So you can strengthen your immune system naturally!

Strengthen immune system naturally

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Finally put an end to regular colds and constant sniffles! We reveal the best tips to strengthen your immune system naturally.

Colds are in high season again. People everywhere are sniffling, coughing and croaking.

Are you one of those who suffer from a cold all the time? You are not alone.

If you have a weak immune system, you will catch a cold or flu very quickly. Tiredness and fatigue are also a classic sign that your immune system is at its lowest point.

However, you can also put an end to this. We show you what you need to pay attention to in order to stay healthy!

Why you need to strengthen your immune system in time

Your body has an incredible number of protective barriers to ward off pathogens.

The penetration of bacteria and viruses is made more difficult by saliva, coughing, sneezing and stomach acid. Once they have overcome these protective barriers, your immune system is challenged.

Your immune system protects you from viruses and bacteria all year round. In the cold season, however, it has a particularly hard job. Due to the low temperatures, the blood circulation in the nose and throat is more susceptible.

If your body is weakened or insufficiently supplied with nutrients, a cold will not be long in coming.

To prevent this, you should strengthen your immune system naturally early enough.

Your body now needs a lot of nutrients to be armed against all invaders. That means for you: lots of vitamins from vegetables and fruit.

What are the causes of a weakened immune system

If you have a weakened immune system, you should first find out what the problem is. If you live an unhealthy life, you are not doing your body any good.

An unhealthy lifestyle can be recognized quite quickly.

Common causes of a weak immune system are

  • Sleep deprivation
  • unhealthy food
  • Too little movement
  • sustained stress
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking

Do you recognize yourself? Then you should definitely resolve to live healthier.

However, it may also be that a disease is present. Metabolic disorders, diabetes, cancer, chronic diseases or allergies also weaken our defenses.

What symptoms indicate a weak immune system

If you have a weak immune system, you're susceptible to infections of all kinds. The classics include colds, sore throats and a runny nose.

But also fatigue, concentration problems, dissatisfaction and fatigue indicate.

However, a weakened immune system is not a disease. It only ensures that you get sick more quickly.

Strengthen defenses

So symptoms of a compromised immune system are:

  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Concentration disorders
  • Susceptibility to infections of all kinds

16 tips for a strong immune system

A balanced and varied diet is important to defy the next wave of colds. But there are other tips that can help you strengthen your immune system naturally and stay healthy.

1. hand washing for the defenses

Washing your hands only has an indirect effect if you want to prevent a weakened immune system, but you should still take this tip to heart.

It's probably the simplest tip of all: wash your hands regularly with soap.

This way, you can prevent viruses and bacteria from getting into your body. And these lurk everywhere, especially in autumn and winter.

2. drink enough

We've been over this, haven't we? But it can't be mentioned too often. Drinking is important! Also to strengthen our immune system and stay healthy.

The heating air in winter dries out our mucous membranes in the nose and throat. This opens the way for viruses and bacteria.

To prevent this, you should make sure that you drink enough. At least two liters of water a day are recommended. But unsweetened teas are also allowed.

By the way, ginger tea is particularly healthy. It kills viruses and thus relieves the immune system of some of its work.

Stay healthy

3. ventilate regularly to stay fit

Ensure regular oxygen exchange. Even if it is cold outside, you should ventilate several times a day.

Open all windows for 10 minutes. This allows the old virus-rich air to be exchanged with the oxygen-rich fresh air.

By the way, tilted windows bring little. Thus, hardly any air exchange can take place.

4. sauna and alternating showers

The alternation of cold and warm water boosts blood circulation and trains the body for rapid temperature changes.

Those who go to the sauna from time to time thereby support the heart, skin and immune system. Here, too, the body learns to alternate between hot and cold environments and is thus better prepared for temperature fluctuations in autumn and winter.

You already have a cold? Then you should avoid saunas and alternating showers. In this case, the temperature fluctuations can only put additional strain on your weakened body.

5. strengthen immune system naturally in the sun

As mentioned earlier, vitamin D is important for an intact immune system. Unfortunately, you can only cover a small part of the requirement through food.

The remaining part you have to produce yourself with the help of the sun.

In autumn and winter there is only little sun and also the UV radiation is much lower. Therefore, you need to stock up in the summer.

But spend a lot of time outdoors in the winter, too.

6. exercise in the fresh air

Run, swim or just go for a walk. No matter what you choose, exercise keeps you healthy and fit.

Sport activates your body cells and boosts the immune system. At the same time, you reduce stress and can really let off steam.

Exercising in the fresh air boosts blood circulation and supports the body's defenses.

7. avoid stress for a better immune system

No stress! Are you rushing from one appointment to the next? You should definitely give yourself a break more often.

Too much stress weakens the immune system and makes you more susceptible to infections. Therefore, try to avoid stress as much as possible.

Treat yourself to a few relaxing hours. Yoga or a hot relaxing bath can help you.

Only when your body is rested can it produce new antibodies and protect you from viruses and bacteria.

8. make sure you get enough sleep to strengthen your immune system naturally

Sleep is a true miracle cure. And not only when you're sick, but also to prevent illness. Because if you make sure you get enough sleep, you're doing something good for your body and your mind.

On average, an adult needs 6-8 hours of sleep per day. During this time, the body regenerates and relieves stress.

The quality and duration of your sleep is closely related to your immune system. During sleep, your body releases a lot of immune-active substances.

This way you can naturally strengthen your immune system while dreaming.

9. avoid strong effort

Strengthen your immune system with sports? Yes, especially endurance sports push your immune system. Whether it's running, swimming or cycling, just do what you feel like.

Even short walks have a positive effect on your immune system.

