Vegetables with little carbohydrates that tastes really delicious!

Vegetables without carbohydrates

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You want to eat healthier and try low-card nutrition? A great idea. For you, vegetables with few carbohydrates are now high on the menu. Find out why vegetables have so few carbohydrates and how they can help you lose weight here.

Vegetables are most a real nutrient bomb! It has few calories and many good nutrients! That's why it should be on your menu often anyway.

You want to lose a little weight or just change your diet to low carb? Then vegetables with few carbohydrates are very suitable.

But not every vegetable is automatically low-carb. We explain to you which vegetables have few carbohydrates and how you should best prepare them in order to eat really low-carb.

Why vegetables have little carbohydrates and calories

Vegetables not only taste super delicious, but also contain a lot of health-promoting ingredients. Vitamins, fiber and minerals can help your body function well. As a rule, vegetables are neither very sweet nor contain many calories. 

In many vegetables, the proportion of carbohydrates is so small that they are called "carbohydrate-free". The water content, on the other hand, is often very high, so vegetables are usually very low in calories. For example, the cucumber, it consists almost only of water!

If you want to eat a low-carb diet, you should only eat foods that are low in carbohydrates. Many types of vegetables are ideally suited for this.

The large selection of vegetables therefore offers you variety for a low-carbohydrate diet.

Tip: If you start every meal with a soup, you automatically consume fewer calories!

What vegetables are low in carbohydrates

You probably want to know which vegetables you can include in your low-carb dishes with a clear conscience in the future. Because if you want to eat low carb, you have to say goodbye to pizza, pasta or the croissant at breakfast. Unfortunately, many types of fruit are not suitable for this diet either.

Different types of vegetables naturally contain different amounts of carbohydrates. Time for an overview of vegetables with low carbohydrates. Here are our top 12.

We have built the list so that you find vegetables with few carbohydrates at the beginning. At the end are the varieties that have the least carbohydrates.

However, all of these varieties fit well with low carb. 

Green peppers

You can use peppers in all sorts of ways in cooking. Raw as a snack, in a salad or stuffed in the oven.

These are just a few examples. Green peppers in particular have only 2.9 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams. It is therefore the healthier alternative to red or yellow peppers. The two are somewhat sweeter and have a correspondingly higher carbohydrate content. 


Zucchini salad, zucchini soup or delicious skewers with turkey and zucchini sticks? Zucchini is an all-round vegetable with low carbohydrates. With a spiral slicer, you can even turn zucchini into a low carb alternative for pasta!

They have only 2.4 grams of carbohydrates in a 100 gram serving.


I love radishes! As I write, I'm constantly munching on the little red tubers. Try snacking on radishes instead of cookies or wine gums.

They are a delicious and especially a low-carbohydrate alternative. They contain only 2.1 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams.


Broccoli vegetables with low carbohydrates

A good friend of mine does intensive strength training and swears by broccoli! The vegetable with little carbohydrates contains super many important vitamins. Cooked broccoli has only 2 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams. Bodybuilders swear by the green cruciferous vegetables!

My boyfriend usually eats it freshly cooked, I love cream of broccoli soup.

Did you know you can make a really healthy pizza crust with broccoli? Time to get really creative when you cook again.


It gets exotic on our culinary low carb journey. 100 grams of seaweed have only 2 grams of carbohydrates. So far, so good, but what do you do with this Asian vegetable? 

Fresh seaweed is full of vitamins and has few calories. You can put them wonderfully in salads or classically in Asian noodle dishes.

Dried seaweed (algae) also tastes really good. Here it is called: Sounds perhaps strange, but tastes good, try is mandatory! 


The green cucumber is the classic in a fresh naked salad. It is healthy and particularly low in calories, as it consists of 97 percent water. The carbohydrate content per 100 grams is just 1.8 grams.

It is in the peel that nutrients such as iron, magnesium and zinc are hidden. So you should rather not peel the cucumber. Rinse them with lukewarm water and then spread them as you like.  Low carb dishes with cucumber, avocado and salmon are really delicious and healthy. 

