Live long and healthy: With these 21 tips it works

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Live long and healthy? That is not just a question of fate. In fact, we can positively influence our life expectancy ourselves. You can find out how here!

Let's put our hand on our heart! Who doesn't want to live happily and healthily into old age? To stay fit, to feel good. To have a strong body and a steady mind. As well as a huge portion of curiosity, optimism and confidence! That's what everyone wants :)

The good news is: It's not just fate and our genes that determine our future. Because we can actually influence both our life expectancy and our quality of life with our everyday habits.

To achieve this, it is important to establish healthy routines in all areas of life. So it's not just about eating a balanced diet and getting enough exercise. It is also about having a positive attitude towards life and a good social environment.

Live long and healthy: With these 21 tips it works

We've gathered 21 great tips that can help you live a long and healthy life.

1. a positive attitude

Optimism is one of those things. Sometimes things just don't work out. We see problems everywhere. We feel fear and doubt. And we feel totally powerless in the face of all the difficulties of the day.

But nothing is as huge and invincible as it sometimes seems. A positive attitude helps to overcome the challenges. And to look at the good sides after every experience :).

2. drink a lot and live healthy

Of course, it is super important to drink a lot. Because water flushes out toxins. It helps the blood to circulate better in our body. And it plays an immense role in ensuring that we remain able to perform and concentrate.

healthy living

In addition, a dehydrated body increases well-being. And it even has an influence on how our skin looks. Here you can find out whether you are really drinking enough water: 10 Warning Signs You're Chronically Dehydrated and Need to Drink More.

3. healthy egoism

Do you always want to please everyone else? And at the end of the day, you come up short? Not a good idea. Because you can only be a good friend, daughter, mom or partner if you are content and happy.

So say no once in a while. And just take time for yourself. That way you can recharge your batteries. It makes us balanced and happy. And with that you can be all-rounder again much better. :)

4. living with a pet

Whether you like cats or dogs. You love horses or you're completely infatuated with a parrot. Animals are wonderful creatures that have a great influence on our psyche, according to many studies. Among others, an international medical team of the American Heart Association (AHA).

Tips live long and healthy

Because they help us to reduce stress and feel joy. Through animals we learn groundedness and gratitude. We give our attention and receive unconditional love and loyalty.

5. live out hobbies for more fulfillment

Are you one of those people who regularly break out in a sweat when asked about their hobbies? Often our interests get lost in everyday life. Until we completely forget what actually excites us.

That's why everyone should find a hobby. Whether it's a running group or a chess club. Photography, samba, or a book club. Pursue your passions and connect with like-minded people.

6. healthy living - eating "green

A very important part of a healthy life is nutrition. Therefore, you should make sure that you always take enough important nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

healthy living

Chlorophyll has particularly great effects on our health. It detoxifies, purifies the blood. Prevents cancer and dementia. Therefore, reach for green vegetables, herbs and sprouts as often as possible.

7. stay or become smoke free

It should be clear to everyone that cigarettes are the ultimate enemy of health. Not only is the risk of cancer greatly increased. The probability of suffering a heart attack or cardiovascular disease is also greater.

Likewise, the skin becomes sallow, the teeth also discolor. And the dependence does not have great effects on the psyche either. There are countless reasons never to smoke. Or to stop smoking now at the latest!

8. cultivate friendships

Healthy living also means having a good social environment. This is absolutely elementary for mental health. It is not a matter of keeping countless contacts, even if there has been no common ground for years.

Tips healthy living

Make sure you cherish the friendships that are good for you. These are, above all, loyal friends. They are honest with you, stand by you in hard times, and support you even if they think your idea is totally nuts.

9. let things come to you

Are you one of those people who like to have everything under control? Who prefer good planning to potential chaos? That's totally understandable. Because organization and structure help you keep track of everything.

Nevertheless, it is important to maintain a certain looseness. Because far too often we have to react flexibly to unforeseen things. So put the weekly planner aside. And let the day take you by surprise.

10. make sure you get enough exercise

If you want to live a long and healthy life, you should make sure you get enough exercise. And it doesn't always have to be sports. Even a walk in the fresh air is great. Why? Take a look here: 13 good reasons why you should walk more often.

Long and full life

The moderate exercise gets the circulation going. The immune system is strengthened. And by the way, we use important muscle groups and boost our metabolism. Exercise in the fresh air also prevents depression.

