Never again heartburn!

Home remedies for heartburn

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If you complain about heartburn from time to time, this is harmless in most cases, but quite unpleasant. But what is it anyway and how can you prevent it?

You're probably familiar with it, when after a meal you get an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach and have to burp.

It feels very uncomfortable and it burns in the esophagus.

We've all had heartburn at one time or another. It's also nothing to worry about.

But to get rid of it and prevent it, there are some home remedies for heartburn. Most of them you probably have at home.

When you go out to eat, you should always take a safety Stomach gel against heartburn* have plugged in. The big advantage is that you don't have to dissolve it in water. You open the small sachets and can take it straight to your mouth.

My favorite is the Stomach gel against heartburn*, which I buy from Shop Apotheke. It contains 20 gel sticks and tastes like caramel.

This is one of the few preparations that really helps me. You can just read the reviews at Shop Apotheke.

Home remedies for heartburn

The best 11 home remedies for heartburn

You don't need to take medication for heartburn for a long time yet. You can combat acid reflux after eating with all-natural remedies.

What you need to know is that home remedies do not work the same for everyone. What works for me may not work for you. That's why you'll probably have to try a few home remedies for heartburn before you find the right one.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Watch your body. By the way, this does not only apply to fighting heartburn. It also applies to the onset of heartburn. There are many foods that cause acid reflux. But here, too, there is no patent remedy. The triggers vary from person to person.

1. baking soda for acid regurgitation

Baking soda* neutralizes stomach acid and thus helps against acid regurgitation. Mix a heaped teaspoon with Baking soda* into a glass of still water. After the Baking soda* has dissolved, drink the liquid slowly and in small sips.

You should not consume this home remedy for heartburn often. Because your body utilizes the excess Baking soda* and cannot excrete it in the normal way. This would pH value mess up.

2. water for burning pain

Heartburn occurs when acidic stomach contents enter the esophagus directly. There it attacks the mucous membrane.

A sip of water is often enough to relieve heartburn. You also dilute the existing stomach acid.

Home remedies for heartburn

To get rid of heartburn, it is best to drink still and lukewarm water or chamomile tea.

Drinks that are too hot or acidic have the opposite effect. Stay away from coffee if you already have heartburn!

3. chewing gum has a neutralizing effect

You can also use chewing gum as a home remedy for heartburn. This is because chewing stimulates the production of saliva.

Chewing gum is slightly alkaline and can regulate and neutralize some of the stomach acid in your esophagus. The gastric acid returns to the stomach through swallowing.

If you don't like chewing gum, you can use candies or pastilles as an alternative.

4. alkaline fruits and vegetables

Pay particular attention to what fruit you eat. Because only low-acid fruits can help hyperacidity. Bananas, pears, apples, strawberries and grapes are low in acid and help against heartburn. However, you should avoid pineapple, berries, lemons and oranges.

When it comes to vegetables, you should mainly go for green varieties. Red and yellow varieties contain more acid. A particularly helpful Home remedies for heartburn is celery.

The vegetable slows down the production of stomach acid and also neutralizes excess acid.

Have a look at our contribution: Finally eat more vegetables: 9 tricks for more green on the plate over.

Home remedies for heartburn

Cucumbers, potatoes, kale and potato juice are also good home remedies for heartburn.

5. healing clay and silica against heartburn

Healing earth* and silica can help excess acid in your stomach and prevent acid regurgitation. You can drink them with water or let them dissolve in your mouth. Healing earth* You can also get it in capsule form.

Silica is rich in silicon and helps with various stomach and intestinal problems. You can buy it as lozenges or capsules.

6. chew seeds, kernels and nuts for heartburn

Seeds, seeds and nuts are very good heartburn home remedies. You just have to chew them and swallow the food pulp. Almonds are high in fat. If you don't want to gain weight, you should eat them rather in moderation.

Home remedies for heartburn

Still very effective Home remedies for heartburn are sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Chew them well first and then swallow them.

7. flaxseed prevents heartburn

Flaxseed* help with many gastrointestinal problems. They are also very good home remedies for heartburn and acid reflux.

It is best to boil a tablespoon of the seeds with a quarter of a liter of water and then let it simmer on the stove for about half an hour.

Then pour the mixture into a sieve and catch the healthy mucus with a bowl. Drink a few sips throughout the day. It wraps itself around the wall of your stomach like a protective shell.

