Epilate or shave which is better?

Epilate or shave - what is better for hair removal

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We all know this, don't we girls? Every summer we ask ourselves the same question: epilate or shave which is better? And which hair removal method is better for me? We have done some research and have collected a lot of information about epilating or shaving.

Whether on the legs, in the bikini area or under the arms - there are many ways to get rid of hairs on all parts of the body.

Especially in summer, we women often ask ourselves: Epilate or shave?

Each hair removal method has its advantages and disadvantages. We took a close look and tell you the differences.

So you're sure to find the right method for you and your skin!

Epilating or shaving what is actually the difference?

With both methods, visible hairs disappear from unwanted areas such as the genital area, armpits, legs and arms.

Nevertheless, there is a fundamental difference between the methods. With shaving, the hair is cut off. With epilation, the hairs are plucked out - that is, removed with the root.

There are different procedures and options for both hair removal methods.

Whether you are more the Type to Epilate or shave also depends a little bit on your Pain threshold from.

But there are many more advantages and disadvantages of each hair removal method. So you can finally decide between epilating or shaving, we have listed all the pros and cons.

Epilating tips

Epilating or shaving - how long does the skin stay hair-free?

Here lies the biggest difference between shaving and epilation. Since the methods work differently, the legs are also smooth for different lengths of time.

Smooth legs after shaving

Shavers cut the hairs very close to the skin. This makes the skin very soft, smooth and supple. However, the hair is actually only shortened.

Already after less than a day, the hair root pushes out stubble again. Our legs, axles and the intimate zone become scratchy. How long you have smooth skin when shaving depends on your hair growth.

Blonde hair needs to form less dye and thus grows faster. The advantage: you still hardly see them. Only you know that your legs are stubbly again.

Dark hair takes a little longer, but is often visible before the legs have even formed stubble.

There are women who do not need to shave for two days. And others have to reach for the lady razor every day.

Smooth legs after epilation

For those who find themselves asking the question: "Epilate or shave?" chooses method 2, may not very sensitive to pain be

An epilator consists of small tweezers. They pluck each hair from the skin individually. And that includes the hair root.

This will give you smooth legs and a little time. Because the hairs must now grow from the hair root on new. This takes longer than if you just cut them off like shaving.

But again, it depends on your skin and hair type. As a rule, it takes two to three weeks until the hairs are long enough to be epilated again.

Braun Silk Epil 9
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The advantages and disadvantages with the epilator

Of course, each method has its advantages and disadvantages. You must weigh these up and then decide on a Hair removal method decide. Therefore, here's a very precise listing. Then it will be easier for you :)

Epilating advantages

People who epilate have smooth skin for longer. This is because the hairs must first grow roots again before they can sprout from the skin.

You buy an epilator once. You don't need expensive spare parts like you do with shaving. A good epilator lasts for many years and is always ready for use. Provided the battery is charged :)

Disadvantages of epilation

Yes, those who epilate have to endure some pain. Since the hairs are pulled out of the skin with the root, it pinches and tweaks quite a bit. But you get used to it after a while.

The process of epilation takes longer than shaving. So you need to allow yourself a little time. Compared to shaving, you still save a lot of time.

Epilators can be quite noisy. Some devices produce a lot of noise. Since only helps: make music loud and do not be disturbed :)

What you need to know about epilation

The skin gets used to the "pain" after time. So it does not hurt badly anymore. Also, the redness immediately after epilation is not so bad after time.

However, redness after hair removal in the genital area, armpits and legs is quite normal. Your skin is irritated now. But it will quickly calm down again.

Tips for less painful epilation

  1. Bath before epilating, the pores open and it becomes less painful
  2. Tension the skin in sensitive areas
  3. You can also use numbing cream
  4. Clean the epilator thoroughly to avoid inflammation

You should not go out in the sun with freshly epilated skin. Since the hairs have been plucked out, you will have many micro injuries. Take care of your skin for at least one day. And do not use creams with a lot of perfume or alcohol.

Tip: Homemade Aloe vera gel* Soothes the skin in a natural way.

In order to epilate your armpits, bikini line and legs, the hairs must be visible. That is, for a few days, you need to let the hair grow.

Epilating legs is no problem for many women. However, for more sensitive areas such as the genital area or armpits, the answer to the question "epilate or shave?" is clear in advance. You can also epilate the intimate area if you follow a few basic rules.

