The 20 best medicine ball exercises for strength training in the living room

Medicine ball exercises for home

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We show you how to train with medicine ball exercises at home. These are the most effective fitness exercises for your core muscles and arms. This is how you strengthen your whole body with the heavy exercise ball.

You probably remember the medicine ball from gym class. You don't always associate it with positive things.

For example, I have very few good memories of medicine balls. This is because I was always quite small and had little strength. :)

Although it is part of the basic equipment in many schools and gyms, it leads a shadowy existence. It usually lies dusty in the last corner of gyms.

Although it can be used in a wide variety of ways, it has been forgotten by most.

I was happy about that for a long time. Especially after school I was happy never again Medicine ball exercises to have to do. And never having to see medicine balls again.

But that's over now. I have given the heavy ball another chance. And you should do the same. The ball is a really good tool for effective training at home.

What are the advantages of medicine ball exercises?

If you want to get even more out of your workout, you add weight to it. And that's where the medicine ball comes in.

With trends such as Core TrainingCrossfit or functional training, very traditional training equipment is making a comeback. And we think that's a good thing!

We structure our Medicine ball exercises into two parts: Exercises on the ball and exercises with the ball. The exercises on the ball make you more unstable.

So you do instead of normal planksthe ones where you support yourself with your hands on the ball. This forces you to tense your core muscles (lower back and abdominal muscles).

And then of course there are Medicine ball exercises, where the ball is used as Weight serves. So it is lifted from one point to another, strengthening especially the upper body.

And because the workout with medicine ball was so much fun, we also prepared three partner exercises.

With the medicine ball you can train the following muscles

  • Upper arms and forearms
  • Back, shoulders and abdomen
  • Legs and buttocks

So in short, medicine ball exercises strengthen your entire body.

This workout builds muscle, burns fat and improves your athletic performance in general.

Which medicine ball is right for me?

Anyone who has ever wanted to buy a ball knows the wide range of medicine balls. So before you get started, you need to know a few facts about the ball itself.

When buying you can choose between fabric, faux leather or genuine leather. In addition, there are of course different weight classes. But also in color and size differ medicine balls.

Leather balls have comparatively little bounce. They are stable during support exercises. It's the other way around with plastic balls.

They are good to smash on the floor and also bounce back. Medicine ball exercises where you push away from the ball, however, can not be done so well.

The most important thing is to choose the right weight at the beginning. For women who are just starting out with medicine ball training, this is one to two kilograms.

In stores you can buy balls from 500 grams up to 10 kilograms.

Balls made of leather are especially durable and not so slippery. They are perfect for bodyweight exercises where you lean on the ball and also for exercises where the ball has to bounce off the wall or floor.

Beginners should definitely start with a light medicine ball. The weight is increased very slowly.

Before you reach for a heavier ball, it is better to perform different exercises at the beginning. Because each medicine ball exercise uses different muscles.

Medicine ball exercises for home

Also interesting contributions for you

The best medicine ball exercises with the ball

  • Lung twist
  • Stretch triceps and biceps
  • Torso rotation (Russian twist)
  • Bridge
  • Squats and jump
  • Sit ups
  • Beetle Crunch
  • Side lunge
  • Folding knife
  • Crunches
  • Mountain Climber
  • Side Planks

Before you start your workout, you need to warm up. With simple Warm up exercises you get the circulation going and prepare your muscles for training.

Never skip the warm-up. Especially not if you're doing a workout with weight - as in our Medicine ball exercises.

We start with exercises that you can do alone. Below you'll find a few partner exercises, because it's even more fun with two people.

Lung twist with ball

Medicine ball exercises for home

  • The starting position for this exercise is a normal lunge. Grab the medicine ball and hold it at the level of your chest.
  • To do this, stand up straight, take a step backwards with one leg.
  • Lower the buttocks until they are level with your knee. The back knee does not touch the floor.
  • Now slowly turn the upper body alternately to the right and left.

