Yoga against period pain - 7 asanas that really help

Yoga against period pain

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You just have your period and wonder if yoga helps against period pain? Then you've come to the right place! We tell you the best asanas to get through the days better.

Let's be honest: the period is a pain in the ass. But there's not much we can do about it. So let's make the best of it.

Besides rest, pills and heat, yoga also helps against period pain! You also learn to feel better into your body and to release cramps.

Doing light exercise during your period will even help it to pass more quickly. You stimulate the blood circulation in the entire body. Therefore, more strenuous sports are worthwhile from the third/fourth day of bleeding.

But on the first days or those when you have pain, you should take it easier. That's when yoga for period pain comes in handy.

By the way, you are not alone with pain during your period. 95 % of all women know the pinching, pulling, cramping feeling in the lower body.

Sometimes period pains turn out to be quite mild, other times crampy and much more severe. Many doctors do not really take the problem seriously.

If you're lucky, they prescribe a painkiller. But that's not a permanent solution either. And just lying in bed and waiting for the spook to pass is certainly not.

If you're experiencing menstrual cramps, yoga exercises can help. Instead of curling up on the sofa, unroll your yoga mat and try these asanas.

Why yoga works against period pain

Here you will find exercises that are all relaxing and relaxing. Relaxation is exactly what your entire body needs right now.

If the lower body pulls and cramps, it should not be strenuous exercises at all, where you have to tense the lower body.

Gentle asanas that let you listen to your body and take the tension off your lower body are just what you need.

Do the exercises very slowly, breathing deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth. If possible, open the window. More oxygen in the body will make you feel more energetic.

With controlled breathing, many spasms can be loosened and the body relaxed.
Turn off all distractions around you. Turn on relaxing music and take time for yoga for period pain.

After the session, lie down in a warm bathtub. The water also helps to relieve cramps and relax. It always helps me if I start eating foods containing magnesium a few days before my period. Since I've been doing this, I rarely have period pains anymore. Why don't you try this too!

What helps against period pain besides yoga

Anything that relaxes and distracts you is good. I like to go for walks because it doesn't pull so much while walking.

If you have severe cramps and a very uncomfortable pulling sensation, then a EMS device against period pain* help. It emits very slight vibrations via the electrodes. This relaxes the uterus and relieves the cramps. I use it myself when things are really bad.

I also noticed that I have much less period pain since my period has been coming more regularly.

The longer my cycle lasts, the more painful it becomes. I can't tell you why that is. My gynecologist didn't have a plausible explanation for it either.

Keep a close eye on your cycle. Is the pain worse when the bleeding is irregular?

And there's the secret that jump-started my cycle: Inositol powder*.

The Inositol powder* from Effective Nature* contains a messenger substance that is involved in hormone metabolism. It is usually used when there is a desire to have children.

But even without wanting to get pregnant, it is a good helper. It makes sure that your hormones are balanced and that you have a regular implantation.

I dissolve 2 grams of the powder in water and drink it in the morning. It tastes slightly sweet. If you want, you can also take it in capsule form.

It has consistently good reviews on Amazon, I take it regularly myself and I can tell you: my period has normalized and the period pain has decreased.

The powder, like yoga, helps me to come into balance and to maintain balance. But let's get to the exercises right now.

What exercises in yoga help against period pain

Are you ready to get started? Slip into a cozy outfit and unroll your yoga mat. Then you're ready to get started. Here are the best asanas for menstrual cramps!

By the way, you don't have to do all the exercises from start to finish. Choose the ones that really do your body good. Right now it's important that you simply listen to your body and don't overtax it.

The Child's Pose - Balasana

This exercise manages even the most awkward. The child is the posture of pure relaxation. You can let go of everything with it and turn off the head.

childs pose back challengeAC

  • You start in the quadruped position. Your knees are under your hips.
  • Now rest your forehead on the yoga mat and your butt on your heels.
  • Place your arms stretched out in front of you.
  • Let the shoulders sink deeply. Breathe in and out deeply and calmly through the nose.
  • Take about 20 breaths at your own pace.