8. carrot juice as a home remedy for heartburn

Raw carrots also help against heartburn. As with the Flaxseed* The ingredients in the carrots also cover the mucous membranes like a protective film. The carrots prevent the mucous membrane from being irritated by the rising stomach acid.

Home remedies for heartburn

Also very effective can be a glass of carrot juice before each hearty meal. You can either squeeze it fresh yourself or buy it in the supermarket.

Alternatively, you can simply chew a raw carrot. This way, the valuable ingredients also get into your body.

9. potatoes prevent acid regurgitation

Potatoes contain a lot of starch. It binds the stomach acid and is therefore also a very good home remedy against heartburn. The best way to consume this healthy tuber is in the form of juice.

When you buy them, make sure they are of good quality. To make the juice, you need three to four medium potatoes. Peel them and put them in a juicer. If you don't have one, you can grate the potatoes and put them in a tea towel. Squeeze it hard and you'll have your juice.

10. herbal tea natural remedy for heartburn

Drinking tea helps against burning in the esophagus and acid regurgitation. Especially teas with chamomile, anise, lemon balm, fennel or ribwort are best suited for this purpose. Herbal tea is therefore the perfect home remedy for heartburn.

Home remedies for heartburn

It has anti-inflammatory, soothing and antispasmodic effects. You can either buy ready-made tea blends or simply mix the tea yourself.

Herbal tea dilutes the excess stomach acid and prevents the unpleasant sour belching.

11. milk for burning in the esophagus

Whether milk is a suitable Home remedies for heartburn experts are not in agreement.

Some believe that a glass of the whey drink may well help against the burning sensation in the esophagus. Because milk is supposed to dilute the stomach acid, neutralize it and thus relieve the discomfort.

Home remedies for heartburn

Other researchers, however, found that it is significantly less effective than still water. Milk itself has a somewhat acidic pH and is therefore said to be unable to neutralize acid.

It is said that it can even cause heartburn itself. Especially very high-fat milk, stimulates the production of gastric acid.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Just try how your body reacts to it.

What is heartburn actually?

About one in five Germans regularly suffers from heartburn, also called reflux. The stomach acid rises and irritates the very sensitive mucosal cells. This leads to acid regurgitation and burning in the esophagus.

In acid regurgitation, stomach acid passes in bursts down the esophagus and up into the mouth.

Home remedies for heartburn

Normally, the sphincter, like a valve, prevents the backflow of food pulp and gastric juice. If this valve does not close properly, the stomach contents rise into the esophagus.

What are the causes of heartburn

There are two main reasons for heartburn. Often, for some reason, the stomach sphincter can no longer close properly.

Another reason for the unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus is an increased production of stomach acid. It occurs when you eat an unhealthy diet, smoke or drink a lot of alcohol.

In some cases, both factors occur simultaneously. An unhealthy diet and a stressful lifestyle can quickly lead to hyperacidity in the stomach.

Therefore, you should avoid fatty food, very large portions, a lot of coffee, alcohol, acidic foods, smoking and stress. This stimulates the production of gastric acid and leads to heartburn.

Being overweight can increase the pressure in your stomach. The stomach sphincter is weakened and the stomach contents rise.

Many women also suffer from heartburn during pregnancy. This is because the baby grows and presses on the stomach from the inside. As a result, the stomach contents can no longer flow down properly. After the birth, the heartburn disappears again.

Causes of the unpleasant burning sensation can also be age and regular use of various medications.

When you should go to the doctor with acid regurgitation

If you only suffer from heartburn occasionally, you don't have to worry. Most of the time, the symptoms disappear on their own or you can help yourself with home remedies for heartburn.

Home remedies for heartburn

You can also get rid of heartburn by changing your lifestyle. Eat healthier, drink less alcohol and quit smoking.

However, if the symptoms occur very often and no home remedies for heartburn help, you should consult a doctor. This also applies if they last longer than two weeks or recur every week.

Our conclusion

Heartburn is usually nothing to worry about. With home remedies for heartburn, you can alleviate the discomfort and usually eliminate it completely. Try to eat healthier, avoid alcohol and cigarettes, and get enough exercise.

Pay attention to what foods you get the discomfort from and try to avoid them.

Meal! :)

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