Try to do 10 reps before switching legs.

Very important: Tighten your abdomen very firmly so that you don't fall into a hollow back. To do this, you should perform trunk exercises every now and then!

Triceps and biceps exercise

Medicine ball exercises arms

  • For this medicine ball exercise, you may sit down. Make sure your back is straight.
  • Take the ball in your hands and stretch your arms above your head.
  • Guide the ball at the level of your shoulders. The elbows always point upwards.

Do 10 repetitions.

Wall sitting as medicine ball exercise

Medicine ball exercises legs and arms

  • Lean back against the wall. Bend your knees and make sure your pelvis is level with your knees. The legs form a right angle.
  • Hold the medicine ball at the level of your chest.
  • Stretch your hands through and then pull him towards you again

Try to hold the position for 30 seconds and stretch your arms through as often as possible.

Trunk rotation with medicine ball

Medicine ball exercises abdomen

  • Sit on the training mat. Lean back slightly and raise your bent legs in the air.
  • Hold the medicine ball in your outstretched arms. Now move it from the right side to the left and back again.
  • Never put the ball down.

1x right and 1x left = 1 repetition. You should be able to do at least 10.

Bridge with ball

Attention: This exercise should only be done with a leather ball. A plastic ball is not suitable for this purpose.

Medicine ball exercises arms

  • Put the medicine ball on the floor and sit on the mat. Now push yourself away from the ball.
  • Your body forms a line.

Hold this position for at least 20 seconds. If this is too easy for you, you can try bending your elbows and then straightening them again.

Squats and jump

Medicine ball exercises squats with jump

  • Place the ball at the tips of your toes. Start in an upright stance. Do a knee bend and grab the ball.
  • Take it up with you, jumping in the air. The arms are stretched upwards and the ball is in the air.
  • When landing, go back into a squat and touch the ground with the ball. And again get momentum for the next jump.

From medicine ball exercises of this type you should manage 20 pieces. You will strengthen your arms, legs and endurance.

Sit ups with medicine ball

Medicine ball exercises abdomen

  • You start lying on your back. Angle your legs and take the medicine ball in your hands.
  • Hold the ball at the level of your chest.
  • Now start to straighten your upper body. Choose a point on the ceiling and make sure you use your abdominal muscles. Getting momentum does not count! :)

Try to do 10 repetitions. The more the better.

Trunk rotation with legs extended

Medicine ball exercises trunk rotation

  • Sit on the mat with your legs straight. Make sure your back is straight.
  • Now lift the medicine ball from the right to the left side and back again.
  • Never set the ball down in the process.

You should be able to do 20 repetitions. If not, use a lighter ball.

Beetle crunch with medicine ball

Medicine ball exercises abdomen

  • You start by lying stretched out on the mat. The arms are stretched behind the head and hold the medicine ball.
  • Now straighten up. Pull your left knee to your chest and touch it with the ball.
  • And back to the starting position. When coming up, now pull the right knee to the chest.

1x right knee, 1x left knee = 1 repetition. Do 10 repetitions of this.

Side lunge and stretch

Medicine ball exercises abdomen legs buttocks

  • You start in a straddle. Bend your upper body to your right knee and touch your toes with the medicine ball.
  • Take momentum and stretch your upper body and arms up to the left. The left knee is bent and the right leg is extended.

Do 10 repetitions before switching sides.

Circle thighs

Medicine ball exercises legs

  • Get into a wide squat position and pass the medicine ball around your right thigh 10 times.
  • And then 10 times around the left thigh.
  • The back is always straight and the legs are bent.

Toes touch while lying down

Medicine ball exercises abdomen

  • With this exercise you start lying on the mat.
  • Stretch the legs straight up in the air. The soles of your feet point to the ceiling. Hold the medicine ball in your outstretched arms behind your head.
  • Now slowly guide the ball to your toes. To do this, lift your head and shoulders off the yoga mat. And slowly put it down again.