Tip: Permanent hair removal at home

Some skin and hair types have a very strong tendency to ingrown hairs. Often the best tips and tricks are of little help.

If this is also the case for you, you should think about permanent hair removal.

If you have very sensitive skin like me, you quickly get pimples, redness, ingrown hairs, etc. from shaving. This is especially annoying in the bikini area, but also on the legs it looks anything but beautiful.

I recently discovered something new for me: an IPL hair removal device!

This scleroses the hair roots. The hair can therefore no longer grow back. This works wonderfully if you have light skin and dark hair. This also prevents the typical dark spots on the skin that can occur despite shaving.

I use the IPL device for the bikini area and underarms. Give it a try. Most manufacturers offer a 100 day money back guarantee. This is also the case here with the Braun device, which you can order at Otto.de.

Braun IPL hair remover Silk-Expert Pro
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The pros and cons of shaving

Shaving is the most popular and widespread form of hair removal.

Shaving advantages

Shaving does not hurt. Because in the end it is nothing more than cutting hair. Just in different places and with a different method.

But the basic principle of hair removal remains the same. Unless you cut yourself nasty. But this is hardly possible with many women's razors.

Shaving is quite quick. Especially in the armpits is enough already once quickly shave and ready.

Epilate or shave legs

For on the road you can take a mini razor. And in the outdoor pool in the locker room just quickly shave again, if stubble forms.


When shaving, the skin remains smooth for only one day. At least for most women this is the case. So you need to check more often whether stubble can be seen and felt.

You have to keep buying new blades. These make shaving quite expensive.

But if you choose a razor, you can at least avoid this disadvantage. The razor plane is a little more expensive to buy, but a new blade costs only 10 to 15 cents. Instead of replacing the entire head as with a conventional razor, here you really only change the metal part of the blade.

This is easy on the wallet and the environment.

If you are interested, I can give you the Shaving razor from WLDOHO* recommend. I use the razor myself and am very happy with it because razor bumps and itchy armpits occur much less frequently.

What I also like is that for every model sold, a tree is planted. WLDOHO is committed to protecting the environment and wants to help avoid plastic, which is always produced with a conventional razor.

Wldoho razor plane
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By the way, you can choose from four different designs. From rose gold with sandalwood, to maple wood with gold, and also for those who like it classic black or white, there is something.

You have nothing to lose. If you are not completely convinced after 100 days, you can return your money. I love my razor and would not want to miss it!

What you should pay attention to when shaving

Do not shave your hair dry. This irritates the skin terribly, causing bad pustules and pimples. A wet shave with shaving foam is particularly gentle. And in the very best case, you still have a little time to shower or bathe before.

Warm water opens the pores and prevents redness.

An electric razor can capture the hairs better through vibration and makes the skin smoother.

After hair removal must clean the skin and the razor well. Who wants to know more about this can read our article "Shave bikini line without pimples". learn more.

The more blades the razor has, the smoother the skin will be.

A solution to this problem comes from Australian Bodycare. In the "Intimate Shave Set you will find a wash lotion, shaving gel and aftershave balm. I use the products myself and must say that they are really very helpful. The reason is that Tea tree oil*. It disinfects and soothes the skin. The smell takes some getting used to at first, but is better after a while. Tea tree oil* smell better than getting pimples and ingrown hairs :)

Australian Bodycare Intimate Shave for intimate shaving
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Shave or epilate - which is cheaper?

Shaving is the most widespread Method to get rid of hair. All you need is a razor, razor blades and shaving gel or shaving foam.

But here's the catch: the razor blades need to be changed at very regular intervals. They wear out and become dull. This irritates the skin and can lead to more inflammation and red pimples.

It is different when removing hair with an epilator. It is more expensive to buy than a razor. But in the long run, you can save a lot of money. Because with an epilator you have to change small blades.

Which is better - epilating or shaving?

You'll have to figure that out for yourself from the advantages and disadvantages listed. Because there's no one answer to this question. Everyone ticks differently.

Many women rely on a combination of shaving and epilation. The legs are epilated. The axes and bikini area shaved.

Two facts that will help you decide between shaving and epilating are pain sensitivity and permanence. Don't let others influence you. Just try both methods and then decide for yourself whether epilating or shaving is better.

Those who try epilation should have a little patience. In the beginning, of course, it takes a little longer and hurts. But after time it gets better.

Our conclusion

Whether you choose to epilate or shave depends entirely on your preferences. Try both methods of hair removal and find the best one for you.

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