That's why you need to train your hip flexor

Hip flexors exercise deep lunge

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Want to train your hip flexors but not sure which exercises are best? Here are the best hip flexor exercises to do at home!

Most train the arms and buttocks. After all, this is where you see results quickly. However, the one that always comes up short is the hip flexor.

But without it, nothing really works. It is a very central muscle that is usually neglected during a workout.

That's why today we're going to show you how to train your hip flexors. Quite simply from home.

Let's first address the question of why hip flexor exercises pay off in the first place. And why you should do this workout regularly.

Why should you train the hip flexor?

It is very important for our mobility that the hip flexor (iliopsoas) works well. The central task of this muscle is to flex the hip. Without the hip flexor, we would not be able to walk. The iliopsoas muscle is responsible for enabling us to swing our leg forward.

We need this function when walking, running, swimming, cycling and all movements that involve the legs.

This muscle lacks mobility, especially due to sitting so much. We need to train the hip flexor, otherwise it atrophies and loses its mobility. As if that wasn't enough, an untrained hip flexor causes back pain.

If your hip flexor is too weak, then the spine has to compensate. And that's when it gets problematic. The spine is not made for this.

Sooner or later you will Getting pain in the lower back. Back pain is often the result of a weak hip flexor. Unfortunately, nobody knows this. Pain in the knee joint can also be caused by an unstretched hip flexor.

With regular hip flexor exercises and stretches, the pain will disappear particularly quickly if you combine it with additional Combining stretches for the back.

Exciting to know:

The hip flexor is very long in children and adolescents. At this age, it is particularly easy to stretch the hip flexor.

This is particularly noticeable when you watch a toddler or baby playing. Toddlers can contort their bodies in all possible directions. They stick their toes in their mouths with absolutely no problem. Try this. :)

How do I realize that I need to train my hip flexor?

The hip flexor is shortened in more than 3/4 of all adults. Maybe you are lucky and this is not the case with you?

You can use a simple test to check whether you need to strengthen your hip flexor or whether it is already well stretched. When I did this test with a trainer, I was shocked at how shortened my iliopsoas muscle was. Since I've known this, I've been stretching regularly and the back pain has actually decreased.

Before you start training, check your current status. This is also worthwhile because it allows you to compare your progress later on.

  • Stand upright on an exercise mat.
  • Lift the right leg from the floor.
  • Draw the right knee to the chest.
  • The upper body and pelvis remain in the same position. You move only the right leg.
  • The arms are stretched to the side of the body and do not touch the legs.
  • Keep the leg bent over 90° for 15 seconds. It should always remain bent over 90° and not sink.
  • Repeat the exercise with the left leg.

Exercise hip flexors

You can do without additional hip flexor training if you manage to hold your leg in place for 15 seconds.

If your leg slides down, you bend your upper body forward and shift your hip, this is a sign that your iliopsoas muscle is shortened and too weak.

In order for your hip flexor to work properly, you also need to stretch and strengthen the surrounding muscles. You can only do your job properly if they are in a balanced relationship with each other. Take a look here: "The top 9 stretching exercises for the entire hip

If some muscles are neglected, then you will get pain again in another place. It's a vicious cycle. However, regular exercises and stretches help to strengthen the entire hip and improve your mobility.

What do I need to pay attention to when I want to train the hip flexor?

If you want to train your hip flexors, stretching exercises are the right thing for you. You have two options. You can either stretch the muscles statically or dynamically. You just have to see what works better for you and listen to your body.

Static or dynamic stretching - what's the difference? Static stretching means that you hold a stretching position for several seconds. With dynamic stretching, you make very light rocking movements - there is a constant alternation of stretching and relaxation.

So: you decide whether you want to do rocking movements or simply hold the position. If you want, you can also simply alternate the stretching method between the exercises. In both cases, you should breathe slowly and evenly. The training effect is greatest if you regularly alternate between static and dynamic stretching.


If your hip flexor is shortened, you should stretch it slightly every day. Allow yourself about 5-10 minutes a day. Stretch carefully and slowly, don't pull. Never go beyond your pain threshold and don't force stretches. It is completely normal and even intentional that it pulls slightly.

However, you should not experience any pain.

Vary between exercises. You don't have to do all the exercises in one workout. Choose 2 or 3 and then do other exercises the next day. This is how your hip flexor training will have the quickest effect.

If you stretch regularly, you will see the first noticeable differences after 3 weeks. From now on, you can switch from daily stretching to 3 times a week and do slightly longer sessions.

By the way, you can watch a great video with explanations here:

The best exercises for your hip flexor

So that you don't neglect other muscles, in this workout you'll find hip flexor exercises and those that mobilize your entire hip. However, the focus is on the iliopsoas muscle.

So get ready and prepare the training mat!

Hip flexor exercise 1

Simple yet very effective is this quick exercise. The point here is that the front hip muscles are stretched and mobilized.

Stretch the iliopsoas muscle

  • Lie flat on your back.
  • Pull your right leg towards your chest with both hands.
  • The left leg remains on the mat. Do not lift it.
  • You should feel a pull in the left hip flexor.
  • It is important that you press your buttocks against the mat and tense your abdomen. In this way you prevent a hollow back.

Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds before changing sides.

Hip flexor exercise 2

Swing your leg! This exercise looks super easy, doesn't it? But it's still a tough one.