11. sleep a night over it

Are you also sometimes really on the palm of your hand? Don't know what to do with your anger and rage? Then it's time for a big walk or a good cry into the pillow.

Because no matter who makes you so very angry. When we are really angry, we react rashly and can hurt others with our words. Therefore, it is better to let some time pass and sleep on it for a night. And talk about it a day later.

12. healthy living with proper breathing

Did you know that most of us breathe incorrectly? We breathe far too shallowly. And upside down. Because when we breathe in, we pull our belly in, and when we breathe out, we stretch it out. This means that our body is not supplied with enough oxygen.

Tips live long and healthy

But don't worry, proper breathing can be learned. To do this, sit up straight. Place one hand below the ribcage. And breathe deeply into your belly. Here you can also find other great exercises Breathing exercises to calm down: simply breathe away stress.

13. alcohol in moderation

There's nothing wrong with enjoying life to the fullest. Depending on your taste, this also includes a glass of white wine, a mojito with the girls or a beer at a festival. Whatever you have a weakness for - indulge yourself every now and then.

Nevertheless, you should make sure that you don't drink too much. And on the other hand, keep healthy intervals between evenings with alcohol. If you do overdo it a bit, check back here: What helps against a hangover? The 27 best tips.

14. start the day well

Do you also have trouble getting up in the morning? You should urgently change that. Because often the morning already determines how the day will go. Especially if you are one of those morning grouches, a good morning routine helps you to start the day full of energy.

healthy living

So set your alarm 30 minutes earlier. Use the time for meditation, a morning walk or a round of yoga. Are you lacking inspiration? Then take a look here: 9 things successful women do before 9 o'clock.

15. sunlight makes healthy and happy

Off into the sun with you! The sun is the most important source of vitamin D for our body. It lifts our mood and provides us with energy. It also prevents cardiovascular diseases.

You may be thinking, "But the sun can cause skin cancer." That is so correct. But avoiding the sun is much more harmful to our bodies. With this in mind, happy sunbathing. :)

16. laugh a lot and stay healthy

Healthy living can be so simple. Because laughing not only releases happiness hormones. It also boosts the circulation and the immune system. Organs such as the liver, stomach and intestines are stimulated by the movement of the diaphragm.

healthy living tips

In addition, laughing has a pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect. Stress can also be reduced. While we laugh 400 times a day as children, adults laugh just 15 times a day. So don't take yourself so seriously and be childish again. :)

17. healthy food for a powerful body

You are what you eat. That's why it's important to pay attention to what you're shoveling into your body all day. In principle, you should avoid processed foods. And industrial sugar or fatty foods are also not good for your body.

So eat a balanced diet. Plenty of fruit and vegetables are a natural part of this. As well as fiber-rich foods and freshly prepared dishes. This way you can absorb good and necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

18. live long and healthy: Do sports!

Sport has countless positive effects on our psyche and our body. Sport helps not only to improve our condition and build our muscles. It boosts the immune system and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Healthy living tips

Sport provides us with energy and feelings of happiness and helps to reduce stress. And the best thing is: there are countless ways and variations to do sports. Alone or in groups. Dancing, running, Pilates, swimming, boxing, tennis, yoga, volleyball... and and and. :)

19. fresh air is good for us

Get out in the fresh air as often as possible. Preferably in nature, of course. Here, the air pollution and pollutants are lower than in the cities. And you can breathe easy.

Fresh air helps to reduce the lack of concentration or headaches. It helps to switch off, to fill the lungs with oxygen. This makes us feel much fresher and more energetic.

20. do not take yourself so seriously

Sometimes you get the feeling that the entire universe is against you. Why does this have to happen to you, of all people, that the train breaks down? The boss is pissed off. Or your partner has diarrhea on your anniversary.

healthy living

Honestly? It has nothing to do with you. So stop stressing or cursing the world. Just sit back and look at it with humor. In every situation you can find something funny and positive. :)

21. enjoy your life

Living long and healthy is quite simple. To make it fulfilling, learn to enjoy. All it takes is a little mindfulness. Be conscious in the present and feel your life with all your senses.

The coffee cup in the morning. The laughter of your girlfriend. A delicious lunch. Your favorite song on the radio. A beautiful sky at sunset. Whatever it is that makes you happy. Enjoy it. And yes, it's the little things! :)

Our conclusion:

Living long and healthy is much easier than you might think. Because everything necessary, you can influence yourself. Eat well and move often in the fresh air. Take life as it comes and enjoy every moment.

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