Constant severe period pain: Do you have endometriosis?


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Have you ever heard of the disease endometriosis? 15% of all women are affected by it. Here you will find all the information you need to know about it.

Today we want to dedicate ourselves to a serious topic: endometriosis. Recently I read in a doctor's magazine that about 15% of all women are affected and only very few even know it.

Those affected suffer from severe pain for years without knowing what is wrong with them. We would like to make a small contribution to the clarification and tell you briefly and crisply what you should know about it.

Those who have endometriosis have endometrial cells forming outside the uterine cavity. The disease itself is benign, but very many affected suffer from severe menstrual pain.

Also possible are pain during sexual intercourse and infertility.

Are you worried about suffering from endometriosis? This is how you recognize it!

What is endometriosis

Endometriosis is one of the most common diseases of the abdomen in us women. The endometrium grows outside the uterine cavity on the ovaries or between the uterus and the rectum.

Unfortunately, the cause of this disease is still unknown. There are quite a few conjectures, but they could not be confirmed yet.

The most common assumption is that the mucosal cells enter the abdominal cavity via the fallopian tubes with backward flowing menstrual blood. Other doctors and scientists assume that a malfunction of the immune system is responsible.

In short, one does not know for sure.

What is known, however, is that any woman of childbearing age can be affected. All women who have their period can be affected. And this already from the first menstrual period up to menopause.

What symptoms occur

Some sufferers have hardly any complaints. Others suffer from extreme period pain - sometimes even without having their period at all. This can go so far that they have to take strong painkillers to even think about something like a normal everyday life.

The abdominal pain can also occur during sexual intercourse or when we do our business in the toilet.

Summarized again

  • Severe period pain and cramps before and during the period.
  • Abdominal pain can occur independently of menstruation and radiate to the legs and back.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse is described as burning or cramping.
  • Rather rarely but still possible: pain during defecation and urination.
  • Fatigue and tiredness due to severe symptoms.
  • Many women also suffer psychologically under the stresses.

Many sufferers report in forums that their disease went undetected by doctors for a long time and they were often called "snivelling". The problem is that endometriosis is difficult to detect. The disease can regress spontaneously and reappear just as spontaneously.

Often ten years pass between the first symptoms and the diagnosis. If you also have such problems and feel that your gynecologist does not take you seriously, it is best to change to someone else today.

You can find help on the Website of the Endometriosis Association Germany!

How to treat endometriosis

Since it takes up to ten years for the disease to be recognized and acknowledged, many sufferers face a long road of suffering. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it yourself.

Your first point of contact is always your gynecologist. He/she has surgical and/or medicinal measures at his/her disposal. What is the right way for you depends on the degree of discomfort, your age, whether you want to have children and many other factors.

Medications used to treat endometriosis include painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac. If the condition is severe, the doctor often prescribes opioids. However, it has not yet been clearly proven whether they really help in such a case.

Hormone preparations are also often used. This is particularly interesting for those who do not wish to have children. The hormones suppress the hormone production of the ovaries, ovulation and menstruation. The most commonly used is the birth control pill.

In case of severe symptoms, surgery is often necessary. The goal is to remove the uterine lining islands. Laser, electricity or scalpel are used for this. In very bad cases, parts of the affected organs must also be removed.

In severe cases, always seek advice from a clinic that specializes in and regularly performs such procedures.

Many doctors additionally recommend psychosomatic therapy for endometriosis. Emotional stress and psychological strain can in fact lead to endometriosis being exacerbated.

Our conclusion

Endometriosis is detected far too late by many doctors. It often takes up to ten years from the first symptoms to the diagnosis. If you suffer from severe menstrual pain, talk to your doctor about this disease. If you feel you are not being taken seriously, get more opinions.

All the best for you!

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