China cabbage

And again we travel to Asia. Pak Choy, also known as Chinese cabbage, is a typical low-carbohydrate vegetable in stir-fry dishes. It scores high in the low carb diet with only 1.2 grams of carbohydrates per 100 gram serving of cabbage.


I eagerly await the asparagus season again every year. Asparagus is very low in carbohydrates. It has only 1.1 grams per 100 gram serving when cooked.

This elegant low carb vegetable can be prepared in a variety of ways. Whether you want to roast it, cook it, boil it, or make it into a soup, you can do so much with it. Even in a salad with strawberries it looks good and especially low in carbohydrates!

Lamb's lettuce

Lamb's lettuce has this special nutty aroma. And the inner values are also super. It has a carbohydrate content of only 0.7 grams per 100 grams. Furthermore, it provides us with nutrients such as iodine, iron and folic acid.

You can combine it well with cauliflower or salmon. This way you can create a tasty low carb meal. Fruity vinaigrettes are particularly suitable as a dressing. The peak season is in September and October. You should definitely take advantage of this.

Good to know: Lamb's lettuce contains as much beta-carotene as a carrot, but has only half as many calories.

Spinach #3 Vegetables with low carbohydrates

Spinach low carbohydrate vegetables

Popeye already knew that spinach gives you power. And we have also recognized this at the latest since the green smoothie trend. Spinach is a real superfood. And it's also a vegetable with few carbohydrates, because it contains just 0.6 grams per 100 gram serving.

But the green super vegetable is full of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. If you eat 180 grams of spinach, you meet almost half of your daily magnesium requirement. 

Spinach tastes fantastic as a side dish, smoothie or as a salad.

Mushrooms #2 Vegetables with low carbohydrates

A mushroom skillet can be low carb! Mushrooms have only 0.4 grams of carbohydrates in a 100 gram serving. So feasting is really fun here. Whether mushrooms, chanterelles, herb mushrooms, porcini mushrooms or Parasol you can use all varieties. 

I like to cook giant stuffed mushrooms with tofu and onions. But no matter how they're prepared, mushrooms are always a low-carb hit!

Bamboo Shoots #1 Low Carbohydrate Vegetables

The ideal low carb ingredient for Asian dishes, salads, soups or appetizers are also clearly bamboo shoots. With a minimum of 0.3 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of weight, they are the front-runners of our vegetables with low carbohydrates. 

Bamboo shoots also cut a fine figure in stir-fry dishes.

Why vegetables can also make you fat

These 12 low carb vegetables should inspire you to cook delicious low carb dishes. However, you should pay attention to a few little things when preparing them.

Because even if you're using low carb veggies, the wrong preparation can quickly make everything unhealthy!

Vegetables can often be eaten raw. Raw food is the magic word.

If you want to wield the wooden spoon, it's best to steam, cook or boil your low carb vegetables. In these processes you do not add unhealthy fats, sugars and so on. 

Should you want to sauté the vegetables, which can happen, avoid unnecessary oil or fat. Of course, there are also foods that are full of carbohydrates. If you want to eat low carb, the following foods are the ones to avoid: Hands off!

  • Chickpeas
  • Lenses
  • Kidney beans
  • Dried soybeans
  • Fresh garlic
  • Corn
  • Beet 

Vegetables with few carbohydrates

Why vegetables with low carbohydrates can help you lose weight

Vegetables should always end up on your plate anyway because of the many good and healthy ingredients. Especially if you have decided to go low carb, it is a must.

A nice side effect- the pounds will fall off if you eat a lot of vegetables that are low in carbohydrates. Most vegetables that are low in carbohydrates are also low in calories. 

The low carb diet is based on the fact that our cells use carbohydrates for energy. With low carb you feed your body less carbohydrates and it has to change the metabolism.

More ketones are produced in the liver. Your body uses existing fat reserves for this. And so vegetables with few carbohydrates can help you lose weight.

Our conclusion

The selection of vegetables with low carbohydrates is huge. Now all you have to do is get active and cook. Conjure up delicious low carb dishes with vegetables. So you can feast and lose weight.

Enjoy it!

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