to time, "Should I go or stay?", it doesn't mean that your partnership is coming to an end.

After about a year, it is quite normal for the tingling in the stomach to subside. The rose-colored glasses also lose their effect.

However, if you are no longer happy and doubt your relationship, then you should consider whether the love is really still that great.

Relationship at the end

Because even the greatest love can come to an end. It is often difficult to admit this to yourself. But here's how you can tell that your relationship has come to an end.

Why it is not a defeat when the partnership comes to an end

No matter whether you have been together with your partner for only 4 months or for more than 10 years: It can always happen that the partnership comes to an end. However, it is always important not to regard the end of love as a failure.

In addition, the relationship should not be seen as wasted time. You loved this person for weeks, months or years and at that time it was also the right thing for you.

How can you tell with absolute certainty if the relationship is about to end? You can't! There is no certainty for this.

However, you can use the following warning signs as a good guide as to whether your love has a future or not.

11 signs that your relationship is on the rocks

During an argument, something can quickly slip out. But that doesn't mean that this immediately leads to a love breakup.

For a relationship, good communication is the be-all and end-all.

Have you already reached the point where you have nothing more to say to each other or you just live side by side?

Then there are only two possibilities: Either you both try to work on the partnership, or you end the relationship.

With these signs, you can tell that your relationship is on the rocks.

1. your relationship consists only of criticism

Telling your boyfriend once what bothers you is not a drama and completely okay. However, it is no longer okay if you are constantly criticized. Then it's time to consider whether you really still love him.

Relationship at the end

Constant nagging lowers your partner's self-esteem and also weakens your partnership.

In the long run, such an imbalance is not good for anyone. This warning signal can therefore mean that sooner or later the separation is imminent.

2. if you want to change him fundamentally, the relationship is at an end

His loud chewing, his stupid questions or his laughter - everything that you don't even notice with other people, you can hardly stand with your partner. Do you know this?

What you used to find cute in your infatuation now makes you go ballistic. If you have noticed such behavior in yourself, it is time to think about your partnership.

Think about whether love has changed somehow and whether the relationship still offers you enough at all.

3. you prefer to spend time alone than with your partner

Of course you want to have a girls' night out or do something on your own. That is not reprehensible and completely normal.

Are you just waiting for him to finally leave the house? You'd rather be alone than with him? You are happy when he works overtime?

Then, at the latest, you no longer feel any longing for your partner. A relationship needs a healthy balance between distance and closeness.

However, if you feel relief or release as soon as your boyfriend leaves the house, then the relationship is at an end.

4. the relationship is about to end, if you don't care about him

He looks at others, but you are not interested at all? But not because you are not jealous and trust him. You just don't care.

Then a clarifying conversation is inevitable. Pathological jealousy is not good for the relationship. So far so right. However, if you are not jealous at all, this can be a sign that the relationship is at the end.

Relationship at the end

Lack of jealousy is even a stronger warning signal for the end of the relationship than cheating or infidelity.

5. you do not feel like having sex anymore

It remains as hot as at the beginning for very few couples. However, the desire for the partner should not be lost.

If you'd rather romp in bed alone than together and sex only feels like a chore, consider couples counseling.

You can work on your sex life. However, relationship tips only help if the other person still means something to you.

6. you only argue

Problems and disputes occur in the best relationships. However, if they get out of hand, the partnership may come to an end.

You can no longer talk calmly. Normal conversations are no longer possible and there is no time for reconciliation.

Relationship at the end

All you do is blame each other? Then it is better to end this war relationship.

7. the relationship is at an end when you agree on a time out

There are relationship problems? Then time out will surely help us? Not true! With a spatial separation no conflicts are solved, but you only run away from them.

Small arguments are part of a partnership and must also be possible in love. Only if both parties are interested in finding compromises, the relationship can also grow. A relationship break is always only a friendly delay of a separation.

8. if he constantly tries to change you, then the relationship is at an end

"Can't you even put on makeup? ", "Can't you ever relax? ", "You should do sports again! ". Do you know such statements?

Then you should get your act together as soon as possible. Constant nagging is poison for any partnership.

Even nicely meant "suggestions for changes" to your personality or body, are a clear indication that love is no longer particularly strong.

9. you imagine the future without him

When you think about your future, do you see yourself with children or in a certain professional position - but without your partner by your side?

That should make you think in any case. Of course you live with your sweetheart in the here and now and you just want to enjoy the time together.

If your partner does not appear in your future planning, then you may still be unconsciously looking for a partner or suffering from relationship anxiety.

10. the end of love is approaching when you have nothing more to say to each other

You come home after work and have nothing to talk about? Talking to each other from time to time does not mean that the relationship is over.

However, if silence is a permanent condition, then the partnership should be questioned. Are you still interested in each other's lives at all? Do you not like to talk about everyday life? Do you listen attentively when your partner tells you something? No?

Relationship at the end

This is a clear sign that the interest in the other person is no longer there. Lack of understanding soon means the end of the relationship.

11. you are no longer happy

Is your partner disrespectful to you? Does he not treat you well or even pressure you? Does he treat you like his property? Then your relationship is definitely at risk.

Love always means respecting the other person. If your partner treats you badly, then you have to pull the ripcord in any case.

Psychological or even physical violence does not belong in any partnership! A relationship must be based on affection and love. However, if the loving link is lost, then the relationship is at an end.

What you need to do in case of a love out

Your relationship is on the rocks? Then there are two options: Save the relationship or break up. First of all, however, you need to be aware of what you want in the first place.

You believe in you and want to save the relationship? Good. Then you need to work on yourselves. Talk about how you feel and try to clarify points of contention.

The most important thing is that you pull together. Couples therapy could also be helpful.

You see no more chance for love? Then you have to accept this decision. But don't wait too long to tell your partner.

Relationship at the end

The best thing is to sit down at home in peace. Tell him the truth. He deserves to know the reasons. Without any reproaches. Then you should give your ex-partner the opportunity to withdraw.

How you can prevent the relationship ending

There are many tips to prevent the end of a relationship. However, it is essential that you communicate with each other. Only in this way can a partnership really grow.

Talk about your day, problems and the future. Talking to each other keeps the relationship fresh.

Give your partner small compliments from time to time. Surprise him or her with a little something. All it takes is a small post-it note on the mirror with a nice message. Tell him that you are looking forward to him coming home in the evening.

It's the little things that nurture a relationship. Even small rituals can help. Always give each other a kiss before going to bed or brush your teeth together.

Our conclusion

When the relationship is at its end, it is not easy for anyone. But if you realize that you are no longer happy, then you should pull the ripcord. Only by separating you give yourself and your partner the chance for a better future and a happy relationship.

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