Leg swing hip flexor workout

  • You start in an upright position. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • Stand on the right leg. The left now becomes a pendulum.
  • Swing your left leg back and then forward.
  • As high as you can without leaning your upper body forwards or backwards. To achieve this, you must keep your stomach tight throughout.
  • Do 15 reps per leg before switching sides.

Hip flexor exercise 3

The deep lunge is a wonderful exercise for your hips. It takes the tension out of the muscles and makes you more flexible.

The exercise is mega effective and you can do it anytime. However, make sure that you use a non-slip exercise mat.

Hip flexor stretch deep lunge

  • You start in a lunge. To do this, put one leg forward and one back.
  • Lower the hips. You should now reach a right angle with the front leg.
  • Extend the back leg backwards so that the hip flexor is stretched.
  • Hold the position for about 10 seconds before changing sides.

Make sure that you do not push the front knee over the toes. You can place your hands on your hips, on your front leg, or just let them hang to the side of your body.

Hip flexor exercise 4

A variant of the lunge is the exercise. It stretches the hip flexor and mobilizes the shoulders. By the way, you also open the chest.

In short, a very effective exercise against the wrong posture.

Exercise iliopsoas muscle

  • Take a large step forward with your right leg. Straighten your left leg.
  • Lower the hips. A 90° angle is created in the right leg.
  • Place your hands on the inside of your right foot and your upper body forwards.
  • The gaze is directed downward. Now raise the left arm slowly and stretched sideways in the air. The gaze is directed to the left hand.
  • Hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Do you feel the pull in the hip flexor? If not, extend the back leg further.
  • Lower your arm and gaze again. Repeat this exercise 10 times on the right side before changing your leg and direction of rotation.

Hip flexor exercise 5

In this exercise you stretch the hip flexor while lying down. You can control the intensity by gently or firmly pulling the leg.

Exercise and stretch hip flexors

  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • The right arm serves as a rest for your head.
  • Snap the left foot with the left hand.
  • Pull the leg as far as you can toward the buttocks. The thigh remains on the mat throughout. Press the hips against the floor.
  • Breathe evenly and hold the tension for at least 15 seconds before changing sides.

Exercise for the outer hip muscles

If you want to train your hip flexor, you can't forget about the rest of your hip muscles. They always play together and need each other.

In this exercise we stretch the outer and inner hip muscles.

Stretch outer hip

  • Move your buttocks about 20-30 cm to the wall.
  • First stretch both legs against the wall.
  • Straighten the upper body by resting on the elbows.
  • Place the right leg bent on the left.
  • Push the right knee as far as you can toward the wall to open the hips.
  • Rocking movements can help with this.
  • Hold the position for about 15-20 seconds before changing legs.

Exercise for the inner hip muscles

In yoga, this exercise to train hip flexors is called "the butterfly". This exercise is easier if you do it bobbing, that is, stretching dynamically. You will quickly notice that by bobbing you will quickly get your knees closer to the floor.

Butterfly fitness exercise

  • Sit upright on the exercise mat.
  • Tighten your legs by placing the soles of your feet on top of each other.
  • Now very carefully and slowly press the knees to the floor.
  • Rock your knees ever so slightly and keep the tension where you can take it well.
  • When the tension eases, push the knees down a little further.
  • In total, you should hold the position for 50 seconds.

Make sure that your upper body remains upright. You can place your hands on your knees or use them to hold the tops of your feet.

What you need to know about anatomy

Did you know that more than just one muscle is involved in hip flexion? Colloquially, the hip flexor is referred to as the iliopsoas muscle - which is actually just one of four muscles:

  • Lumbar iliac muscle (iliopsoas) it is composed of the iliac muscle and the Lumbar muscle together. They extend from the femoral neck to the lumbar region
  • The Straight thigh muscle originates in the tibia and extends to the ilium. It flexes the hip and is involved in extending the knee.
  • And the Thigh band tensionerwhich originates at the upper edge of the pool and reaches below the knee.

All of these muscles are engaged when you bend your hip and take a step, for example. A shortened hip flexor can therefore cause many different pains - from hip pain, knee pain to back pain. Back pain is the most common indicator of shortening.

What are the most common causes of a shortened iliopsoas muscle?

The biggest mistake we all make is sitting. When we sit, we don't need the hip flexor. It atrophies.

This is a completely normal process. The problem, however, is that our body gets used to this state. To compensate for this, the upper body pulls forward and balances it out.

If the abdominal muscles are also weak, the pelvis tilts forward. Our body now tries to straighten the upper body anyway. The hip flexor resists this. The victim is the lumbar spine.

Bad postures like a hollow back develop. And you'll get a whole load of lower back pain.

What can you do about it? Train your hip flexors! And sit as little as possible. Do you have the option of using a standing desk? Then do it!

It helps you to stretch the hip flexor and make sure that it does not atrophy even more.

If you don't have a standing desk, you can at least make some changes to your sitting position. Sit dynamically! Change your posture as often as you can and make sure your back is straight.

You should also do hip flexor exercises three times a week. Anything that stretches it is good. Long walks can also help if you make sure that your pelvis doesn't tilt forward and that you walk upright.

Every movement in which you straighten your legs and do not bend them additionally has a supportive effect on the iliopsoas muscle.

Our conclusion

You should regularly train and stretch your hip flexors if you want to prevent or get rid of lower back/knee pain. In addition to hip flexor exercises, don't forget to mobilize the entire hip musculature. Only then will your training be successful.

All the best for you and your hips! :)

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