Mega abs workout with Bicycle Crunches!

Bicycle Crunches - exercises lower abdomen

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Time for an effective ab workout! This is what Bicycle Crunches are all about and this is how you do the bicycle abdominal press correctly.

Do you feel like a round of abdominal training? Then you've come to the right place. Let's do Bicycle Crunches! They'll strengthen not only your straight abs, but your oblique abs as well.

You'll sculpt beautiful abs, strengthen your core and define your midsection. And on top of that, you'll learn to coordinate your body better overall.

Of course you could also do classic crunches or sit upsbut this will become boring for you and your abs after a while. If you want to build muscle, then you need variety.

A trained abdomen involves much more than just the straight abdominal muscles - today we pay special attention to the lateral abdominal muscles.

The Bicycle Crunch is one of the best exercises for building strength in the core while toning the legs. Many also suggest that this execution helps to Burn belly fat - why this is not the case, we will clarify later.

The exercise did not get its name from somewhere. If you translate the exercise, then Bicycle Crunches are bicycle abdominal crunches in German - however, hardly anyone calls the exercise by its German name. The execution of Bicycle Crunches reminds a little of cycling.

Bicycle Crunches Execution

If you feel a burning in your abs, you're doing everything right. :)

Of course, a little more is needed to perform the abdominal exercise properly. What I would like to give you in advance: Do Bicycle Crunches slowly! Take your time and tighten your muscles. This makes the exercise mega effective.

How do Bicycle Crunches go?

  • You start in the supine position.
  • Place your hands loosely on the back of your head. The elbows point outward.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles while pulling your navel towards your back.
  • Lift your legs, head and shoulders off the exercise mat.
  • Turn the head and shoulder slightly to the right.
  • Pull your left elbow toward your right knee. They touch at about the same height as the center of your body.
  • Return the upper body, elbow and leg to the starting position. But do not put them down!
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side.

How many Bicycle Crunches?

Bicycle crunches are most effective when you do 10 to 20 reps per side and only then give yourself a break. Do 3 sets to really challenge your abs.

The point is not to do as many as possible, but to tense the body firmly in the process. Quality goes before quantity and ensures that the muscles are challenged really hard.

Bicycle Crunches for Beginners

The fact that Bicycle Crunches will be difficult for beginners is preprogrammed. To perform the bicycle crunches cleanly, you already need some muscles.

But of course there is a solution: with the Bicycle Crunch for beginners you imitate the Standing exercise to.

Stand upright and pull your right knee to your left elbow and vice versa. The two meet in front of your body.

Make sure that your back is straight and not bent!

The Bicycle Crunch for advanced

Doing the exercise normally is too boring for you? Then try the advanced Bicycle Crunches.

You can attach weight cuffs to your ankles for this. Or you can perform Bicycle Crunches on a machine at the gym.

Bicycle Crunches Advanced

What to look for in bicycle crunches

There are a few things you need to keep in mind. Only if you can perform Bicycle Crunches correctly, they will be effective.

  • Lift only the shoulders and head off the mat.
  • The lower back remains on the floor throughout the exercise.
  • Do the reps slowly. It's not about doing a lot of them. Rather, you should tighten your muscles properly and focus on the clean execution of the Bicycle Crunches.
  • Elbows and knees do not necessarily have to touch each other. Do not force anything. If you do, you may get a bad pain in your neck.

Which muscles are trained during crunches?

Like regular crunches, Bicycle Crunches primarily target your abdominals and core. You strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles with Bicycle Crunches. But also the upper and lower muscles in the abdomen. All in all, this is a fantastic and super effective exercise for the entire torso. But that's not all, because the hip flexor is also stressed.

The oblique abdominal muscles are divided into the internal and external oblique abdominal muscles. Together they ensure that you can tilt, rotate and turn your upper body from side to side. They also have an important support function for the lower back.

In order to effectively train the oblique abdominal muscles, you need to challenge them in three directions and from the angle. Bicycle crunches combine all this in just one exercise.

In addition, the training focuses on coordination and strengthening.

In sum, this exercise is all about building more core stability that you can benefit from in your everyday life. Bicycle Crunches will make your abs glow! :)

The most common mistakes with Bicycle Crunches

Like any exercise, the Bicycle Crunch is prone to mistakes. But once you've got the technique down, the next time you'll be able to do it almost without thinking.

By the way, if you have problems with coordination, don't worry. This is quite normal in the beginning. It will get better after a while.

Here you'll find a great explanation of the exercise and the most common sources of error.

You pull your head forward

This is the absolute classic that almost all beginners do wrong. They pull their head forward too much, with their hands.

The shoulders remain almost completely on the mat. The real cheating pros even clasp their hands behind their heads to pull harder.

Don't do that!

Try to lift yourself up with the strength of your abdominal muscles. Of course, you will stretch your head forward a bit, that's normal. However, the main movement should really come from the abdominal muscles.

You pull the knee too far towards you

If you didn't cheat with your head, you might cheat with your knee :)

And that's when you pull your knee almost up to your chin, just so you don't have to straighten up with your upper body.

Of course, this is also nonsense. Yes, Bicycle Crunches are strenuous. But that's the way it's supposed to be. So no more cheating!

The second leg lies on the mat

On the training mat, besides your butt, only your lower back has anything to do. Lift the leg that you are not pulling to the elbow off the floor.

This way, your abdominal and leg muscles have a lot more work to do.

So: Up the leg! :)

By the way: Knees and elbows do not necessarily have to touch. If it doesn't work out at first, that's not so bad. After time, with Bicycle Crunches, not only will your abs get stronger, but your flexibility will improve as well.

Abdominal press exercise without equipment

Why can't I lose weight on my stomach with Bicycle Crunches?

Do a few sit ups and crunches and you will immediately have a flat stomach. That's what many women's magazines promise. We don't do that. Because it's not true. Not even close.

You can do as many reps as you want, your belly fat won't change much.

Indeed, building muscle and melting body fat are two different things.

If you want to get rid of body fat on your belly, you have to do it on your entire body. Losing weight only in one specific area won't work. That would be too good.

On the abdomen, rolls of flab last particularly long.

Why Bicycle Crunches are so effective

There aren't that many exercises that really get your abs burning. And they don't require any equipment at all. Bicycle crunches are a wonderful home exercise that you can do anytime.

After just 10 repetitions of 3 sets, your abs will be working properly. That means you don't even need a lot of time to really challenge the muscles.

Because you're including both obliques and straight abs in the workout, you'll soon be rewarded with nice abs.

In 2001, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) identified the best abdominal exercises. Thirteen common exercises were compared with each other and examined for their effectiveness. According to the study, the best exercises for the straight and lateral abdominal muscles are bicycle abdominal crunches. Another good reason to include them regularly in your workout.

Our conclusion

With Bicycle Crunches you can't specifically lose weight around your belly, but you can build muscle. And they will help you increase your basal metabolic rate and shed those pesky pounds.

Crunches are an easy way to tone your core and build abs at home.

However, if you have neck or back pain, then you should ask your doctor first if you are allowed to do this exercise. Do not do crunches if you are pregnant.

Good luck and have fun training. :)

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