Millet cooking made easy!

Prepare millet

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Cooking millet is super easy. We tell you how to prepare the grain properly and what you should keep in mind.

Unfortunately, millet has fallen into oblivion - unjustly. Because the cereal is mega healthy and you can use the small grains very versatile.

Millet is bursting with vitamins, zinc, iron and silicon. For this reason alone, it pays to have the grain on your plate regularly.

You can find millet in almost every store. When buying millet, however, you should pay attention to its origin. The grain is often imported from the USA, Canada or China. There are also regional organic millet.

At the latest, if you try to incorporate more cereal grains into your diet, you won't be able to avoid millet :)

But before you get started, you first need to know how to cook millet. On the wooden spoons, ready and go!

How to cook millet guaranteed to work

Millet is not only good for your health, but also tastes really delicious. Here you will learn in a few steps how easy it is to prepare.

Cook millet

Tip: Do you already know the book "Cooking with millet: fantastic vegetarian".? You can order it from Amazon.

1. prepare millet properly before cooking

Before you start cooking millet, the small grains must first be thoroughly washed. Why? Quite simply, it removes impurities such as hulls and flour residues.

  • Put the millet in a fine sieve.
  • Hold the sieve under running hot water
  • If you only have a coarse-mesh sieve, you can place a coffee filter or a linen towel in the sieve. This will also keep the grains where they belong.

2. off into the pot

The grains are now clean. And you're ready to start cooking.

  • Put the desired amount of millet in a saucepan.
  • Add to this twice the amount of water. With one cup of millet, it is then 2 cups of water.
  • Salt the water.
  • Let the millet cook for 5-10 minutes.
  • Then turn off the stove. Put the lid on and let the grains swell for 30 minutes. In the meantime, do not take off the lid and do not stir.
  • Taste the millet and see if it is soft enough for you. If it is still too grainy, add more water and boil it again. Let the millet simmer for 5 minutes.

Tip: If you want to shorten the cooking time a bit, soak the grains before cooking. This will cause the grains to swell a bit.

3. the tasting

Now we come to the best part of cooking millet: The tasting! Has the water evaporated? Very good!

Take a fork and make a taste. The grains should already be soft enough.

If this is not the case, then simply add a little more water to the pot and let the millet boil again briefly. Caution: It is better to use a little less water than too much. You can always add more.

Prepare millet

Then you can taste again and decide if the consistency is right. Be sure to remove the pot from the stove before tasting. Otherwise the millet could burn.

The consistency fits? Perfect! Your millet is now ready! Was super easy, right? :)

Tip: You will find lots of gluten-free recipes in the book "Gluten-free cooking and baking: enjoyable eating without wheat, spelt & Co".. You can order it from Amazon.

How you can refine millet in cooking

If you want to give the delicious millet a little more flavor, you should definitely not skimp on spices.

Millet has little flavor of its own. But that's not such a bad thing. This is because the grain optimally absorbs flavors and aromas.

Millet becomes especially flavorful when you roast it with onions in olive oil before cooking. Instead of water, you can add vegetable broth to the millet.

Similar to pasta or rice, millet should not be without salt. You can also add a bay leaf during cooking.

Millet tastes especially good when you refine it with herbs like rosemary or thyme.

But the best thing about millet is its versatility. You can prepare them spicy as well as sweet.

How about millet loaf, a millet salad or a sweet millet porridge with berries for breakfast? Sounds delicious, right? :)

How healthy millet

Millet tastes really delicious, but is the grain also healthy?

In fact, millet has a particularly good nutritional content.

  • The cereal not only provides many valuable secondary plant and dietary fibers, but is also a good source of important amino acids.
  • In addition, millet is rich in antioxidants
  • With a protein content of 3.5 grams per 100 grams, it is also a good source of protein
  • Millet also provides important minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium.

As if that were not enough, millet also contains some B vitamins. Especially vitamins B1, B3, B5 and B6.

Millet recipes

The cereals can also do a lot of good for the digestion. The grains are easily digestible. Millet is gluten-free and therefore perfect for those who suffer from gluten intolerance.

The grains strengthen the immune system and thus protect against flu-like infections.

But that's not all by a long shot. The cereal provides beautiful skin, hair and nails. Millet is particularly good for dry skin. Even the connective tissue benefits from the grain.

Our conclusion

Cooking millet is anything but difficult. The preparation is quite fast.

The special thing about the grains is that they can be used in so many different ways. Whether savory or dessert, there is something here for everyone.

Good luck cooking millet and enjoy it :)

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