How to start with Buchinger therapeutic fasting!

Fasting according to Buchinger therapeutic fasting

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Spring is approaching in leaps and bounds. Do you also feel the need to say goodbye to unpleasant kilos and mental ballast? Then Buchinger fasting is just the thing for you. We'll tell you what makes this fasting method so special!

Millions of people in Germany and Austria fast regularly. Most of them are women who want to do something good for their health and lose a few pounds.

Once or twice a year, they do without solid food. The best-known method is fasting according to Buchinger.

Only water, teas, vegetable broth and fruit juices are allowed during this time.

Does that sound terrible to you? It's half as bad!

Experienced people speak of carefree lightness and deep satisfaction after the fasting cure. Buchinger fasting is said to bring a lot of new energy.

Now you will learn what is important in this fasting method, what makes it so special and what mistakes you should not make under any circumstances.

What is Buchinger fasting?

Buchinger therapeutic fasting is designed to activate your body's self-healing powers. The fasting cure was developed by the physician Dr. Otto Buchinger. He used it to free himself from his severe rheumatism.

The reason for this is simply explained: Through the low food intake you flush stored toxins from your body. So a purification takes place.

The good news is that fasting according to Buchinger should lift the spirits. And thereby bring the soul into balance.

When fasting, abstaining from food naturally leads to focusing on the essentials. "Here, it is important to do everyday things consciously and to focus on one thing," explains Dr. Verena Buchinger-Kähler, the great-granddaughter of the inventor of the Buchinger fasting method.

So it's not about multitasking, but consciously staying in the moment and being mindful. She recommends keeping a journal during Lent to get through the fasting days with structure, support and security.

In short, Buchinger fasting is a drinking diet that involves taking in 200 to 300 calories a day and balancing body and soul.

Very important: Before you start fasting, see a doctor! Let clarify whether you are really fit and healthy. Otherwise you will harm a body with fasting cures!

Tip: Easier in the group

If you are trying Buchinger fasting for the first time, you can do it in a group. Many nutritionists and hotels offer special deals on fasting days. Please do not try it yourself if you are not familiar with it!

In addition, it is much easier to endure in a group. You get to know new people and can concentrate on fasting and yourself away from everyday life. We do not recommend Buchinger fasting at home if you have never done it before.

Tip: You can get a wonderful insight into fasting according to Buchinger in the book "Buchinger therapeutic fasting: My 7-day program"which you can order from Amazon.

The most important question: weight loss or therapeutic fasting?

If you want to lose weight quickly and permanently while fasting, then therapeutic fasting is not the right choice for you. It's more about detoxing and focusing on your body again. Feeling yourself and coming into harmony.

Of course you also lose weight. But that is not the primary goal.

You will only ever succeed in losing weight if you Change your diet permanently. So if you eat as usual again after Buchinger fasting, the kilos will soon be back on your hips.

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Because the fact is: if you eat exactly the right number of calories in a healthy and balanced way, you will quickly see lasting results on the scales.

Buchinger fasting eat

How does Buchinger fasting work?

You start your fasting program with 1-2 Relief days. On these days you may only eat light food. This will get your body and soul in the mood for fasting.

A complete intestinal cleansing is then carried out with bitter or Glauber's salt. Within the cure, further bowel emptying occurs regularly.

At least five days you then take only liquids. Either vegetable broth, diluted fruit or vegetable juices, water and herbal teas. You can use honey and lemon to refine your diet.

Other solid fasting components include light exercise, dry brush massages, relaxation exercises, liver wraps and Kneipp treatments.

The cure lasts a total of 7 to 9 days. There are many differences here, depending on the nutritionist or therapeutic fasting hotel.

What they all have in common is that you move a lot during the time. It's not about sports. Rather, it's walking and light hiking. Mediation is also on the to-do list. Meditating helps to come to rest and has lasting, positive effects on the brain.

The fresh air and sunshine give energy, put you in a good mood and help you get through the fasting days.

Under no circumstances should you plan difficult hiking tours or over-exert your body!

It is important to slowly accustom the body to solid food again after the fasting days. On these build-up days, you slowly crank up the digestive and metabolic functions again.

The relief day

Buchinger fasting is introduced with one or two relief days.

In doing so, you eat about 600 calories, consisting mostly of carbohydrates and very little protein.

Fat is dispensed with completely.

There are several ways a relief day can look.

  • 1st variant: If your gastrointestinal tract is not sensitive, feel free to have a fruit day. Spread 1.5 to 2 kg of fresh fruit over 5 meals throughout the day.
  • But beware: too much raw food and fructose can lead to abdominal pain!
  • 2nd variant: Baby, there's rice. Are you one of those people who have a sensitive stomach or intestines?
  • Then you should rather plan a rice day. Simply cook 50 g of rice three times a day and eat it with 200 g of steamed vegetables or unsweetened compote.
  • 3rd variant: You love oats? Then this alternative is just right. Cook about 35 g of whole grain flakes briefly in water three times a day. Add either 100 g of vegetables or fruit.

You should not drink alcohol and coffee on the relief days. Stay away from sweets, sugar of all kinds and cigarettes.

Instead, drink 2 liters of liquid. You have the choice between water or unsweetened teas.