The Cat - Marjaryasana and the Cow - Chakravakasana

Relaxation for the entire back brings this combination of cat and cow. Especially those who suffer from pain in the lower back or are tense in the neck should definitely do this exercise.

You also stretch the front of the torso with it and loosen your organs. Also fatigue and stress are simply breathed away.

In yoga for period pain, it has been shown that doing these two exercises one right after the other brings special relaxation.

Cat - cow exercise yoga against period pain

  • Start in the quadruped position. Place the knees under the hips and the arms under the shoulders.
  • Spread your fingers slightly so that you can keep your balance better.
  • Stretch your arms through.
  • Push the buttocks up and let the abdomen sag. Pull the shoulders up so that you form a real hollow back.
  • From the cow it now goes directly into the cat.
  • Pull the belly button towards the spine. Make a really round back - like a cat hump.
  • You pull the shoulder blades firmly apart. The gaze is directed downward.

The one-legged forward bend - Janushirshasana

With this asana your legs become flexible, you get inner peace and activate your energy. The seated forward bend requires a lot of practice so that you can actually do the bend.

As you can see, I still have a lot to do here and am very shortened in the back of the thigh. But practice makes perfect :)

Now, when you do period yoga, it's not about bending down as far as you can. It's about going as far as you feel comfortable.

Period pain help

  • For this yoga exercise you start in a sitting position. Both legs are stretched out long in front of you.
  • Angle the left leg and place the foot just in front of the knee of the right leg.
  • Lean forward and grab your right leg with your hands. If you can, grab your toes.
  • Breathe in and out deeply and lean forward a little more with the exhalation.

The cobra - Bhujangasana

Simple and yet very effective is this yoga exercise against period pain. It should also find a place in your workout schedule after your period. The cobra strengthens the back and arm muscles.

At the same time, it improves balance, relieves tension and boosts digestion. An all-rounder, so to speak.

Cobra stretching exercise back

  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • Your legs should be hip-width open. The legs are fully extended.
  • Place the palms of your hands at chest level next to your body, approximately below your shoulders.
  • Tighten thighs and buttocks. Slowly lift the upper body upward through the force of the upper back.
  • Push the sternum forward and pull the shoulders back. Your gaze is directed forward.
  • If you like, you can close your eyes while doing this.

The Reclining Butterfly - Supta Baddha Konasana

Pure relaxation for the lower body brings this yoga exercise against period pain. It helps you to switch off, relieves tension and cramps.

The butterfly helps all those who suffer from period-related anxiety, sleep disorders or fatigue.

The abdominal muscles are relaxed during this exercise, which has a positive effect on cramps.

Exercises against period pain

  • Lie on your back.
  • Draw the legs and bring the soles of the feet together.
  • Drop the knees outward.
  • You can either fold your hands above your head or place them on your abdomen.
  • Breathe deeply in and out. The breath has a calming and relaxing effect.

The bow - Dhanurasana

Not suitable for beginners, but also a good exercise in yoga against period pain, is the bow. You must do the backbend from the prone position very gently. You can improve the vitality of the whole body.

You strengthen the back muscles and the abdominal muscles with this asana. It also gives your abdominal organs a massage.

Yoga against period pain

  • Lie down on the exercise mat.
  • Angle your arms at the level of your chest.
  • Raise the head and bend the knees. Grasp the feet with the hands.
  • Lift your thighs off the floor as far as you can.
  • Straighten your chest. Try to come up a little further with each breath.
  • Do not forget to breathe ;)
  • After about 10 breaths, release the grip and relax.

Our conclusion

Yoga for menstrual pain is a great and natural way to prevent period-related cramps, cramping and other discomforts. If you are a total yoga beginner, you should try to do the exercises outside of menstruation. You will become more flexible, calm and grounded. In addition, period yoga will help you find balance.

I hope you get over it soon and wish you all the best for the days!

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