You should be able to do at least 5 repetitions.

Crunches with medicine ball

Medicine ball exercises abdomen

  • Lie on your back and bend your legs.
  • Clamp the medicine ball between your knees.
  • The hands are on the back of the head.
  • Now slowly start to lift your upper body off the mat.

Don't be surprised if it doesn't work. This exercise requires a lot of abdominal muscles and is almost impossible for fitness beginners.

Mountain climber with medicine ball

It's best to use a leather ball for this. It is less slippery and fits better in the hands.

Medicine ball exercises abdomen

  • Place your hands on the ball. Stretch your body through.
  • Now alternately pull your right and left knee as far as you can toward the medicine ball.
  • The arms are always stretched.

You should be able to do at least 4 repetitions per leg.

Side planks on the ball

Medicine Ball Exercises Abdominal Muscles Lateral Workout

  • Put your legs on the ball. The easiest and safest way is when your ankles touch your ball.
  • Lift the body from the floor. The elbow is under the shoulder.
  • Pay attention to body tension and not to sag.

Try to hold this position for at least 30 seconds.

Superman as part of the medicine ball exercises

With this exercise you will strengthen your lower back. Try to do it without a ball first. You will need a lot of strength to do it. If you succeed, use the medicine ball to help you.

Medicine ball exercises back

  • Lie on your stomach. Stretch your arms forward and grab the medicine ball.
  • Now lift the ball, head and legs from the floor.
  • Hold the tension for at least 5 seconds before slowly and carefully putting the ball down.

Try to make at least 3 passes.

Throw medicine ball on the wall

Medicine ball exercises where the ball is thrown on the floor or against the wall, you should only do when the neighbors are not home. :)

Medicine Ball Exercises Wall Training

  • Take the ball in your hands and lower it until it is behind your head.
  • Bend your knees slightly and lean your torso back to gain momentum.
  • Now you smash the ball with full force against the wall.
  • Catch it and then start right over again.

You should be able to do at least 20 repetitions of this.

Medicine ball exercises for two

As you have seen so far, the ball is a very versatile training tool. But there is more: namely partner exercises with the medicine ball.

Squats with medicine ball toss

Medicine ball exercises for two

  • Stand facing each other. But keep a distance of at least 2.5 meters.
  • Throw the ball to each other while squatting alternately.
  • While catching the ball, bend your knees. Take a swing and then throw it to your partner.
  • She also goes down on her knees as soon as she touches the ball. So the throwing gets really dynamic.

By the way, this is one of our favorite medicine ball exercises for two. Because it's really fun and at the same time you get a good sweat.

Throw ball sitting

For this you need abdominal muscles, coordination and strength in the hands. Our tip: Grab a lightweight medicine ball.

Medicine Ball Exercises Team Workout

  • Sit down on the exercise mat. Raise your legs and put the soles of your shoes on each other.
  • Lean back slightly with your upper body and then grab the ball.
  • Now throw the medicine ball to each other. How many repetitions can you do without falling over? :) We did 2 on the first try and 10 on the second.

Back to back with the medicine ball

For this, it's best to find a partner who is about the same size. That was a little difficult for us with a head size difference. But also easily doable.

Medicine ball exercises for two

  • Lean with your backs to each other. Squat down as low as possible.
  • Now pass the ball in a circle, trying not to fall over.
  • How many rounds can you do? In the beginning we only did 4, but we are working on getting better at partner medicine ball exercises. :)

Our conclusion

You should definitely give medicine ball exercises a chance. Even if they may have a bitter aftertaste of your school days. The ball is an incredibly effective and versatile training tool that should not be missing in any good home gym.

If you are a beginner, you should take medicine ball exercises slowly. Don't overexert yourself - especially when it comes to lifting the ball. It works best if you have two different sizes at hand. This way you are well equipped for every exercise.

Medicine ball exercises

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