That is why dried blueberries are the best remedy for diarrhea

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Nobody likes to talk about it, it's a taboo subject: diarrhea. But if you get it, you don't have to take medication right away. The best home remedy for diarrhea are blueberries!

Well, when was the last time you had diarrhea? This is a question that no one will ever ask you. Except maybe a doctor if you have digestive problems.

There is no need to be ashamed of it. Many years ago, my grandmother told me about a home remedy that immediately puts an end to it.

Because it helps so well, I now only rely on blueberries for diarrhea. This not only saves a lot of money, but is a completely natural remedy that you can easily get in the forest.

Today I show you how to use blueberries for diarrhea and what to look for.

Blueberries are mega healthy. They contain a lot of tannins, which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. They are also full of antioxidants that protect our cells.

One can take advantage of these benefits by eating the berries fresh or drying them and benefiting from their anti-diarrheal effects.

Dried blueberries against diarrhea

Why blueberries help against diarrhea

Important to know: Only wild blueberries help against diarrhea. They are much smaller than cultivated blueberries and taste much more intense. And they contain much more herbal active ingredients.

Fresh blueberries aid digestion. If you eat a lot of fresh blueberries, you can get diarrhea. But for that you would have to eat a kilogram at a time.

Dried blueberries are known to help with diarrhea. The reason for this are the tannins. Not only do they have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, but they also contract the mucous membranes and form a protective layer in the intestines.

The tannins in blueberries bind the protein found in our mucous membranes. Thus, the surface of the mucous membranes is solidified. The diarrhea pathogens can no longer penetrate the intestinal mucosa. And the diarrhea is over thanks to blueberries. :)

How to take blueberries for diarrhea

As with all home remedies, everything can, nothing must. This home remedy helps me so well that I don't have any other medications or aids from the pharmacy. Whether this is also the case for you, you have to try it out.

Overall, dried blueberries are very well tolerated.

You have two options. Either you prepare a tea from dried blueberries for diarrhea or you just eat them.

Tip: Dried blueberries you can order online at Shop Apotheke.

dried blueberries against diarrhea

Blueberry tea

Put two tablespoons of blueberries in a pot. Bring them to a boil with 200 ml of water. Once the water boils, take the pot off the stove and close it with a lid.

Let the decoction brew for 10 minutes. Strain the berries and drink the tea.

The daily dose of dried blueberries is 60 grams for adults. One tablespoon has about 15 grams.

So you can drink the tea more often during the day.

However, the tea works very quickly, you should notice after 30 minutes at the latest that you feel much better.

Eat blueberries mere

If you don't mind the taste and chewing, you can eat dried blueberries just fine if you have diarrhea.

For this, take about 1 tsp of dried berries and chew them at least 20 times before swallowing.

You can repeat this 3-4 times a day. For me, however, it works the first time.

For children, you can prepare an oatmeal with dried blueberries.

By the way, dried blueberries are not only delicious for diarrhea. They also taste good in small quantities in muesli. Just do not exaggerate the amount! :)

If you do not notice any improvement in the symptoms, please see a doctor.

Drying blueberries against diarrhea yourself

Dried blueberries you can order online at Shop Apotheke or simply collect and dry them yourself. I dry about a handful every year. This is enough for a year. The berries act quickly and are very intense. So you only need to take very few.

Important: Only pick blueberries if you are really sure that you are picking the right berries! If you don't know what you're picking, you could end up with poisonous deadly nightshade or rowan berries.

dried blueberries

If you are unsure, you can buy fresh wild blueberries at many markets.

In mixed or coniferous forests you can find blueberries from mid-June. On the mountain, of course, they are ripe later. Depending on the altitude, often not until August.

If you do not want to have blue fingers, put on gloves when collecting. But the paint can be removed with soap or Citric acid* relatively easy to wash off your hands.

With clothing, the situation is somewhat different. Here, the dark blue is very stubborn. So it's best not to wear a favorite white shirt.

Collect the berries and put them in a box with a lid.

At home, you have three choices: Eat fresh or use for baking - mega delicious in yogurt or cheesecakes! Freeze and later prepare something from it. Or for a rainy day dried blueberries against diarrhea manufacture.

You can store the dried berries in empty jam jars or sealable plastic bags. Important: Close tightly so that no air can get to them, otherwise they will become damp again and start to mold.

Blueberries drying outdoors

When you get home, you need to quickly separate the berries, otherwise they will begin to mold.

I take a baking tray and line it with baking paper. The berries are now placed on this paper.

On it I put the rack from the oven. Because otherwise the birds will quickly make off with the berries. Also, it is a protection against cats, who will love to lie down on the warm tray.

Place the baking tray with the berries in the sun. Bring it back inside in the evening so that the berries do not get damp overnight. And in the early morning go outside again.

Make sure that it can not rain on the blueberries. If the weather is bad, you can put them on the window sill. But they should get a lot of sun.

After 3-4 days, the blueberries should be ready.

Dried blueberries home remedy

Drying blueberries in the oven

You do not have a balcony or garden where you can dry the berries? Then of course it also works in the oven.

Again, you need a baking tray, which you line with baking paper. Turn on the oven to 50° and circulating air.

Clamp a cooking spoon or oven mitt in the oven door to allow moisture to escape.

Oven drying takes a lot of energy because you have to dry the berries for several hours. I've never tried it in the oven, but you should allow at least 6 hours. In some forums I also found info that it takes 12 hours.

Alternatively, you can put them in a dehydrator.

Our conclusion

Everyone should know that dried blueberries help with diarrhea. So go ahead and spread the word! This is a completely natural and healthy home remedy that helps quickly and without side effects.

Get well soon! :)

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