The entry into fasting

If you have survived the relief day, then the next day follows a thorough bowel evacuation.

It is recommended to dissolve 40 g (about 2 heaped tablespoons) of Glauber's salt in 750 ml of warm water. You must drink this liquid quickly within 15 minutes.

After about 30 minutes you need to drink 1 liter of tea or water. After that you will spend some time on the toilet.

If you have difficulties with your stomach and intestines, you should only dissolve 20 to 30 g of Glauber's salt in water and drink it.

A laxative tea or laxative drops the night before are also possible.

Buchinger therapeutic fasting lose weight with fasting

What to drink during Buchinger fasting?

Buchinger fasting is a drinking cure. So there is a lot of liquid on your "menu" - mostly water and unsweetened tea. In moderation, juices and vegetable broth are allowed. However, no solid food. After the relief days with light food such as rice, fruit and vegetables, the bowels are emptied. And from now on you are only allowed to take in liquids.

But what exactly?

  • In the morning and afternoon 250 ml of tea with a little honey. If blood pressure is low, then ginger tea and green or black tea is ideal.
  • At noon 250 ml of freshly squeezed fruit juice.
  • Soup is allowed during Buchinger fasting. That's why in the evening there's 250 ml hot vegetable broth. You can make them yourself very easily. Chop various vegetables and herbs and boil them in water for 10 to 20 minutes. Then just strain and refine with spices and fresh herbs. If you have very low blood pressure, you can also add a pinch of salt.
  • In addition, you need to consume at least 2 liters of calorie-free liquids. The best is still mineral water or teas.

If you exercise a lot, you can also add some honey to the tea, which keeps blood sugar stable. However, if you are struggling with stomach and intestinal problems, it is better to drink chamomile and fennel tea instead of sour teas, fruit juices and honey. Also allowed a little butter or skim milk or some gruel.

What juices during fasting according to Buchinger?

Freshly squeezed juices are allowed during your fasting cure. You should not use store-bought juices, but make them yourself. This way you get the most vitamins and avoid additives. Two juices are especially popular:

  • Carrot orange lime ginger in the morning
  • Apple spinach kale in the evening

What are the advantages of Buchinger fasting?

Studies have already shown some valuable effects of Buchinger fasting on various diseases.

Thus, people with chronic, inflammatory diseases, psychosomatic disorders or those plagued by metabolic syndrome benefit.

Also overweight people benefit very much from it. Especially those who have a lot of fat on the abdomen.

Buchinger fasting releases more serotonin, a happy hormone, in the brain. This brightens your mood.

In addition, due to the reduced calorie intake, the body accesses the annoying fat deposits. This allows you to lose weight quickly.

Fasting with Buchinger therapeutic fasting

What you need to know about the risks of fasting

Despite its many health benefits, Buchinger fasting is not for everyone. Keep your hands off fasting methods if you are

  • are underweight. Then you should definitely not do this drinking cure.
  • are in the advanced stage of kidney or liver disease. Then you should definitely renounce Buchinger fasting.
  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Then you must not fast, because fasting-induced metabolic changes can harm your child.
  • you are still in the growth phase as a child or adolescent. You risk deficiency symptoms by fasting!

To start Buchinger fasting, you must be physically fit. Be sure to check with a doctor before you start fasting!

Questions that all beginners ask

Here you will find a list of the most important questions that beginners ask themselves. If in doubt: Seek advice from a doctor or fasting coach, they can support you in this phase.

How much vegetable broth can you drink while fasting?

In Buchinger fasting, you drink 250 ml of vegetable broth per day. Without any filler! With it you relieve your body and supply it nevertheless with electrolytes. More broth you may not drink fasting. If you don't like broth, you can replace it with 250 ml of fresh vegetable juice.

Why do people freeze when fasting?

Many fasting people report an increased sensation of cold in the first few days. Especially the toes and fingers freeze during fasting. This is completely normal and no reason to worry. The body must first adapt to fasting and adjust the metabolism.

Since you are not eating solid food, you lack nutritional energy. Likewise, few electrolytes are available to the body.

Normally, the body adapts. Until then, you can help yourself out with teas, hot water bottles and warm clothes.

Is lemon water allowed during fasting?

During fasting you need to drink a lot. Besides unsweetened teas and water, fruit juices are also allowed. So you can add some fresh lemon to the water. Just don't overdo it, some stomachs can be sensitive to the acid.

Do you have bowel movements during fasting?

When you fast and do not eat solid food, bowel movements also become much less. After emptying your bowels with Glauber's salt, there is hardly anything left in your gastrointestinal tract.

After the days of relief, you will still have solid bowel movements for about 2 days, depending on your digestion. This then decreases from day to day - no wonder, if you don't eat anything solid, you can't excrete anything either.

Our conclusion

Buchinger fasting is ideal for achieving rapid weight loss results or as an introduction to a healthy, balanced diet.

Especially the serotonin release during the cure helps to put your plan into action.

Buchinger fasting is not intended for long-term weight loss. In the short term, however, you can detoxify your body and free it from ballast. Not only your body will benefit from Buchinger fasting, but also your well-being, your vitality and your mind.

Good luck with the implementation!

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