However, you should not overdo it! Too much effort is stress for your body. You are then an easy victim for bacteria and viruses.

10. abstain from alcohol and nicotine

There is certainly nothing wrong with a glass of wine here and there. If you drink regularly, your immune system will also suffer.

Alcohol and nicotine weaken your immune system. When intoxicated, our immune system is even deactivated for at least 24 hours.

Nicotine weakens the function of certain white blood cells so much that it makes it even easier for pathogens to enter your body.

Strengthen immune system naturally

11. laughter keeps healthy

The psyche has a great influence on your defenses. In particular, severe worries and stress can really take their toll. But even if you are sometimes not feeling so well, you should try to laugh consciously every now and then.

Laughter strengthens the immune cells, reduces stress and releases the happiness hormone serotonin.

With frequent and vigorous painting, the positive effect on our immune system also increases.

12. avoid crowds

At the office, on the subway, while shopping - there are crowds everywhere, and it's hard to avoid them.

Of course, the risk of meeting someone with a cold who spreads his viruses everywhere also increases here.

Unfortunately, you can hardly protect yourself against this. Therefore, avoid closer physical contact and simply leave handshaking or hugging alone.

13. keep fingers out of face

There are countless viruses and bacteria on our hands.

We pick up germs when we shake hands, at ATMs or from door handles. You come into contact with germs everywhere.

Therefore, keep them far away from your eyes, mouth and face. By doing so, you'll send them towards the mucous membranes and pave the way for a severe cold.

Whether we're talking on the phone, adjusting our glasses or thinking, our fingers are always in our face.

14. balanced diet

A healthy diet is especially important for a strong immune system. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals such as zinc, copper, iron and vitamins A, C, D and E, which can help strengthen the immune system. Eat five servings every day: two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables.

Muesli with oatmeal and various fruits to start the day, cocktail tomatoes as a snack, pasta with vegetable sauce for lunch and a salad or raw vegetables for dinner are all good ideas. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins are important for human health.

It is also important that you do not forget to drink! Of course, a balanced diet also includes enough water. Water or tea (herbal or fruit tea) are best. Lemonade and other sweet fruit juice drinks should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

15. healthy intestinal flora

When it comes to strengthening the immune system, both a healthy diet and an intact intestinal environment are important. This is because the intestine is constantly exposed to harmful organisms through food intake and must defend itself quickly. The intestinal flora is crucial for this.

The intestinal flora, which includes a large number of harmless bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria, is located primarily in the large intestine. There they prevent harmful germs from multiplying and spreading throughout the body. You should consume whole grain products daily to improve your intestinal flora and immune system. Sour milk products, such as buttermilk.

16. kissing

Kissing is not only beautiful, it is also good for you! On the one hand, happiness messengers are released when kissing, on the other hand, we exchange 4000 germs with our partner via saliva and train our defenses.

How you can strengthen your immune system naturally with nutrition

A healthy diet is essential to strengthen your immune system naturally. Your body needs vitamins, trace elements and nutrients.

Especially vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D and E but also the trace elements copper, zinc, selenium and iron as well as secondary plant compounds are important for a weak immune system.

In order to stay healthy, you should definitely focus on a balanced and healthy diet. Especially important: enough fruit and vegetables. And preferably regional and seasonal in organic quality.

Strengthen defenses with vitamin C

Vitamin C is probably the best known vitamin when it comes to strengthening the immune system. It contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, especially during physically intense activities.

You should consume about 200 mg of it daily.

Good vitamin C suppliers are:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Kale
  • Paprika
  • Citrus

But beware: No matter which fruit or vegetable you choose, vitamin C is very sensitive. Therefore, store your food as short as possible and eat them fresh.

Vitamin C, by the way, acts as an antioxidant and free radical scavenger, it improves the absorption of iron, promotes wound healing and tightens connective tissue.

But it can also do much more.

Strengthen immune system naturally with vitamin D

Vitamin D is not only important for bone health, but also supports the normal function of the immune system. Because only if you consume enough of this vitamin, your body's defenses can be activated.

By the way, it is good to know that vitamin D is not actually a vitamin at all. It is a precursor of a hormone. If you regularly go out in the sun, your body produces vitamin D on its own.

At least 5 minutes a day you should go out in the sun.

In winter, our body can not produce enough vitamin D. Therefore, we must already take precautions in summer.

But you'll also find it in small amounts in foods.

Good suppliers are:

  • Sea fish
  • Avocados
  • Mushrooms
  • Eggs

If you suffer from vitamin D deficiency, you can also help with drops.

I take vitamin D drops myself. And I do so from the end of September until March. They ensure that the body gets enough vitamin D and thus the immune system is increased.

Stay healthy with selenium and zinc

The trace element zinc is essential for life. It controls the function of more than 200 enzymes and is involved in many metabolic processes.

The defense function of our body is also dependent on the zinc balance.

Foods rich in zinc are oysters, dairy products, beef, seafood and sea fish.

Tips against colds

Besides zinc, however, the selenium requirement must also be covered and the immune system naturally strengthened.

You can find selenium in meat, fish, eggs, lentils and asparagus.

Iron for a functioning immune defense

Iron is also an important component for a strong immune system. A too low iron intake leads to the fact that the phagocytes are less active and your body produces fewer antibodies.

To stay healthy, iron should be part of your diet.

Foods such as meat, grain products, nuts and vegetables are good sources of iron.

Our conclusion

Are you tired of having a cold all the time? You want to actively do something against your weak immune system? Then you should take our tips to heart.

With a balanced diet, adequate exercise and regular hand washing, you can naturally strengthen your immune system!

Stay healthy!

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